Chapter 16

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La La La | April

Hinata frowned hearing some noise. He looked at his father and saw a lady standing in front of him. The dark figure looked as they were flying with black blood dripping down her. His eyes widen and hid behind his father. He whined and looked at his father.

"Daddy! There is a scary person inside!"He told his father who frowned looking around.

The lady soon started getting closer. Making Hinata scream and cry. Seno's eyes widen and saw Hinata shake in fear. He started to run away with his cries as Seno blinked.

"SHOUYOU!"He yelled and ran after the child who then ran too fast for him to go missing.

He sighed knowing he had left the tracker on him and had to go back to his office to get him since he left his phone there. Hinata eventually stopped running until the lady disappeared. He looked around and frowned. He walked until he heard the voice again.

"Turn left. Don't look at the women beside you. Just turn like they aren't there."

He did what the voice told him too and did the same thing he was supposed to do. He knows he can trust the voice just like he did in the past. He walked to an area in a building and frowned. He walks up to the door and peaked to see someone familiar.

"KAGEYAMA UNCLE!"Hinata yelled and ran to him then hugged his leg giggling.

The game was stopped and the people looked at the kid. Hinata smiled and held his hands up being asked to pick up. Kageyama picks him up and he smiled then looked at Sakusa.

"Kageyama Uncle, did you put too much conditioner on your hair? It looks odd."He mumbles and Kageyama pinched his nose making him frown.

Hoshiumi peaked up and Hinata stared at him then smiled then gave a small wave. "Hello."

He gushed and smiled. Hinata pulled closer to him which immediately Kageyama held him tighter not wanting him to let go. Hinata wines and Hoshiumi slowly took him into his arms.

Hinata smiled and hugged him making him gush. The child was busy giggling to not notice everyone was feeling the relief of some sort. Hoshiumi quickly started to like Hinata and held him forgetting he had to play.

"What's your name?"Hinata asked him and the male smiled.

"Kōrai Hoshiumi."He said and Hinata frowned then looked at him confused.

"I'm Hinata Shouyou. I'm seven years old."He said and the male just smiled.

He knew Hinata, but didn't know him fully. He heard rumors he was a toddler before, he didn't believe it. Now he does.

"You play volleyball? My mama and papa do too, but I don't want to become one."He mumbles and pouts.

Hoshiumi closed his eyes gushing and then opened to see the child still like that. "What do you want to be?"

"I want...I don't know. I can choose so many but I have to go to school and learn something that won't exist in my career in the future."He said annoyed and the male blinked wondering if that came out of his mouth.

Some were surprised and Komori pushed Sakusa closer to the child. Hinata turned his head and his eyes widen. He was so shocked and excited that he jumped while pointing at him.

"I know you! are...SAKUSA!"He giggled and the male nodded which surprised most of them that he knew the male.

"You know him?"Hinata hummed and smiled.

"He helped me go potty."

Atsumu Miya laughed and Hinata turned. He gasped and quickly tried to hide from him. Kageyama frowned and Hinata wanted to go down. Hoshiumi put him down and the boy ran behind him hiding.

"Aren't ya a little too young to be carried?"Atsumu asked and Hinata gulped.

Hinata remembers going on his dad's phone on accident and looking at random pictures that were real since it was on the news. He saw the male smirk and noticed the resemblance of some sort. He regrets it because now he ran to Kageyama pulling his hand to move away from him.

"Shouyou? What's wrong?"Kageyama asked worried which was out of his character from what others thought.

"We have to run away. He's the bad guy!"He exclaimed and Sakusa couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ain't no bad guy here,"Atsumu said looking around and Hinata started to cry.

"Oh don't cry Shouyou,"Chigaya said and picked him up in his arms then rubbed his back gently.

Hoshiumi didn't know why but he had to glare at Atsumu. Sakusa gave the child some tissues and a bag to put the tissues in. Hinata sniffed and pointed at Atsumu.

"He's going to kill us with his peepee hair!"He cried out loud making the whole room spill with laughter.

Hinata pulled down and Chigaya put him down. Hinata ran out and hid behind the wall sadly. They kept laughing and he hated it because he was just trying to save them.

Kageyama went to go find him and saw that he was sitting there crying. He sat next to him and went to go wipe his tears from his left cheek but Hinata pushed his hand away. Hinata moved away, turning his back at him while ignoring him.

"I'm...I'm sorry. Come here."Hinata sniffed and shook his head.

"Please?"Kageyama asked and Hinata turned his head which made the male frown.

"Don't cry...I don't like it when you cry."Hinata nodded and crawled to Kageyama.

Kageyama picked him up in his arms then got up. He walked back into the gym and held Hinata who sniffed. Hinata hid his face and Hoshiumi skipped to them seeing Hinata hiding his face. He didn't like it and glared at Atsumu again because Hinata wasn't happy.

"Oi, child. Don't hide like that."Atsumu said freaking out and Hinata held Kageyamas shirt tightly.

"He's scared Atsumu don't force him,"Komori told the male while looking at the child.

Seno busted through the door and took a breath. The others look to see who it was and frowned. Seno then looked at Kageyama wanting to ask where was Hinata. Which then he looked to see Hinata hair. The child was already in his arms. He ran to Hinata and took him into his arms.


"Thank god he's with you! He ran away after he said a shadow ran after him."He said and looked at Hinata who had puffy eyes.

Hinata had forgotten how he got here but now he remembers after his father said something about it.

"He cried because he thought someone was a criminal,"Kageyama told him and Hinata sniffed.

"I'm sorry for the trouble and hope he didn't bother you all that much."Chigaya shook his head and smiled.

"It's okay. It was nice meeting him."He said and the male bowed.

Hinata's stomach growled and Hinata looked at his father. "I want food."

Seno sighed. He has to deal with a child with his crazy and scary antics for a while. Who knows how long this will be?

Seno bowed his head and Hinata turned to Sakusa who gave him more tissues. He didn't want to touch him and felt like germs are after him. Since he was a kid but he couldn't let go of allowing himself to be near the child.

"Thank you again for taking care of him. Shouyou, say bye-bye."He told him who frowned.

"No, I want Kageyama uncle. I don't want to leave."Hinata said as Kageyama smirked knowing that everyone was jealous that the child only wanted him.

Seno only sighed not knowing what to do but give Kageyama the child to keep him happy. Since he saw the three others. He talked to them and Chigaya went outside to the car to get Hinata's toys. Hoshiumi and the rest we're excited! One day with Hinata won't be bad.

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