Movie Time

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Golden's POV (December 24th)

It's been about 4 days since me and Spring both gave up our virginity to each other. And during those 4 day's I've mainly been at Spring's house. In that time I helped Spring decorate his house a bit and set up a freaking 10 foot tall tree....yea his ceilings were really high. When me and Spring took that nap after having sex...we both slept through the entire night and till noon. And you can imagine Spring was still sore as heck...he is still slightly sore to this day... he blames it on my size yet he doesn't regret it.

Why were we decorating Spring's house? Because my parents were wanting to come over tomorrow for christmas and meet Spring officially. That day we were supposed to come over and meet him. Spring got busy and had to deal with something from work. His excuse was that a coworker didn't show up...but he later explained to me that it was a bomb threat and he had to go out himself to take care of it. Spring's also been keeping his promise to showing us how to fight every Friday...slowly we were getting better and Spring would have me go up against him as well as Bonnie and if he felt like it would have both of us against him...yet he would still completely demolish us. It was like he wasn't trying at all and I Thought that because he hardly had to look at us and he could block a punch from us. His reasoning was that people who didn't really know how to fight did very similar styles of fighting...they didn't' think, they just do and Spring has had a lot of experience with people who can't fight.

"Hey Spring..." I say. "Yea?" Spring responds who was munching on a cookie. "Freddy and Bonnie are going to be spending Freddy's birthday out on their that means they won't be here to really hang out with us and everyone else is busy spending time with their are you wanting to do today?" I ask Spring. He finished his cookie and pondered for a moment. "Um...I'm not sure...I was hoping it was gonna snow so I could probably throw a snowball at you...but sadly it's only JUST started snowing." Spring mutters. I looked out the window, Springy was right. It only just started snowing. "Hmmm ok then...wait how about a christmas movie!" I exclaimed. Spring raised an eyebrow at my childish behavior.

"You wanna watch a christmas movie...ok what movie?" Spring asks to pick up the T.V remote. "Are you kidding me we have to set everything up!" I exclaim. "W-What?" Spring asks. "Cookies, milk, a blanket, and we gotta set that fire up, you know...obvious stuff!" I exclaim. "But It's not christmas yet..." Spring says. "AND? We're not going to have ANY alone time tomorrow so why not do it today?" I ask. Spring ponders for a moment before nodding, "Guess you are right on that one." Spring says. "Exactly so let's just watch christmas movies" I say. Spring pondered again wondering if he should say yes. I got on my knees holding my hands up. "PLEAAAASE?" I ask. Spring chuckles and shakes his head in amusement. "Alright alright you win." Spring says as I jump in the air victorious. "YES!" I exclaim. "Children these days..." Spring mutters smiling. I grinned at him.

TIME SKIP (brought to you by no one in particular)

When we were done setting up I set down the place of cookies on the coffee. All the lights were off, the fireplace was burning giving off that orange yellow glow through the living room. The T.V was on ready to play Frosty the Snowman BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT! If You don't like Frosty the snowman well you can get the frickity fracking fuck outta here and please hit your head on the door along the way...maybe it'll knock some common sense into you. I was under the blanket waiting impatiently for Spring. "SPRING...COME ONNNNNNNNN" I whined. "Patience." I heard Spring call from the kitchen. "Yea my patience wears thin!" I call back. "Then add some layers onto it and shut the fuck up!" I heard Spring call from the kitchen. "Rude!" I call. "Only to you!" Spring exclaims. "Love you too!" I call. Spring eventually came back with two cups of hot chocolate. "Gimme." I say holding my hands out grabbing like a baby. "I'm sorry...I don't understand." Spring says as I sighed. "Please?" I ask politely. "Better." Spring says handing me the cup.

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