2 Year Anniversary (Not a chapter)

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Hi guys, so I know I've done a few of these author things but this one is kind of special for me and you'll see why. I planned on originally putting this in the beginning of the next Final Stand chapter, but to be honest I don't know if I'll have that chapter done by the end of today and I don't want to rush it and if I do this any later it doesn't feel the same. So I'm doing it now. So let me explain. Exactly 2 years ago at 11:22 P.M. I posted my very first chapter. My actual first chapter. You guys may know, the book was called  Springtrap X Golden Freddy?!?! (COMPLETED!!!) And it was the chapter named "Accident?" However there was something before that, and was posted on the same day introducing myself and was called. "Hello guys!" I was 14 at that time...just think of that...14...someone back then P.M'd me introducing themselves as well saying how they were 16...if that's true then their literally 18 right now. That's kinda crazy that this is the official two year mark of writing. This exact day 2 years ago I posted the first chapter 11 hours from now I would have the first chapter. And never did I think it would receive as much support as it has. 

I finished that book on December 30th with that last chapter the fight between evil? The support that the book got was mainly the reason I even made a second book. Because there's no point in writing something that no body views you're just writing a book to an invisible audience.

From their I started the second book, otherwise known as a sequel. I had even originally planned on after the first book and second book doing a prequel sequel which if you all don't know what that is. It is a book that comes out after another book but the time line takes place before that book. So for example, if I were to do a prequel sequel after the first two books as a third book. I would have the timeline take place before the two books started however it would be a book that was started after the other two...makes sense? And I was going to do that, but I didn't know how to make it interesting to read so I scrapped it. After that I believe I started my first Art book that is now discontinued as theirs an official one that never gets updated because I can never find the time anymore to sit down and draw.

After that I started the first book that I ever discontinued and still feel horrible about. It was a book that was The things that make us whole and was a Slasher X Midnight book. In case you all are reading this book for your first one and it's your first book reading as me as the author Slasher and Midnight are two of my OC's my first ever was Slasher, who's name is actually NightSlasher but Slasher for short. I made him have my personality, he is basically my favorite color and literally resembles me. So there was a reason I discontinued it. It was mainly because I was basically in a sense having myself date a fictional character that I created...and there was always that awkward atmosphere when I wrote a chapter...especially when I wrote that smut chapter. Because not only that I also kept thinking that you guys thought I was literally just dating a fictional character myself. So I ended up discontinuing it and also because it was kind of a dead book at that time. Right now it was around 240 views? I've been asked by a few people to continue it and I have been thinking about it. I have been, but it's something that if I do I want to know if people want it, I'm fine with it and I can go along with it I don't mind writing it but I also want to know how people feel about it and whether they would want to read something like that. Because with having a job now if I just write the book and it gets no support I just wasted my time writing to an audience that was never there in the first place.

And then I started the book that is STILL GOING ON. The Final Stand...you all know what's about to go down now lol. Alright so, I can't have a specific date on when I started this, because awhile ago I ended up accidently deleting like the first few chapters and had to find them on google docs. This is why I write the chapters on google docs because if I write them on here and accidently delete them then that's all that effort literally gone. So I don't really remember when I started this it's been so long honestly. The book is so long at this point that I've forgotten about half of it. You guys probably know this but did you know Goldie and Spring's Golden power was never originally supposed to be stacked on other powers to keep them from being to OP? If not I don't blame you it was a looooong time ago...but yea...and what did I do? I did the exact opposite. That's why I've said if I write anything that contradicts something from like a year ago it's because it was that long ago and I'm not going through 30 chapters 5,000 words plus just to find that one little line. I could write several chapters before I find that one chapter. That's why after the epilogue of this book, yes there is going to be an epilogue. I'm going to post a chapter that's like a fun facts chapter that's going to say everything this book was originally going to be because this book has changed dramatically from what it was originally suppose to be. 

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now