Christmas Special (Pt 1)

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Spring's POV (Christmas Day)

I yawned tiredly. The sun seeping through the darkness which was provided with my eyes closed. I blinked my eyes open a few times. Stupid sun... I thought to myself. When my eyes adjusted to the intense brightness I sat up, stretched and yawned loudly. Golden Freddy wasn't by my side this time because he went home...something about a surprise for tomorrow. I didn't know what it was. I made my way out of bed and into my bathroom. I immediately stripped down to nothing turning on the shower and stepping in. I groaned when the hot water hit me and cascaded down on me, I prefer hot water, or hot weather over cold anything. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist, brushed my teeth and walked out and in my closet picking out decent clothes. Usually I would just wear sweats and a T-Shirt but since it was christmas and I was meeting Goldie's parents today I figured I may as well look like I didn't just crawl out of bed.

When I was done I looked in the mirror satisfied, a purple T-shirt that fit me perfectly, jeans, no shoes of course because I don't wear shoes in the house. Not that I don't always not wear shoes in the house. I just like the feeling of my feet not being suffocated by the things I walk in for 20 million hours a day. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and texted Goldie.

Me- Hey, when are you coming over?

I waited for Goldie to respond.

Goldie- It'll be awhile, probably be there around noon, oh and you might have a get ready~

Oh god...more people...oh god...oh god...oh god...oh GOD!

Me- If it's any more than 10 people I swear to god Goldie next time you come over to sleep you're sleeping on the couch.

Goldie- With me, my brother, and parents is 4 and plus the other people is 3 so only 7...and don't bother cooking anything my parents don't want you to cook for them or anything plus I got a surprise for you so....

Me- noon it is then, love you!

Goldie- Love you too!

I smiled at that last text, the word love was still so weird to me, and even weirder to say. The fact that I found someone that loves me and that I's just...bizzare to think about. My mind started racing about what Goldie's surprise is, I had a surprise for Goldie too...and it may or may not be waiting in the garage or anything...totally not in the garage and kinda big.

I stood there and looked at the time. It was 10:43 a.m... I groaned loudly "2 more hours...I might as well die from boredom" I muttered. I made my way downstairs the decorations that me and Goldie set up now revealed. There was little ornament stuff hanging from the ceiling, some mistletoes, and an elf hanging from the ceiling...that poor elf. I peeked my head in the living room to see the huge tree in the living room with lights all about that could be controlled from an app on my phone by the way. There were some presents under the tree...mainly because they were mine to Goldie's and his to me. You know because Goldie is the only person who has been in my house. My tree was about 10 feet ceiling about 15 feet tall. And same with the second you all have an idea of the height of my house plus the attic and basement. The foyer itself which was what you entered into, was kinda small, I mean it was just the area where you entered into which led off into the living room which was to the left when you entered in and the kitchen on the right and the stairs ahead with arch ways under it, small archways but still.

As I said the bills are expensive...and I still don't know why I chose this house...I could've chosen something that would feel nice and roomy but I chose something that made me feel like I was in a mansion and I was the only one. I walked around making sure everything was ok and in order. I had to call work and tell them I wasn't going to be coming in...because there is no way I'm coming in on christmas, and they seemed to understand knowing my past and everything. I walked into the kitchen seeing it nice and stocked, I then from the kitchen walked into the dining room. Yes I have a dining room, I should also probably mention that I have a little library from the dining room that also connects into the living room but is also down like 3 steps so it's kinda unique.

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