Chapter 27

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Knock | Astro

Hinata looked at the rain outside his window. He looked at the lights people put around the area. It was that cold time of the year.

"Stop sulking there Sho,"Seno said and Hinata pouted.

"But I wanted to see the snow and all I'm getting is rain. I mean I love the rain, but snow hits different."Seno sighed and looked at Potty jumping off the chair to the floor like it was normal.

"Can you come here and take care of the kittens? They need to be fed. I need to clean my room."He said as he wiped the kitchen table.

"Why?"Hinata asked and he stared at Hinata dead in the eye.

"Grandma is coming."

"Which one? Classy or toenail lady?"He asked and Seno laughed so hard he slipped on the floor.

"TOE NAIL LADY!"He shouted making Hinata get off the seating by the window.

He quickly grabbed Bubbles and ran with her. The cat was so confused just as much as her kittens. He meows and Hinata rams to grab the rest of the kittens. Chipotle would never let go of the carpet so he left him there. Hinata grabbed their food from the cabinet down in the cat room then put it in the bowl. That's when chipotle started running to eat.

"See I knew the food would get to you. I'm a food eater too so...we are the same."He says smiling at the kittens eat their food with their mom.

Hinata put the bag away in the cabinet and locked it. He knows the kittens are crazy. Anything for food they say. He smiled and closed the door for them to stay there. He heard the doorbell ring and ran to it. He waited for his father who walked slowly with his hand in his back.

"Just a moment."

"Toenail lady."He whispers laughing quietly until he got to the door.

He opened it to see someone that was surprising which made Hinata look to see him. "Oikawa, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, wanting to see you again since everyone has met you but not me."He said and someone beside the male peaked.

"Yahaba, my bro!"Hinata said and waved which the male waved smiling.

"Come in, make yourselves warm,"Seno said allowing them to come in.

Hinata stared at Oikawa as he walked in. Just with a glare. He hated the male's guts for some reason but couldn't pinpoint it as to why. He just did and it makes him feel guilty he feels that way but something is definitely wrong.

Hinata blinked and saw Iwaizumi that caught his eye. He ran after him and hugged his leg. The male looked down and smiled.

"Iwaizumi Papa!"He called out making the male smile to pick him up.

"Hello, Sho!"He said and held him in his arms kissing his forehead.

Hinata put his arms on top of the male's shoulder smiling. He waved at Kentaro who took the child's hand smiling. They shook hands and Hinata went into his arms excitedly.

"I'm sorry if the house is a mess, yesterday was just a play day and now my mom is coming. She might commit suicide because of me."Seno said walking to the kitchen.

"It's the toenail lady. Be careful before she will steal your toes."Hinata whispers to Kentaro who nodded.

"Shouyou, don't say that to her okay. She will get upset."Hinata stuck out his tongue and frowned.

"I'm not losing my toes, my food, and especially my nuggies. If she comes in and steals my Batabata, fire her. Kick her out!"He said and the rest were confused.

"I can't kick her out or fire her. She doesn't even work here. She's your grandmother."

"Grandmother my butt. Now she's going to give me bad kisses. I DO NOT LIKE BAD KISSES OKAY."He pouted and Seno chuckled.

"You guys can get anything from the fridge and do whatever you want. Shouyou you can show them your pets."Hinata turned to the word pets and nodded.

"To that room! FOLLOW THE LEADER! I am the captain now, not you Mr.Oinkhead. Okay?"He asked and the others held their laughs.

Oikawa pouted and they followed Kentaro who was holding Hinata. Some still today are surprised how Hinata took Mad Dog out of his comfort zone to care and act soft to a person. They don't know that the male was just comfortable with him. Even if he looked mean or acted mean. He was really a sweet person and that's because he cares.

Kentaro opened the door and their eyes widen. It was so beautiful to them. It was like a huge house for the kittens and cat. They looked at them and decided to play with him. Hinata was put down and played with Potato.

"This is Potato, the one with Watari is Chipotle, that one with Hanamaki is Taco, Kunimi has Potty and Oinkhead has Bubbles. She is the mom."He said and they nod.

They smiled as Hinata was on his stomach on the floor telling the kitten a random story he remembers from tv. The bell rang and he snickered. Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow and looked at his son.

"Who taught you how to snicker?"Matsukawa asked curiously.

"I don't know. I think I got it from tv."He said and turned back to the kittens while bubbles laid on Hinata's back.

He chuckles and continues to talk. Oikawa turned his head to see a lady. She smiled and turned to feel someone's eyes. She looked at Oikawa and just stared at him for a moment then smiled. She waved and he waved confused. Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa then at the door. Soon they all turned to see it was Hinata's grandmother. She put her finger to her lip for them to not say anything. She slowly walked in, moving the cat off his back then picked him up. He squeals then sees his grandmother.

"You have better brought my Batabata or your no longer my grandmother but toenail lady."He said and she snickered.

That's where he gets the snicker from. They thought looking at the grandmother who smiled at her grandson. Holding him up in the hair as if he was a prize.

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