Freddy's Little Crush (Pt 2)

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Bonnie's POV

I yawned and turned over to my other side when I felt my eyes being blinded by light. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes to reveal sunlight peering into the room and having to be aimed so right to just be in my face. "Stupid sun..." I mutter my voice deep and ragged as I roll myself out of bed and hit the carpeted floor. "Hello floor." I mumbled before getting up slowly. I slowly made my way over to my curtains and shut them blocking the sun. I looked over at my alarm clock to see it reading 10:23 p.m. "Might as well stay up..." I mutter walking over to my nightstand and grabbing my phone. I opened it to see that I had a message from Freddy.

Fred: Hey Bonnie, you wanna hang out today? -10:11 a.m

Me: Sure where at? -10:23 a.m

Freddy was quick to text back

Fred: Actually I was thinking we could just walk around the park...I dunno I'm tired of being stuck inside with my brother who's still worried sick about Spring...I mean we're all worried but he acts like his spouse just died. -10:24 a.m.

Me: Alright sure, you wanna meet up there at 11? -10:24 a.m

Fred: Yea sure, I gotta get ready anyways. -10:24 a.m

Me: Alright see you there. -10:25 a.m

And with that I set my phone down on my bed. That meant I had about 30 minutes to get ready. I immediately made my way out of my room and to the bathroom and quickly stripped down before turning on the shower. When I was done showering I quickly and swiftly got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. Hoping my parents weren't in the hallway because it would be awkward for them to see me shirtless with a towel around my waist...actually...scratch that It would be disgusting. I peered out of the bathroom after finishing brushing my teeth and quickly made my way into my room and quickly got dressed. Wanting to look nice I choose a blue flannel to go over my black shirt with blue jeans that weren't ripped. Today I felt like looking decent...which is a surprise for everyone. When I was done I looked in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. I grabbed my phone off the bed to see it was 10:46. I quickly made my way out of my room and down stairs and went into the kitchen. Mom was currently making breakfast and dad was reading the news off his phone. "Hey Honey how are you?" Mom asks with her 6th sense because I swear all moms have eyes in the back of their heads because I made literally no sounds. "Good, I'm about to head out to hang out with Freddy." I say as dad looks up. "Isn't' that the boy that you like?" Dad asks as I chuckled nervously. "Ohhh no wonder he's dressed nicely...are you going on a date with him?" Mom asks as I groan in embarrassment. "No mom I'm just going to hang out with him...stop being weird guys." I saw my face already red as I grabbed a piece of toast from the toaster.

It was true I like Freddy...though he can be a huge pain sometimes and I just want to kill him. He was generally nice and a good person. He was the one always there for me when I was down. "So when are you supposed to meet up with him?" Dad asks as I gulp down a bit of toast I was chewing on. I took out my phone and saw it was crap.

"Now" I say putting my phone back in my pocket and rushing out of the kitchen. "Bye guys!" I call out snatching my keys and heading out the door and to my car. I gobbled down the rest of the toast and got in and began making my way down to the park.

When I arrived I saw Freddy sitting on a bench at the entrance of the park waiting patiently for me. He had a red T-shirt on and blue jeans and his red hat on. Freddy noticed my car immediately when I parked and got up from the bench as I got out of my car locking my car as Freddy walked over to me with his hands in his pockets. He didn't normally wear his hat but when he did I would usually admit to myself that he looked nice in it. I don't know how he can pull off looking even nicer in a hat than without. I can't do that without my hair being messed up to the point of no return.

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