(FINALE PT. 2) Like Father...Like Son...(END)

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(ALRIGHTY Guys! This is the last official chapter of the First Book! This excludes the epilogue, and the bonus scenes. I am REALLY excited to do this as I've had this ending in my mind playing it out SO many times since Goldie and Spring started dating! (Though I'm making sure this ending isn't as good as the ending for the second book...which I already have an idea of how to go about it...crazy I know) This is the finale between Spring and Jason, and then after this chapter leading into the epilogue which I don't count as a chapter but the resulting conclusions to the whole book. The bonus scenes are...well what you would expect. Bonus scenes, the first one will be smut between Freddy and Bonnie, second one between Goldie and Spring, and 3rd and 4th I can't say...it's a secret XD...anyways enjoy!)

As well there is a song above for you guys to listen to while reading this, figured I'd see if you guys like This and if so I may start doing it more.

P.S I Cant believe this entire thing happened in literally 38 chapters...holy crap!

Spring's POV

11:00 P.M

The rain was pouring, lightning was no stranger anymore as it struck multiple times within seconds...though I'm pretty sure there was a tornado somewhere near here...so it's probably effects from that causing such horrible weather. My fur was damp enough that if you were to ring me out it would probably fill a bathtub.

Jason...I mean...Dad...looked no different than I remembered him the last time...and the time before...and the time before... He was tall...dark purple fur like Bonnie's, though wearing a tuxedo with a stunning red bowtie...His silver eyes matching mine glimmered. Weirdly enough...he was smiling. Not a psychotic smile...but a smile...a literal fucking smile...something I don't think I ever saw in my entire life.

"I should've expected you'd be able to find us...you are one of my sons after all." Dad says. I eyed him suspiciously... "Though I would like to know how you found me...because there's no way you could've tracked me down normally." Dad says. "I knew you wouldn't have used any high tech technology, for instance if anyone were to report findings of an unfamiliar tech running through the streets of the city it would be a high factoring indicator of your whereabouts so I figured you would pull a typical normal route of any psychopaths to minimize your chances of being found. Unfortunately for you, the train you ride on is not a private one...you just rented it out for this and hired someone to operate this train that was willing to risk their life to do your bidding, knowing this was a public train, and accessing our cities cameras I was able to get a general following of the route you were taking was towards the city over yonder. There are only a limited number of different train routes and looking into all of them I saw one was privately booked costing a lot of money people normally wouldn't have...if it were a private train which there isn't one in the city then that would be a different story, but knowing that I was able to track you down and not only find out when you would arrive so we could catch a ride but calculated the time approximately until this bridge is doomed to fall into that canyon because of an unfinished bridge project." I explained.

The others including Goldie looked completely confused, but Dad just nodded. "I guess I should've taken that into account...but when our eyes are so set on something you tend to rush...to attain that idea. Isn't that true...SON?" Dad asks as I gulped knowing full well that I rushed into a situation I failed to assess causing a full scale fight...well...more like playground fight to break out. "But it worked out...now the only thing stopping us from rescuing Bonnie is you." I say.

Jason smiled, "Who said I WANTED to kill my other son? No...I just want to kill you specifically...and using Bonnie as bait was a sure fire way to lure you here..." Dad says as I narrowed my eyes. "You've said you wanted to kill Bonnie and everyone I loved." I muttered. "Yes, BUT I would do that to achieve my ultimate goal. I wouldn't do that if I didn't need to...why would I put more work on myself when I can find an easier route? No my ultimate goal is to kill you...you've been a pain in my side for the past few months...no YEARS since I escaped and before...I should've killed you while I had you trapped but I figured I could implement a chip into your brain essentially rewiring it to have you do my bidding...but that didn't turn out well." Dad explains.

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