Brotherly Hatred

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(Sometimes it's the little things that give more information than what's blatantly told)

Bonnie's POV

I turned off my car and got out closing my door as my eyes scanned up and down at the building that I had been away from for a few months from Summer break...and now I'm back...yay...I made my way in the doors looking around at the massive hoard of students all trying to make their way to class. I sighed "This is why I can't have nice things..." I mutter as I pull out my folded up schedule from my pocket. "Chemistry..." I mutter.

"Hey Bonnie!" I hear a familiar voice exclaim. I look up to see Foxy waving at me. I raised an eyebrow and gave a small wave back. "How have you been throughout the summer?" Foxy says walking up to me. "We saw each other 2 days ago." I say. "An entire summer vacation worth of days!" Foxy exclaims as I sigh again facepalming. "What do you have for the first hour?" Foxy asks. "Chem." I state. "Cool same here, hey did you hear about the new student starting today?" Foxy states.

"Oh of course not we only have." I cut myself off counting on my fingers up to 4. "We only have 52 new students starting this year, which one?" I ask sarcastically. "I think I heard that he kinda looks like you..." Foxy says as my eyes lock onto Foxy. "Kinda looks like me?" I ask as Foxy nods. "That's all I've heard today...but he's in our grade so maybe you'll see him today? I know his name starts with an S...but that's all I know..." Foxy says as I narrow my eyes. "Does he have a scar over his right eye?" I ask as Foxy opens his mouth before shutting it. "How did you know?" Foxy asks as I let out a silent growl. Foxy's eyes widen, "Woah calm down bud something wrong?" Foxy asks as I turn around my fists clenching. "No...let's go." I say as I start walking down the halls my mind racing.

If it's who I think it is then he's in for a world of hurt coming back here...

Time Skip

The 5th hour bell finally rang. "Alright everyone you can go get changed!" The coach exclaimed as I sigh in relief. "That was brutal." Freddy mutters beside me as I look up. "You think? Geez we've been gone all this summer and we come back to having to run two miles." I say out of breath as we begin making our way to the locker room where we both get changed. Pretty much everyone else at this point was done in a rush to get to lunch. "You saw the new junior today?" Freddy asks, slipping on his shirt. "No...and I don't think i want to see him." I say putting on my shoes. "Why not?" Freddy asks, putting his sports bag in the locker. "Because from what I've heard I just don't want to see him." I say. "People say that he kinda looks like you." Freddy says. "That's why..." I say clenching my fists. "Do you know the new junior?" Freddy asks curiously. "I'll know for sure when I see him in person...if it's who I think it is then he's made a mistake coming back here." I say. "Back here?" Freddy asks as I begin walking out making my way to the cafeteria. Freddy followed behind asking me questions which I deflected. When I made it in the cafeteria I scanned the cafeteria. No sign of him...maybe it was just someone else... I think to myself as I let out a sigh of relief.

I make my way up through the line Freddy following behind pointing out where our friends are sitting eagerly waiting to sit with them. "You act like a child sometimes." I say. "And you act like a fun spoiling self centered prick who's on his man period and you don't see me calling for prince charming to save me...I can be eager and you can be in your little egotistical circle of lies." Freddy says. "Did you get that off youtube?" I ask Freddy's face reddened. "Did you really just wait for the perfect time to say that?" I ask as Freddy looks away. "N-No..." Freddy says as I chuckle. "You chuckled." Freddy says as I coughed violently. "O-Oh sorry I had a little cough." I say as Freddy smirks. "Uh huh...sure Bonnie we all know you're softy at heart." Freddy says. "Softy?" I ask my eyes narrowing on Freddy as Freddies' ears flatten. " look at the food!" Freddy says.

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