The Imposter

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Golden Freddy's POV

The way to Spring's house was eerily quiet. Neither me or Bonnie really talked at all the entire way from the tension that was thick enough to be cut by a knife. When we arrived at Spring's house me and Bonnie got out. The wind howled, the street lights flickering. No lights were on in Spring's house which was already strange. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Bonnie muttered. "If something bad happened to Spring...I swear to god whoever did it will suffer." I mutter grabbing onto Bonnie's wrist before dragging him up the stairs. I went to open the door only for it to be locked. "Spring!" I exclaimed, knocking on the door.

No response.

"Spring!!" I exclaimed. Slowly the door opened revealing a dark foyer. I stepped in with Bonnie into the darkness before sliding my hands against the wall trying to find the light switch. When I found it light spewed from the darkness blinding both me and Bonnie.

My eyes adjusted to the light before looking around, "Oh shoot that lit up the living room as well." Bonnie mutters making his way into the living room. I followed Bonnie looking around carefully, "Spring?!" Bonnie calls out as I notice something on the couch. "Hm? What's this?" I question. Bonnie looks over as I look down at the stain on the couch. "A stain...guess Spring's a messy eater?" Bonnie asks. "Spring doesn't eat in the living room..." I mutter before looking around more. "Hey there's something over here behind the'" Bonnie asks as I get up on the couch and look over it down on the ground. My eyes widened when I saw dried red liquid on the ground...followed by a hand print.

"T-That's not any liquid..." I muttered.

"That's blood..." I continued as Bonnie's eyes widened. "SPRING!!!" I exclaimed. "Hi!" Me and Bonnie both screamed before spinning around to see Spring standing there smiling widely. "God Spring you scared me!" Bonnie exclaims. "Sorry, didn't mean too." Spring says apologetically. "Sprign what's on the floor behind the couch?" I ask as Spring tilts his head. "Oh yea that's paint.." Springs says. I looked over at teh dried liquid again...which included different shades throughout it. "That's really realistic looking." I muttered. "I know, had it mixed with some black paint in various areas giving it a darker shade...I was gonna do something with it but then I accidentally split some." Spring says.

"What were you gonna do with the paint?" Bonnie asks. "Well that's not very important now is it? Anyways you guys wanted to tell me something?" Spring asks almost eagerly. Too eagerly... " yea, we found out something about the whole thing when you were being stalked..." Bonnie says. "Ah yes what did you find out?" Spring asks. "We found out that they have marks on them that represent a cult of sorts which has evolved into something that Jason is the leader we think that they could be stalking you because they're trying to find you...which isn't good." Bonnie says. "Exactly, which is why I plan on letting you stay at my house." I said. "Oh no I can't do that Golden Freddy." Spring says. "You're not saying no this time." I mutter. "I have important things to I can't." Spring says. "What could possibly be more important than your life?" Bonnie asks as Spring shrugs.

"Exactly, that's why you're coming with us, you're not staying here being live bait." I say. "I'm sorry...I can't do that." Spring says seriously. "Besides I'm sure it's nothing serious!" spring exclaims a wide smile appearing on his face. I looked at Bonnie who looked back at me with wide eyes. Spring was acting kinda weird. I suddenly felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out...and my heart stopped when I saw it was a message.

From Spring...

Goldie didn't come over to my house tonight, something isn't right and I'm not home currently...I'm at a hotel in case you're wondering but I think those 5 I was talking about might be on the move to trying to capture whatever you do DON'T. GO. IN. MY. HOUSE.

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