Extra Scene #3

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Alrighty guys! This is the 3rd Extra scene and the FINAL smut scene of this book! This is the smut scene that was requested by a few people so I shall do my duty to deliver! Anyways this is smut between Goldie, Spring, and Nightmare, with Spring being the sub and Goldie and Nightmare being very much doms...be warned this is the FIRST threesome I've ever done, I have never read a threesome, never seen one, so I'm going into this without ANY knowledge...this chapter may be cringy alrighty? Also this is completely non-canon to the actual storyline of this book to make things less confusing and less controversial when it comes time for the next book. So any actions that seem unfamiliar in this chapter remember they are NOT part of the actual story line, this is completely NON CANON, meaning not a part of the original storyline...if you're still confused think of this being in a parallel universe or something if that helps.

ALSO, I have gotten a couple of requests to change my bio to little things about me. Because I guess after 2 years of writing you all wanna know more about me? So if you're wanting to know more of who I am as a person you can go check that out since I usually stay quiet about this stuff...I don't know how long that'll be up...could be for awhile or maybe not I'm not sure yet. It goes from age, to height, to things I like, things I dislike, sexuality (Oh boy...) fun facts about me that many don't know, and more. However my name is not included...mainly because if a specific friend of mine sees my name they'll immediately know who I am...plus my name is kinda embarassing...I mean not really but also at the same time...it's a Unisexual name meaning can be used for a boy or girl.

Anyways I'm going to shut up now and I hope you all enjoy the chapter and PLEASE bear with me as we take a journey through this together.

P.S- I'm making a little background of the characters so if you wanna skip that keep scrolling down until you see where I say to stop scrolling for the heated scenes.

Springtrap's POV

I was sitting in my room sitting on my window-ceil and looking out on the road. The leaves swayed in the wind, the pounds of traffic traversing through the road. I could hear sirens faintly down in the distance, supposedly there had been a crash or wreck and I 54 was to be shut down. That was the highway my boyfriend took...or one of my boyfriends to me more exact. I know that isn't common in this day and age but I'm not about the whole typical stereotypical dating stuff...nor anything really. You may be thinking, "So you have two boyfriends? You must be a girl." And to that I say no, I'm a male. Specifically a male Hybrid Bunny. Through Anthropomorphic Technology in the 2050's humans can be changed into what is known as a furry. My mother and Father both became furry through A.T. And with their genes I was born into a furry...currently there is no way to reverse the effects and hybrids born as hybrids cannot be reversed into a human. Not that I wanted to be human. I liked having fur to keep me warm in -10 degree weather.

(I've actually heard this could become a thing...possibly within our lifetimes! I've heard it once though, so I might do some research but I think it might end up being possible eventually...maybe in our lifetime maybe not...though I don't think it would be name Anthropomorphic Tech...or maybe so I dunno lol)

I had Golden Fur, my mother had white fur and my Dad was like a Dark yellow and combined together I ended up being a Golden shade.

My parents were currently on a date night...or a date weekend to be exact. They were staying at a really nice hotel in Hawaii. 5 Stars actually. And no we aren't rich, we live comfortably but not like rich people. Our house wasn't the biggest, but I didn't' like big, I liked space enough to suit my needs. I was that type of person that liked to fill empty space so living in a mansion I would fill about 90% of the free space with something stupid knowing me.

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