Extra Scene #1

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Hey guys! This is #1 out of 4 extra scenes in this book. This one takes place not long after Spring took down his dad...in fact it takes place awhile after Spring was released from the hospital...and a friendly reminder it is February in the book as of right now. This will be the smut between Freddy and Bonnie...and remember by agreeing to read these smut chapters you are agreeing to read certain sections that might cause you to cringe XD. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it!

Bonnie's POV

It had been about a month since Spring was released from the hospital. It was february...specifically the 14th. Which just so happened to be Valentine's Day. Me and Freddy were currently out on a date at a movie theatre watching a horror movie. Most submissive people are scared of horror movies and the dominant is usually chuckling being amused at the submissives fright...but oh no not me, I was watching the horror movie with excitement...and Freddy was looking at me as if I were a crazy person. "You like horror movies?" Freddy asks mid way through as I nod. "Mhm, it runs through the family...Spring is the one who loves horror the most though...if you've ever watched the exorcist the REAL version, Spring would be bouncing up and down the balls excited to see it for like the 500th time." I whispered as Freddy's eyes widened. "Geezus..." Freddy muttered.

I then felt something warm fall on top of my hand which was resting on the arm rest causing me to freeze. I looked down to see Freddy staring at the screen with a blank face with his hand on top of mine. It was hard to see his face but it was slightly visible. I smiled and turned my hand over before intertwining our fingers. I rested my head on his shoulder while still watching the movie.

Most people would think that on Valentine's Day the most romantic thing to do when watching movies would be to watch romance films while eating popcorn with your lover on your bed under the covers...not for us! For us that consisted of blood being spilt and women screaming while tripping over thin air before getting themselves killed...that was our version of romance with movies. (Srsly though...what is up with the protagonists falling over nothing in horror movies)

When the movie was over I stretched. My fingers were still interconnected with Freddy's and neither of us were gonna let go anytime soon. We both got up as everyone left and made our way out of the aisle. "I swear to god these horror movies are causing my brain cells to deplete...what phone is so important to turn around and run in the killer's direction that is RUNNING toward you just to grab you phone before proceeding to get your throat slit..." Freddy mumbles as I chuckled. We made our way outside, "Oh I have a present for you...it's at my house." Freddy says as my head snapped to him. "Did you really get me something? You know I said you didn't have to get me anything." I said. "I know...I still got you something though." Freddy said, winking at me. I blushed a light red. "I-I also got you something..." I muttered as we made our way to Freddy's car. I got in the passenger seat and Freddy got up front. "You did?" Freddy asks as I nod before reaching my hand back behind Freddy's seat picking up a small wrapped up box. I handed it to Freddy looking away blushing slightly as Freddy took it. "You didn't have to." Freddy says. "Shut up and open it." I muttered. Freddy chuckled at my embarrassed look before opening it.

I peeked over as Freddy gasped. "OH MY GOD...YES! BONNIE! YESSSSS (Don't take that out of context lol) I've been wanting this forever!" Freddy exclaims, pulling out a custom made bobblehead of me. "Y-You had said something about wanting one...s-so I kinda went to a bobblehead shop and got one custom made..." I muttered as I felt my entire body being pulled in before being squeezed half to death. I patted Freddy on the back before gasping out. "I-I c-can't breathe!" I exclaimed as Freddy let go chuckling nervously before scratching the back of his head. "Sorry, but I've been wanting this for a while..." Freddy says. "I can tell." I say catching my breath. "Well no I gotta give you your gift when we get to my house." Freddy says before pulling out of the parking space and pulling onto the main road. Freddy's right hand intertwined with my left hand and we both squeezed tightly. "Thank you though...really...I really love it." Freddy said quietly. "Freddy you'd be happy if I got you a rock from your backyard and put a smiley face on it with a sharpie." I say as Freddy bursts out laughing. "Y-You're not wrong there!" Freddy says.

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