Chapter 32

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A-Teen | Seventeen

Hinata walked and looked to find his mother. He ran away from security, even no one noticed he went under the tapes just disappearing out of trace. His father kept looking for him with a sigh knowing that his son always makes him go on a run even if he's starting to get old.

Hinata bumped into someone and fell on his knees. He looked to see a scratch on his knee with a bit of blood starting to seep out. He hissed and wanted to cry while it started to sting. He looked around and couldn't find anyone.

"Shouyou?"He turned his head to see Ushijima with his team as his eyes glow with tears.

"Ushijima papa."He mumbles and the male kneeled to take a closer look.

"Oh boy, are you alright?"Semi asked and Hinata started to tear up with no cries.

"I got a boo-boo."He said in his tears making their hearts break to see him this way.

"Where is it, little fella?"Tendo asked and Hinata pointed at his right knee.

Ushijima looked to see if there were any injuries only to see just that knee. He sighed and picked him up into his arms. Hinata sniffed and hugged him. Ohira brought a medkit and helped Hinata as Ushijima held him tightly.

Once Hinata's wound was in a pink bandage he smiled. "It's a butterfly!"

Ushijima smiled and kissed his forehead seeing his smile again. Hinata wanted to be put down which Ushijima did. Hinata rubbed his eyes then looked at all the tall giants in front of him.

"I'm looking for mama, do you know where he is?"He asked and they shook their heads.

"They could be by the stalls. If not then by the registration."Yamagata told him and Hinata hummed.

"Say Shouyou, how did you get here?"Tendo asked and Hinata frowned.

"I just walked...why?"He asked and Tendo shook his head chuckling.

Hinata looked and saw someone he knew. He saw Nishinoya and his eyes widen. He looked at them and smiled.

"I found Nishinoya uncle! Thank you!"He said and ran as the boys yelled him not to.

They sighed and started to look around noticing it was crowded. It was starting to worry them and they began to freak out. Once Hinata walked to where he saw Nishinoya, the male was gone. He frowned and looked to see Sakusa hiding.

"Sakusa uncle?"He said and the male looked down to see Hinata then at his knee.

It seemingly was bleeding even more and his eyes widen. Instead of worrying about himself due to the germs, he was worried about Hinata. The male kneeled and took a wet napkin from his pocket to wipe the blood. He took off the bandage and put on a different one.

"But I liked the pink one."He pouted and Sakusa sighed then looked at Hinata.

He looked around and noticed Hinata was alone. Which made him terrified like last time. His bat tilted his head confused then pat his head. The male stared at him deeply then smiled.

"What are you doing here?"He asked and Hinata smiled.

"I'm looking for mama but I can't find him."He said and Sakusa nodded then gulped.

He picked the boy up and walked him out as the others watched him. Semi sighed in relief when he saw Hinata with the male and not on the floor. If that was the case, Hinata would've been hurt. Komari stared at Sakusa surprised since usually he hated touching people and was just hiding a second ago.

"Sakusa uncle have you gotten better? I heard you were sick. Maybe because you were always wiping away bacteria, you're not immune to it anymore."Hinata said stopping the male.

It was no surprise when Hinata was smart. He always saw Hinata hitting people in the gut with his words of wisdom. He hated it but it was the truth.

Hinata turned and saw Bokuto and waved at him. Bokuto looked and pulled Akaashi with him. Akaashi looked to see Hinata and smiled at him.

"Hello, Bokuto papa! Akashi mama!"Hinata said with a smile and Bokuto gushed.

"My child! How are you?"He said and Sakusa rolled his eyes making Hinata sniff.

"I'm good. Are you excited?"He asked and Bokuto nodded while Akaashi hummed.

"How did you get here?"He asked and Hinata giggled.

"I walked here. Why are people asking me that? It's not like I climbed through walls."He said and Bokuto pinched his cheeks smiling already dazzled over him.

Hinata then pouted while Bokuto laughed. "Where is mama? Have you seen him?"

"No...I'm sorry. We have seen Kageyama though."Hinata gasped and Akaashi smiled.

"Shouyou!"He heard and he looked to see Kuroo with his team.

Bokuto went to Kuroo and both jumped around like crazy with Kenma sighed. Hinata waved at them which they smiled with tears of joy. Hinata looked at Sakusa who looked uncomfortable making Hinata pat his head again.

"We have to go look for mama. We will talk soon okay!"He said to them and which they nodded with a sad look.

He waved as Sakusa took him to where Karasuno could be. One thing you know, Hinata has this attraction to him. Anyone who's by him says their hello and waved at him. He couldn't find Karasuno but he has seen other teams. They couldn't help but gush over him.

Just when Sakusa thought everything was okay, another problem had arrived. He stopped and looked at the Inarizaki team. Hinata was busy smiling and waving at the girls who kept trying to take his attention.

Atsumu Miya looked straight at Sakusa and smirked ready to annoy him, but then looked to see orange hair by his side. He noticed the child in his arms and his eyes widen.

"SHOUYOU!"He yelled grabbing the attention from others and the child himself.

Hinata turned and saw the male then screamed holding Sakusa tightly. Osamu grabbed his brother and pulled him away before he can do anything. He went to Hinata and smiled.

"I'm sorry about my brother Shouyou."

Hinata turned and looked at Osamu. He smiled and tried to go into his arms. Osamu took him and gave a small grin.

"It's okay. I just don't like bees."He told him and made Osamu chuckle.

He held him and looked at Sakusa. He was surprised he was out of his shell but who wouldn't for Hinata. Osamu kisses his cheek as Atsumu glared at him. Hinata giggled and put his head on his shoulder tiredly. He yawned and Sakusa frowned.

"Where is Sugawara? He's been looking for him."Sakusa asked and all of a sudden they felt a dark aura with some glares into their souls.

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