Chapter 72

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Stranger | Argon

Hinata laid on his father's bed who pat his back softly. He heard a screeching noise and both sat up. Oikawa opened the door with music blasting up. Hinata frowned seeing how familiar and unfamiliar the male was.

"Who is he?"Hinata asked Seno who sighed getting out of his bed.

"A screeching parrot."He said walking out of the room not believing his eyes.

Natsu jumping around, Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu, and Oikawa were twerking. Hinata walked by and looked at them then looked at Seno. He scrunched his nose at the thought.

"Are they your friends?"He asked and Seno shook his head.

"They are'll figure it out."He frowned confused as Seno went to stop the music.

Bokuto pouted and stared at Seno. "Party pooper!"

"Yeah yeah. What's up with all this?"Seno asked and Atsumu smirked.

"Well...I have no idea either. I heard there was a party and came here."He said and they turned to Bokuto.

"I was bored and wanted to skip school."Seno sighed again rubbing his fingers in his temples.

"Oh...Yo is it just me or my eyes playing with me."Atsumu said and stared at Hinata.

"Omg, it's Pee-Pee hair! Ew! MR.MILK RUN."

His ear started ringing as he flinched. "Guys...leave him alone. Shouyou, I'll make you some tea."

Seno took Hinata's hand and pulled him to the living room quietly. Hinata groans and the boys followed. Seno turned to them and shook his head.

"He doesn't remember."He whispers which surprises them.

Hinata laid on the couch and Seno went to go make tea. The boys followed him and Natsu went to turn on the tv with Psycho-Pass playing. He watched and felt odd. His day was just odd.

He felt distant from everything. He couldn't remember a single thing and felt out of touch. What did he do yesterday or the day before? He couldn't figure out anything but the memories from last night.

Seno went to brew some tea as Kuroo raised an eyebrow to get some answers. How did this happen and how is Hinata a little taller?

"Yesterday he wore his middle school uniform and even cried last night. He doesn't even know who Natsu is and what's she's doing here."He said and Bokuto began to shake.

"So...he doesn't know me?"He asked sacred making Seno sigh and nod.

"I wouldn't wish to say that but it's true...he just...I-."

The doorbell rang and they froze. Who else could he here? Everyone has the house to the keys at least. He heard some taps and turned to see Natsu running to the hall.

"I'LL GET IT!"Natsu yelled and ran open the door to see Daichi with some bags.

"Oh, Daichi Uncle! Come in."She said and closed the door behind him.

He took off his shoes and walked in smiling. He walked to the kitchen and put the bags on the kitchen counter. He took a breath and smiled then noticed to the aura around the kitchen.

"I just came in bringing Shouyou and Natsu favorite snacks since you said that they went all gone. What's wrong?"He asked and the male shook his head.

"I'll go watch Natsu and help Shouyou with his headache if I can,"Kuroo said trying to give them space.

He pulled Bokuto with him so that he could go feed the cats and dogs in their room. Atsumu looked at Oikawa who took a deep breath like a drama queen.

"I guess me and you have help Natsu dress up."He said giving that idea to Atsumu who nodded.

Both left and Seno sighed. "Shouyou doesn't remember anyone or anything. All he knows is his middle school years."

"Okay? And? So what if he doesn't remember, as long as he's okay."Daichi told him.

"He came in crying last night wanting to live...he didn't want to die Sawamura. He's been hurt so much. Especially with his attempts. It scares me."Seno told him which surprised Daichi.

"I didn't know who else to tell when your like a second closest father to Shouyou than anyone else would. I know it's wrong to say that but it is true."Seno said wiping his tears.

"It hurts."

"I won't understand that much pain since he went to you last night but it's great that he's open with you. He trusts you and wants you to know he wants to live. Yes, he's been through a lot but he wants to cope and get better with it. He's letting the sun shine on those dead flowers."He said patting Seno's back who sniffed.

He was a baby himself sometimes. He could cry but he couldn't hold it much longer from what he's heard from his own son's mouth. Daichi took his arm and started walking him out of the kitchen to his room.

"You need some rest. I'll take care of it okay. And text that man of yours to get here."Daichi told him and Seno frowned.

"I don't have a man."Daichi raised an eyebrow and Seno's eyes to widen.

"He's not my man. He's just a friend."Seno said as Daichi hummed in amusement then left the room.

Daichi went to finish the tea being brewed and took out the cups and a big teapot to pour it all in. He took a tray and put everything in then filled up the teapot. He went to go take it to the living room to see Hinata.

"Hello, Hinata Shouyou. I'm Daichi Sawamura."He said and the child just nodded.

"I'll add some sugar to the tea. Drink it while it's warm. OIKAWA AND ATSUMU YOU LITTLE TWINKLE TOES I SWEAR TO GOD YOU MESSED UP THE POOR GIRLS HAIR."Daichi said running to help Natsu who was crying.

Jun walked in and immediately went to Hinata. He looked and saw Daichi taking care of Natsu while making tea. Oikawa and Atsumu with their hands up in the air on their knees. Hinata sat and started drinking the tea with Natsu and himself. The other two decided to drink tea together to calm down.

Jun sighed in relief and went to Seno's room. He looked and saw the man sitting on his bed looking out the window. He walked to him then climbed onto the bed then hugged the male.

"Hey? I'm here. Your all safe."He said and Seno sniffed holding his hands.

He gulped his tears and sniffed again. "Thank you."

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