First Time

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(Hey everyone for those who are still not aware this chapter is primarily smut only. The beginning of the chapter won't be but even then things get if you don't like then I would recommend waiting until the next chapter. Also to those that are reading through this, it's been like a year since I've last done a smut chapter so...hopefully this goes well? Anyways, enjoy!)

Spring's POV (December 20th)

I yawned, I felt Goldie's arm that was still around my waist. He wasn't grabbing my dick anymore but I can tell he enjoyed my suffering... I didn't get much sleep last night because funnily enough I can't sleep when I'm aroused...who would've guessed that one? I don't know how much time passed...but I'm pretty sure it was like 2 hours before I got rid of my boner and actually got to sleep...I carefully moved Goldie's arm from me and got out from under the blankets. I'm gonna get Goldie back for causing me to lose precious hours of sleep... I thought to myself. Goldie groaned and turned so he was facing up. Hehehehe perfect... I thought to myself. I carefully moved myself and brought my left leg over Goliden before putting my knee on the ground...I was on my knees which were on both sides of Goldie's hips and sat down crossing my arms and waited.

I smirked when Goldie started blushing in his sleep. This'll hopefully teach him not to cause me to lose my sleep. I thought to myself. It took a moment before Goldie began opening his eyes. He groaned a bit still tired, He yawned a bit before his eyes opened completely and landed on mine seeing my smirk on my face "W-What the?" Goldie asks. "Morning...don't know if you realized it, probably not because you were busy getting your beauty sleep but I had a fucking boner for 2 FUCKING HOURS AFTER YOU DECIDED TO FALL ASLEEP...THAT SUCKER HURT AFTER AWHILE BEFORE BECUAE YOU WERE FUCKING GROPING IT YOU BITCH." I said as Goldie blushed a bit. "O-Oh...I forgot about that." Goldie muttered. "Oh I forgot about that...oh don't even with me there, I laid there for two hours...5 minutes into hearing your soft snoring my boner began hurting....and I couldnt' do anything about it cause I didnt' wanna wake you so I laid there with a painful boner because someone had to fucking grope it and dealt with it for 2...fucking...hours...." I muttered looking down at Goldie who laughed a bit, "And there he goes laughing at my suffering..." I say. "N-No...y-you should've just taken care of it." Goldie says as I looked a thim as if he were crazy...

"Mhm...yea...yea so...I should've done that while you were asleep...ok...and how would I clean myself We're not exactly home know I can't do that...yea no." I say. "Well I'm sorry..." Goldie says. "You better're EXTREMELY lucky I love you...I contemplated a lot of things to get back at you while you were lying there sleeping away." I said.

"Awww I'm sorry, I won't do it again...I didn't actually mean to make you stay up for two hours." Goldie says genuinely sorry. I groaned, "God fuck you Goldie you're making me soft I'm actually fucking forgiving you...ugh..." I mutter as Goldie grinned. "I dunno I like the rebellious side of you too..." Goldie says. "I do too." I mutter. "By the know your shirt is still unbuttoned right?" Goldie says as my eyes widened. I looked down, Fuck... I thought to myself. I went to button my shirt only for Goldie to stop pme, "Who said I wasn't enjoying the view?" Goldie asks. "U-Um..." I said blushing. "Y-You do know we can't be here forever right...this place is only reserved to us until noon...and I'm pretty sure it's probably close to noon." I mutter. "Oh god I forgot about that!" Goldie exclaimed, pulling out his phone. It was 11:42. "Oh thank god..." Goldie muttered. I got off Goldie buttoning up my shirt. "Did you drive here?" I ask as Goldie shakes his head. "No I got Chica to drive me here...I didn't necessarily feel like driving." Goldie says.

"We should probably pick up all the sour patch kids that we tossed." I mutter. "Oh I forgot about that too." Goldie says silently cursing at himself. "Calm's not like we're hiding anything." I say chuckling a bit. We began picking up everything and cleaning up the sour patch kids before throwing them in the trash can. When we were done it was about 11:55. " that's everything?" Goldie asks. "Yes...pretty sure." I say. Goldie put the blankets and everything in my car before getting in the passenger side. I got in on the driver side before starting the car. " I dropping you off at your house...or..." I trailed off. " marks the start of christmas parents are gonna be home and my brother and Bonnie are probably at my house...and I don't really want to see them being lovey dovey." Goldie muttered. " house?" I ask as Goldie nods. "I really do have to show you my house though..." Goldie mutters. "That's if I can ever get Freddy and Bonnie out of the house...." Goldie mutters as I laughed a bit.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now