Chapter 43

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Twilight | ONEUS

Hinata frowned and noticed the shadow again. It had a smile on his face. He raised an eyebrow and looked at how it ran and jumped over the net. His eyes widen and started noticing the shoes. The same shoes he saw at home. It was white, just like the others.

It turned and gave a hands up but he noticed something. No one was there to give him a high five. Hinata held his hands up and jumped excitedly. He smiled and saw the shadow look at him. It gave an air five making the child giggle.

"He's in la-la land."Akiteru mumbles as Seno hummed looking at his son.

He turned to his side to see Yachi. She pats his head and gave him a small flag. He looked at it and frowned. Karasuno high. He looked up at her and she moved it around slowly.

"Go Karasuno Go!"She told him and his eyes sparkled.

"GO KARASUNO GO!"He yelled throwing his fist high then shake the flag like crazy.


"WE CAN BEAT THE CHICKENS!"He said smacking the flag at Yachi's face.

Nishinoya jumped and waved at Hinata. Most of them laughed and got their energy back together. It's not fun if both parties want to win. Especially for Nekoma.

"Hey Cheer for me too,"Yamamoto said like a whiny baby making Hinata frown.

"NOYA UNCLE SAID NOT TO STAN SHITTY BOYS."He said giving a hand to the male turning his head around.

"NISHINOYA!"Daichi yelled with a glare.

Nishinoya gulped to feel something warm and scary behind him. He peaked slowly to see Suga which he quickly turned. He nervously chuckled which made them seriously ready to punch someone in the face.

"You guys teach him the word fuck and now shitty? What are you, a dictionary for bad words?"Tsukishima mumbles.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TALK TO YOUR SENPAI!"Nishinoya yelled making Kinoshita shiver.

"Ah, scary. Reminds me of the broomstick days."He said wiping his eyes trying to get it out of his head.

Hinata frowned and saw them starting their aggressive volleyball game. "And they are gorillas again. "

He sighed and pout leaning on the stand. He looked at them playing seeing how sweaty they were. They seemed so tired. Is sport a torture device to kill people?

"I guess no hugs after the game. DiScUrstIng."He mumbles looking at the sweat.

"Are you a boy?"Hinata turned and frowned to see a kid looking at him.

Almost his age. He was a boy, wearing a grey sweater and khaki shorts. He raised an eyebrow and walked down the steps. He walked closer to him and frowned.

"I am. So?"He said and his friends come beside him.

"Oh well, your just a boy, and your wearing girl clothes. You shouldn't wear a dress when you don't look pretty in it."He said as his friends chuckle while Hinata gulps.

"Oh make him wear a dress, he's a girl anyway."He heard and felt pulled out of his chair with his leg.

He gasped and saw that the boys were pulling them out of the class. "LET ME GO!"

He was pulled to the bathroom and he coughed. He saw some smoke and looked to see some older kids. His eyes widen and moved back. One stood up and walked to him. He grabbed his collar as the smoke from his mouth started to come out.

"Do as we say."He nodded quickly and the boys walked to him and took off his clothes.

"I DON'T WANT IT! LET ME GO!"He cried as he tried to push the dress away from him.

A slap was hit to his left cheek which made him realize if he didn't stay quiet, they could do worse than they already have. Once the dress was on.

"Now princess needs saving, doesn't she. Oh, what are you going to do? Cry. You loser."He heard the older male say making him cry even more without a noise.

"Let's take him."He heard and turned to see the tall males walking to him.

One pulled his arms and laughed as if he was a toy. The older male gave him to his younger brother with a smirk. They were going to make him try to walk around and find some people to rob for money. Something they always did with the others.

"Use him well."

Hinata stared at them then turned around. He didn't want to say anything or it would've made it worse. He ran up the stairs and out of the stadium. Seno got up and quickly ran after him with Akiteru. Sakeo walked up to the boys with glaring at the kids.

Hinata hid in a room behind the volleyball basket. He heard some people talking but kept quiet and held himself together. He covered his ears and held himself to even cry. He wasn't going to cry at all.

He stayed like that a while until the voice stopped. He sighed and leaned by the wall. He looked at his dress and all he could just remember was that. He tried to remove it and rip it off but he couldn't. He wanted to take everything off. He hated it.

"Please stop hitting me."

Hinata covered his head and started to shake. His tears started to slip and his eyes were swelling. He sniffed and felt angry. He felt upset. He felt like everything was terrible.

"I did wrong. I am sorry."


"PLEASE STOP!"Hinata screamed and gasped.

He couldn't breathe, all he could do was just cry. He couldn't even feel anything. His body was just starting to become numb. He felt everything wrong. He noticed how this is what it felt like. He felt the loneliness. He felt as if he couldn't do anything and no one could help him. He felt as if there was no chance that anyone could even grab him or hold him.

"I hate how disgusting Atsumu could be. Just disgusting."He mumbles then sighed.

He heard something and frowned. He took his hands out of his pockets and peaked. He looked with his eyes widen in shock.

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