The Phone Call (Pt 2)

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(Anger is a powerful emotion, and can blind us from the truth and cause our thoughts to become irrational and not very well thought out leading to possible disastrous consequences.)

Golden's POV

Approximately 6 billion questions crowded my head all at once. What. The heck. Happened to Spring. There's no way he magically disappeared. I recalled what I saw and knew for sure Spring came around this way...this way led to a dead end and he wasn't here...and I would've seen him coming what the flippin 'heck?!

"Where's Spring?" Hydra asks, coming around the corner with Foxy and Nightmare. "He disappeared...I don't know where he went." I say looking around. "How could he just disappear Golden." Hydra says. "Step aside for a sec." Nightmare says gently pushing us out of the way. He walked forward a bit before breaking out into a jog. He jumped and his hands latched onto a bar and swung himself around and stopped himself where he was doing a handstand on the bar. His shirt started coming down revealing his stomach as he turned so he was falling toward the wall and slowly lowered his feet onto the bar and stood up straight looking at our dropped jaws and wide eyes.

Nightmare could parkour?! Was the one thing running through my mind. "He obviously came up here and jumped over on the other side grabbing onto the edge of the so." Nightmare says before leaping off the bar and latching onto the edge of the roof with a grunt before pulling himself up. "See?" Nightmare asks standing up on the first floor roof sticking out from the school otherwise known as a balcony. Nightmare then turned and an "Ahh" Escaped his mouth in realization. His head then turned back to us before he dropped from the roof and did a roll to his feet when he landed. "Yea he's definitely gone. Behind the balcony is a door that leads into the second story that's right by the stairs...he had this planned in his head." Nightmare says as we all slowly recover from what Nightmare did. "Y-You can parkour?" Foxy asks as Nightmare shrugs. "Somewhat...but spring must be really good to not have made any noise...I mean I was making enough noise to wake up China but Spring didn't make any...he must be highly experienced..." Nightmare says. "Plus that's like a20 foot jump so the fact that Spring made that and didn't make any noise only proves that. "And the farthest jump is what...29 feet?" I ask as Nightmare nods. "Yea pretty much..." Nightmare says.

I clenched my fists, Dammit...Spring's just going to get himself killed... I think to myself.

"Why did Spring look scared? I've never seen him so scared..." Foxy says as I look at Hydra who gulps.

"Spring isn't the guy you think you know..." Hydra mutters slowly being careful with her words. "Obviously." Nightmare says crossing his arms. "No...get the others but don't let Bonnie in on anything, get them to meet here." I say as Foxy raises an eyebrow. "Now?" He asks. "Yes now..." I say firmly.

Hydra looked at me as if I were crazy. "Golden what do you think you're doing..." Hydra mutters warningly. "I'm not risking Spring to get himself killed...I'd rather us all be there to help him." I say as Nightmare's head perked up. "What's up with Spring possibly getting killed?" Nightmare asks concerned. "It's a long that's why I'm waiting for the others." I say while Foxy was on the phone with a group chat.

Time skip

Hydra's POV

It only took about 5 minutes for everyone to show up except Bonnie who we were told doesn't know a thing. Everyone was wondering why they were here as they were only told it was really important. "You wanna explain why we're here big brother?" Freddy says leaning against the wall of the school with his arms crossed looking intently at Golden. "Right...yea I wanted you all here so I could explain to you guys something really important." Golden says looking at everyone. "You all know Springtrap right?" Golden explains as I send him a death glare telling him to stop but he ignores. Freddy scoffed, "The murderer obviously." Freddy says as Goldens head snapped towards Freddy. "He's not a murderer, and I'm just going to get this out there Springtrap is not the murderer you all thought." Golden says.

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