Romeo and Juliet

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(Alright guys as I said two chapters ago last chapter was the last pretty much normal chapter of the story until after...certain events end. Which is why I tried to make it wholesome and...dare I people have said. After this chapter the A/N I usually do is going to be talking a bit about Final Stand and what's been happening...and trust me while you guys don't think it's a lot there's alot going on which will be explained at the end. Anyways you guys enjoy!)

Golden Freddy's POV (The same night)

(9:00 P.M)

"Guys...guys get up!" A voice exclaims. I groaned hearing a lightning storm boom in the background. I heard Spring groan as well as the two kids, Leslie and Ryan groan. "5 More minutes..." Leslite mutters hugging me tighter. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Spring yawn and stretch as Ryan was rubbing his eyes. I looked over at the door to see it open and Nightmare standing there with a worried face. "What's up..." I muttered tiredly. "Bonnie's gone." Spring instantly sat up, his head cocked towards Night's eyes wide. "What..." Spring says; his mind was trying to catch up to the situation. "Bonnie's gone...I don't know Bonnie said he was going outside for a second to check a sound from the shed with all my dad's tools. We heard a sudden yelp followed by silence and we went out to check to see him gone..." Night says. That's why he's drenched in's raining. I looked out the window to see it storming heavily...lightning booming at every second possible and the rain coming down like hail.

Leslie and Ryan both were scared by the thunder and lightning and curled up closer to me and Spring. "Bonnie's gone?" I ask looking over at Spring. His head was hung low, his hair covering his eyes. "Fuck..." Spring mutters. "Night...can you take Leslie and Ryan for a moment...please..." Spring says quietly. Night nodded before picking up Leslie and Ryan as Spring got up from the bed with me following. "Spring?" I ask as I get up following. He exited out the room, sounds of our friends talking worriedly as we made our way downstairs.

Everyone quieted down when we came down the stairs. "Spring...." Chica says. I looked at Spring worriedly and looked at Freddy who looked angry and worried as heck. Spring took a deep breath. "How long ago did you notice he was gone?" Spring asks calmly. "20 minutes ago...we've been looking around the yard the entire time but we can't find him." Chica says. They were all drenched in water. Freddy's eyes were red and puffy as Foxy was there consoling Freddy. Spring exhaled deeply as if trying to remain calm. "I'm not mad at you guys, in case you're all's not any of your faults..." Nearly everyone sighed in partial relief knowing the hell Spring could unleash.

Suddenly Freddy stood up, "I'm going out to look for him...don't wait for me." Freddy says. "No you're not." Spring says as Freddy turns to him. "Why, how are you going to stop me Spring, my boyfriend was fucking taken to god knows where and we're all sitting here wondering what to do!" Freddy exclaims. "You don't even know where he could've possibly been taken, or by who. If it was by Jason they could be in another fucking state by now...because he has technology that normal people dont' have to allow him to travel a lot faster." I say. "So you're saying we shouldn't try?! He's your brother Spring, surely you don't intend to sit here and do nothing!" Freddy exclaims angrily.

Spring's eyes widened in shock, "You do realize that the entire point of me moving here was to protect Bonnie, correct?" Spring asks. "Well you certainly didn't do a very good fucking job." Freddy mutters. Spring clenched his fists taking a deep breath, "I can't do everything Freddy...I know I'm not the best brother ever but I can't be on his back 24/7 there to protect him...he'll only learn and become used to having to lean on someone." Spring mutters. "Then why are we sitting here and doing nothing?" Freddy asks. "Because I need to think!" Spring suddenly booms causing the room to go silent.

"I might not be the best person ever Freddy, but he's my fucking brother. I love him as much as you do, and I know you're angry and upset...but being angry and upset isn't going to solve anything...I'm trying to think of what way to approach this situation without getting myself fucking killed and that think of a way to track down Bonnie, but I can't do that with you jumping down my throat please try to calm down...we need to think rationally about what to do." Spring says. Freddy gulps before taking a deep breath. "'re right...I'm sorry I snapped at you, I know you're only trying to help..." Freddy mutters before sitting down.

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