Chapter 36

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Stress Come On | Big Byung

Hinata looked at Karasuno high and tilted his head confused. Seno walked with Hinata in his arms. He had no idea what was going on but he was nervous. Seno made it into the building to see Takeda.

"Glad your here."He said smiling and Hinata turned his head to see him.

"Grandma!"He exclaimed excitedly.

"Hello, Shouyou! Let's walk to the office."Takeda said smiling then walked ahead.

Hinata turned his head and pouted. He looked at the halls to see kids sitting in their seats. He scrunched his nose as he heard a teacher yelled. He stared at the students who seem to be odd. Either one of them is sleeping, listening, or doing random stuff on their paper. He would be sleeping by now if he was them. It seems so bored. Hearing her voice was so annoying, he wishes to meet her and throw a book at her face. He gave an annoyed look then smirked.

He gave a small laugh then turned to see the office. Takeda opened a door and they went in. Seno sat on a chair and put Hinata on the chair beside him. Takeda sat in a chair in front of the table smiling.

"His grades are terrible, this is really going to reflect on his future."Takeda mumbles and Hinata looked at them.

They were focused on Hinata's schoolwork, Hinata smirked and got off the chair slowly. He tippy-toed back and turned to see a lady staring at him. He put a finger on his lip and quickly walked out in the slowest way. He walked around to find the teacher. He walked down the stairs and then sighed. He sat on the stairs and took a breath.

"I think I've gotten fat. I can't even walk these stupid stairs. Why is there so many?"He complains then got up.

He walked to hear footsteps. He turned to see someone who pointed a ruler at him. It was a tall looking dude with a jumpsuit. He called him a Dude since he seemed annoying.


Hinata started running and whined. He felt like he had too many chicken nuggets for dinner when he had an omelet this morning. The amazing omelet that felt like heaven. He thinks he's going to heaven now.

He heard a voice and his eyes widen. It was an annoying voice. He smirked and ran to the class then looked at her. He looked to see a reading book and took it. The kids in front of him look confused. He throws the book making their eyes widen. It hit her neck making her flinch and gasp.

"Can you calm down your voice! It annoys me. Reminds me of that one lady who sings like a Babirusa!"He says with an annoyed look.

"Who are you and why are you here?"She asked and Hinata giggled.

"I'm Hinata Shouyou. Wah, you don't even have pride!"He said with his hands on his hips annoyed.

"Get out."

"Uh..."Hinata mumbles and moves to the right.

"The door is that way if you want to go."He said pointing at it making the lady furious.

"I SAID GET OUT!"She yelled and Hinata pouted.

"I just wanted to say your voice is annoying and no one wants to listen to it. Why are you so rude?"He said and looked at her dead in the eye.

"Sensai! He is just a child. Don't yell at him."He turned and saw a student wake up from his sleep.

Hinata looked at him seeing his eyes were closed. Is he sleep talking? He saw him drop back to his seat and fall asleep. The teacher glared then looked back at Hinata.

"SHOUYOU!"He heard a yell then turned to see Seno and Takeda.

"DADDY! GRANDMA! I'M HERE!"He yelled and they turned to see him.

Seno sighed and picked him up. "Daddy, she's mean and she's rude."

"Oh...Sir."She says as the vice principal comes through smiling.

Hinata smiled and waved at the male. He smiled back and waved. He was surprised a cute child was here. He turned to the teacher and raised an eyebrow who bowed to him.

"Why are being mean and rude to my child?"He asked her and she gulped.

The students looked and watched. It was getting good. Hinata turned his side a little and smirked at her. One of them took a picture of Hinata. They hold their laugh inside from Hinata's face. One wondered what woke him up to the finest evening.

"Uh...Sir, I wasn't. He barged in and threw a book at me."He snickered and looked at Seno.

"She glared and me. Her voice is annoying. I want to rip my ears off."He whined as he bends his back looking upside down.

Seno held him and looked at the lady she saw him smile then glared at him. "SEE!"

"I will not tolerate and disrespect him. Meet me in my office later. Seno, why don't you come to my office. You would like a donut won't you?"He asked Hinata as he coed making him nod.

They turn and Hinata looked at the lady with his tongue sticking out. Most students chuckle, take pictures but one of them had a full video of this. He would sure laugh this off and let this be the best day ever. He will never forget this.

"Ooh. Someone is in trouble."One whispers to the other making them laugh in a group.

Hinata turned to Takeda who ruffled his hair. Hinata looked at the next class and saw Yachi. He whined slowly pushed Seno by the door. He held the door and looked at Yachi.

"HI YACHI AUNTIE! I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!"He yelled and gave an air kiss making her smile.

Her classmates smile at the child and Yachi caught the kiss then waved. Seno just smiled and bowed then walked away. Hinata stared at the door annoyed.


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