Chapter 15

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Hinata woke up in the hotel and smiled. He stretched and looked to see his father sleeping on the bed on his stomach. He crawled closer to him and kissed his forehead. He looked closer to him and giggled.

"You stay here okay."He said point at his father in a whisper.

"I am going to go downstairs to see the chef cut cheese. I will be right back so don't worry."He whispers as his father groans moving his head to the other side.

Hinata crawled to the edge of the bed and got down slowly. He went to the bathroom and pulled the stand to step to the second stair. He went to brush his teeth and wash his face then jump off running to the closest. He tried to push and whined. He stared at the mirror and giggled seeing himself then stuck out tongue.

He pulled it again and slipped falling on the floor. He huffed and got up then pulled the shoes out of the box. He grabbed his socks from the bag then sat down to put them on. He slipped his shoes smiling in content feeling comfy. He went to go grab the stand and start getting up to reach the door to open a little.

Once he did, he quickly threw the stand back to the bathroom excitedly. He ran out and closed the door. He ran the halls happily, walking to the elevator. He jumped to press the button and waited for it to come. Once it did, he went inside and pressed lobby to go find the chef.

Once he made it, it was crowded and loud. He started to freak out and walk quickly as people walked around him.

"Walk straight. It's okay."

Hinata walked to where the voice was telling him. He held his hands together, fidgeting his fingers. His white long shirt hitting his knees and pajama pants that fit his size. They just had random ducks on them. He made it to see the chef still there. He peaked to see the male melting the cheese as a pot with macaroni in it.

He licked his lips with hunger and smiled. "Are you lost kid?"

He turned his head to see a female. No, a bunch of females. They were in dresses as if they were ready to go party and get drunk. Hinata shook his head and smiled.

"I saw that when I got to the hotel. My Daddy is sleeping so I ran here all by myself to see it. Look it has fire on it."He said and they smile.

"Well you have to go now, do you have your dads number?"Hinata shook his head quickly only knowing food recipes but not his dads number.

"It's okay. We can go up to the front."He looked at the blonde lady with long curls.

He nods and took her hand. She closed her eyes and thought that god finally answered her prays to meet a child. He was just so cute and her friends we definitely jealous of this. She stared at the child and gave him a big smile ready to go.

They walked to the front of the hotel and call for his father who immediately ran out of the hotel room. He ran to the front and ran straight to Hinata. He took the child and held his shoulders.

"SHOYO! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! YOU CANT JUST GO OUT LIKE THAT!"He yelled at Hinata who stared at him with a gulp.

"But I told you not to worry."He mumbles and the male sighed putting a hand on the child's cheek.

"Shoyo, you know that it's scary to be alone as a child in this world. You don't know the dangers at all. Please don't go without my permission."He said and Hinata nodded then looked at the ladies.


He really has no idea what to do with the kid. He stared at the jumping kid who was excited then glared at him with a frown.


"What?"He asked and Hinata pointed at the ladies.

"They brought you to me, you should thank them or else that's some disrespect."Hinata told the male who bowed at the ladies and smiled.

"Sorry about him and thank you for getting him back to me."Seno said and the ladies smiled.

"Can we take a picture with him? He is so cute!"He turned to the redhead and nodded who squealed.

They ran up to Hinata and took pictures with him as if he was a celebrity. Seno took pictures of Hinata and smiled seeing how happy he was. He noticed him all excited just like a child would be. Not like how he was before. He was never like this.

"Shoyo let's go, it's past your bed time."Seno told him and Hinata pouted walking in heavy steps to him.

"Can I watch the fire before we go? I want to see it."He said and Seno sighed but nodded.

"Thank you! Hopefully we get to see you soon! Bye Shoyo!"He waved at the girls who smiled.

The blonde gave Seno a card which was their number. Apparently she was a lawyer. He was surprised but he kept it. His gut told him it would be in good use later. They bowed and walked while waving at Hinata who waved back in a cute way, they had to pull one of their friends with green hair and a blue dress from the arm because she fainted.

Seno picked up his kid and held him in his arms. He walked to where the child saw his fire cheese. Once they made it, he saw what was happening and Hinata clapped watching it. The flames would cool down or go high up. It was like a show.

"You like it?"He asked but didn't hear anything.

He turned his head to see Hinata sleeping peacefully with his head on his shoulder. He smiled and kissed his forehead walking back to his hotel. He almost thought that he left his card in the hotel room but he was wearing his sweats that he had and forgot to put the cards in the wallet. Thank goodness he had the key on him or else he would've been locked.

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