Back from the Dead

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Golden Freddy's POV

I scrunched up my face...feeling the sunlight against my face. I yawned tiredly before blinking my eyes open. The light made me groan as it was so bright. I let my eyes slowly adjust to the light remembering last night... I had passed out from exhaustion. When my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked to see how Spring was doing...

Only to see he was gone...

And a note was there.

"Spring?" I ask as worry instantly flooding every single section of my body. I noticed the note...and picked it up seeing that it was for me and opened the envelope and pulled out the neatly folded note.

Dear Golden...

A journey it's been, a journey that must come to an end. Like all things that come up must come down...I was finally happy for once...but as I said...anything that goes up must come down...and my life came crashing down all at once. I don't regret my actions...I really don't...

It is 1:10 when I am writing this to by the time you're reading this...

I will already be dead...

For years I suffered, suffering I deserved but didn't want...suffering that ate at every single inch of my body every single day. To put a smile on...was like carrying a 500 pound boulder the length of the grand canyon. To get out of bed...was pointless... to find any hope in life...was like finding a needle in a haystack...and came along...

And...I finally felt happy for much as I hate saying it...started coming out of my shell...but...something happened...and I should've known that my happiness wouldn't last long...because it didn't...I'm sorry...but I"m not a fighter...I'm not anything...I'm no one...a blank slate trying to paint a perfect picture but with each attempt manage to paint an exact replica of something else...when you read this...please understand that this is what I needed to do...this is what needed to be done...

I was born in the wrong the wrong place...I'm a disgrace to those around me, something...that doesn't spiders...heh...I hate spiders...their disgusting...just like me...I guess me and spiders have things in common...though we hate each other...

Well...I guess I better go...but...take this with you Golden...since this is the last you will hear from me...

Live life to the fullest...don't be like's not worth it...depression is real...and it cripples those it touches...ask your crush out...experiment...and don't live life makes living pointless if you do everything in a cycle. And don't'll see me soon...but...don't let this get to you too much...or at least try not too...I know my actions will affect people...including you. But I don't regret it...I...I couldn't deal with the pain took 8 years for me to finally snap and commit the deed making sure that I would for this time be gone for good...8 years of suffering...

This is what needed to be want me to be happy right?

Well this is the only way...

Anyways...I...better go...and...remember that I'll always be in your heart.

Love, Spring.

My mind couldn't process what the fuck was going on. My entire body was shaking as I felt tears cascading down my face. " no no no no." I mutter dropping the note. "FUCK NO!" I screamed. Suddenly my phone began head snapped over to it ready to chuck my phone...

Only to notice that it was the same number that the hospital called me with..

"Fuck...please..." I muttered, my voice cracking as I picked it up. "Hello?" I ask my voice cracking.

Opposites (Golden Freddy X Springtrap)- Book 1 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now