The Phone Call (Pt 1)

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Golden Freddy's POV

It had already been about a week since I spent the night at Spring's...over the week we hung out a bit. I think Spring was finally starting to open up to me a little more. I had gotten to meet Hydra who at first was reluctant about me but eventually with Spring explaining to her that I can't be blamed for what I did she started to understand...I ended up learning that Hydra and Chica would really get really get along. Hydra couldn't believe when she had heard that Spring could laugh, I had heard him laugh a few times, most of the time he would try to hold his laugh in but at times it got too much and he would burst out laughing. Me and Spring had quite a few things in common that I learnt about, we both loved Sushi, we both liked running and had similar reasons as to why saying that it helped cleared our minds.

And I'm sure Spring won't admit this anytime soon but I think we both like being around people, though Spring likes to act like he doesn't care. It was obvious to me that he at least enjoyed it when he was around me and Hydra. Though I think Hydra is still clueless.

Currently I was making my way down the school hallways, it was the end of school and was looking for Spring. I made my way outside on the courtyard and found Spring, Hydra and Foxy talking.

Foxy is talking with Spring? I think to myself wondering whether this world has gone crazy or what. When I arrived Foxy was first to talk. "Hey Golden!" Foxy exclaims. Spring and Hydra turned to see me and both smiled. I crossed my arms smiling, " I crazy or are you talking with Spring Foxy?" I ask. Foxy shrugged, "Figured I'd listen to your advice and try...besides we're on the same basketball team and with him as Captain I need to at least try to get along with him." Foxy says as my eyes land on Spring. My arms were still crossed as my smile dropped and I raised an eyebrow.

Spring pointed to his arms and I nodded. He then rolled up his sleeves and showed his arms to me, I nodded satisfied. "Good." I say as Spring gave a small smile rolling down his sleeves. "Uh...what just happened?" Foxy asks, confused. "Noting." Spring said quickly. "Didn't seem like nothing." Foxy says looking between me and Spring. Spring chuckled nervously, "Excuse me while Ihave a moment with good 'ol Golden Adam Fazbear here..." Spring said as politely as he could with a smile on his face and his eyes closed. I gulped feeling the color drain from my face.

This was the first time I heard him use my entire name. Spring walked up to me, his eyes locking onto mine as his hand shot out like a viper wrapping around my wrist. With a swift pull I fell on my bottom as Spring began dragging me. Hydra was trying not to burst out laughing and Foxy looked confused as heck. He then dragged me around a corner before pulling me to my feet. "Explain." Spring says crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the ground. "You know you act like you just saw me cheating on you." I say as Spring's eyes widen. "You know what I mean!" Spring exclaims his face turning red in embarrassment. "Uhm I checked your arms for any cuts?" I say. "In front of Foxy? Who doesn't know anything?" Spring says. "I don't want you to keep secluding your pain to yourself." I say. "I thought you respect my privacy?" Spring questioned. "Which also has a very thin line that you have're only endangering yourself by keeping your pain to yourself and keeping it bottled in." I say.

Spring sighed, "It's not that easy for me to just say that I'm depressed Golden...I don't want to seem I learn to suffer silently and bite my tongue until it bleeds." Spring says. "You're not weak Spring, you've already gone through this for 8 years...I just don't want to see you get hurt or hurt yourself." I say frowning. "Golden, I've yet to break a promise to you and I don't intend to start now." Spring says looking up at me. I sighed, "I trust you Spring I really do, but I'm just afraid that you won't see yourself as worthy of anything." I say as Spring chuckles nervously. I then went to hug Spring only for him to back up a bit. "Nope, you know I don't like hugs." Spring says. "What about those first two times?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "That's in the past, you know I don't like hugs or generally being touched at all." Spring says.

"I will get you to like them then." I say as Spring raises an eyebrow. "I honestly don't know how you like hugging people." Spring says shaking his head. "So you won't show affection to the person you date?" I ask as Spring's eyes widen. "Well...yeah duh of course, but that's ONLY to the person I date, everyone else can just deal without." Spring says. "You wanna head back to the others?" I ask Spring who nods. "Yea I feel like I've beaten enough sense into you." Spring says as he starts walking away. "You haven't eaten anything into me." I say as Spring stops his back turns to me.

"Repeat those words again Golden and in the darkest of nights I will appear in your bedroom and decorate your bedroom with a touch of your blood." Spring says looking back at me before smiling innocently at me. "Sometimes you make me question your sanity..." I say walking behind Spring. "I'm not insane I just know how to freak people out...mainly because the people who know me know that I keep my promises." Spring says.

"Ah finally they've returned." Foxy says. This time I could see Nightmare joining them. His eyes scanned over Spring. "Oh heck no." Spring says before hiding behind me. "Since when did you start hanging out with Springtrap?" Nightmare asks. "A while ago, he's not a bad guy." I say as Nightmare gives a toothy grin showing his sharp pointy teeth. "Can I see him?" Nightmare asks as I feel Spring grip the fur on my back over my shirt. "Spring I swear to god you grip my fur again and I will chuck you at Nightmare." I say. "And then I'll make you wish you were never born." Spring replies. "Oh and he's feisty?" Nightmare asks making his way up to me before peering over my shoulder.

"Why are you so tall?!" Spring exclaims as Nightmare laughs. I then turn around and grab Spring by the shoulders before putting him in front of me. Spring began trying to squirm out of my grip as I held him tighter. "Golden if you wish to ever have kids I suggest unhanding me right now or so help me I will change your gender with the swipe of a knife!" Spring exclaims. I then let Spring go who looked around to try and find places to hide before turning his head to me, "I hate you..." Spring mutters. "So this is the captain of the basketball team?" Nightmare asks, leaning down a bit. "Yea, I didn't think so at first or believe it but trust me I went to one of his games and he's like a god out there." I say. "Stop talking good things about me..." Spring mutters glaring at me. I smiled nervously.

Suddenly Spring's phone rang, he took out his phone and answered it. "Hello?" he asks. I could hear a muffled voice from the other side. Spring's face slowly paled the color draining from his face. Nightmare looked confused, as did I. When Spring hung up the phone a moment later he gulped. "Um...I think it would be best if you guys were to stay away from me." Spring says looking down on the ground. "Spring" I say warningly.

"No this time I'm being guys should really stay away from me...for now at least." Spring mutters his face still pale. "Who was on the other line that made you pale?" Nightmare asks. "No one important." Spring mutters as he turns around and starts walking off. "Spring!" Hydra exclaimed. He stopped and turned, "I'm not doing this because I want to, I'm doing this because you guys won't be safe around me any longer." Spring says.

" you mean." I say. "Don't you dare say anything Golden." Spring snaps. Nightmare looks at me suddenly with a raised eyebrow. Spring then turned back around, "As I said, stay away from me...oh...and keep a close eye on Bonnie for me." Spring says before making his way around a corner. "Spring!" I exclaimed, running towards the corner where Spring turned around. When I rounded the corner I stopped...eyes wide now.

The corner had led to a dead end...but Spring was nowhere to be found.

And that's the end of the chapter! I almost got it out yesterday but I had to leave out to work before I could completely finish it. Anyways hopefully this week is better and not as crazy as last week so I can actually get things done. Anyways with that I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you all later!

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