Spring's Little Secret.

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(5 Minutes Later)

Golden Freddy's POV

So currently we were sitting on Spring's couch in his house with Bonnie looking around in amazement. "H-How does Spring afford this if he lives alone?" Bonnie asks. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out...that was actually a really good question. "That's a good question..." I say now realizing just how much this house must cost. The outside looked average...a two story house with an attic and basement but the inside was a whole 'nother story. "So we're waiting on Spring to get changed?" Bonnie asks in confusion as I shrug. "I know about as much as you do dude." I say.

Me and Bonnie then begin hearing footsteps from the stairs. We both turned our heads to see Spring walking down the stairs adjusting his tie. "Umm..." Bonnie says confused. Spring had a white button up Shirt with a black tie which Spring was adjusting. He still had my black skinny jeans on and had a black belt with nice looking black shoes. His hair was to the side hanging slightly in front of his eye instead of being messy. He looked like he was getting ready for a wedding.

My eyes scanned Spring up and down. He looked really nice...like really good. The shirt fit him really well. "W-Why are you dressed up so nice?" I stumble over my words a bit. Spring smiled, "Well this is half my work attire, since I'm not working I don't need to be fully dressed up. Though I do need to look good even if I go down and I'm not working and only am visiting." Spring says.

I noticed he still had the bracelet on his wrist which I would've thought he would've taken off by now. "Alright, you guys ready? I don't know about you but I'm not working so I don't want to be in this for too long." Spring says fumbling with his tie uncomfortably. "You look nice in it though." I say. Spring froze, "U-Um...t-thanks." Spring says shyly. "So...you have a job?" Bonnie asks as we get off the couch. "Spring nods holding his right arm with his left awkwardly. "It's...not like any job though." Spring says awkwardly. "Follow me and you'll see." Spring says turning and urging us to follow. Which we did, he led us into the kitchen and pulled a remote out from a drawer and pressed a red button. The island counter in the middle of the kitchen suddenly began turning sideways revealing a flight of stairs heading down. "That's the basement." Spring says pressing another button. Suddenly lights flip on revealing the bottom of the flight of stairs. "H-How..." Bonnie mutters in amazement as Spring begins making his way down the stairs. I looked at Bonnie who looked at me, we were both trying to wrap our minds about this before Spring called out. "You guys coming?" Spring called out. "O-Oh. uh yea!" I said as I began jogging down the stairs with Bonnie behind me.

When we made it to the bottom it was like a min gym set up. With a ton of punching bags and 3 treadmills. Bonnie began stumbling over words not being able to make out a coherent sentence at this $1,000 set up alone. Probably looking closer to a couple grand by those punching bags. "These punching bags each hold a different amount of sand. All the way from 100 pounds to 10,000 pounds." Spring explains as Bonnie's jaw dropped. "W-Wait can I try punching one?" Bonnie asks as Spring raises an eyebrow. "I would recommend the 100 pounds one...but do whichever one you want." Spring says as Bonnie nods.

He then stood in front of the 3rd one. "Um-" Spring goes to say before Bonnie punches the bag which didn't move. Bonnie howled in pain as Spring sighed, "You hit the 1,000 pound bag dude, there are pound labels on it for a reason." Spring says. "You could've told me sooner." Bonnie hissed. "I tried." Spring said, shrugging. "Are you sure that things are not made of steel?" Bonnie asks as Spring chuckles. "No, you just hit it very very wrong." Spring says.

"Alright then Mr. hotshot you show me how it's done." Bonnie says backing up as Spring shrugs. "Alrighty...first of all your stance was very sad." Spring says standing in front of the bag. He then put back his right foot and turned a 90 degree angle to the right before turning his upper torso and putting most of his weight on the balls of his foot.

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