Chapter 4

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Air | TheBoyz

Hinata was changed into a pink sweater and white leggings then ran to the living room to the coffee table. He looked to see a remote and turned on the tv to a movie.

"Shouyou? Oh it's the little mermaid isn't it."He giggled and he stared at it for a few moments smiling.

The doorbell ring and Hinata turned his head to the door then looked at his dad. The male walked to the door and opened as Hinata turned to look at the tv. He stared at Karasuno at his front door then sighed. Hinata was busy watching the little mermaid, he didn't notice. Seno allowed them inside and they walked into the home to see the child holding a remote looking at the movie fascinated.

"Guess who's here?"Seno said and the boys went closer to him.

"If it's grandma please kick her out. She annoys me and talks about her toenails."He said and then turned to see them.

He gasped and ran to them knocking down Kageyama. "KAGEYAMA UNCLE!"

He smiled and hugged the boy tightly then got up. The others glared at Kageyama but he just focused on the child. Hinata turned around to see the others and held his hand to his mouth gasping.

"What are you doing here? Are we going to cook?"He asked and Tsukishima snickered.

"No, we are here to hang out with you today. Aren't you excited?"Hinata nodded then turn to Seno who had his arms crossed.

"Can I go to the park? I want to go play there."He said and Kinoshita came in front.

"We can't go outside today."Hinata frowned confused as they smiled at him.

"I heard monsters were coming out today,"Tsukishima said and his eyes widen.

"Are they good or bad?"

"Bad...very bad Shouyou. They will take you away. We have to stay here."Nishinoya said and Hinata just nodded.

"Okay. Then can we watch a movie or cook? I want to make creamy garlic chicken penne pasta."He mumbles and thinks for a moment.

"Let's do both."His eyes widen and looks at Daichi nodding.

"Okay. Kageyama uncle put me down."Kageyama put him down and Hinata started running.

"Thank you. I'm worried about what will happen if he goes outside."Seno said and they smiled.

"It's okay. We are too. If there is anything you need help. We would gladly take care of it."Suga said with a smirk even though they all knew what he meant about the last sentence.

"No everything is alright, I have to get to work though. Would you mind taking care of him?"He asked and they nodded.

"KAGEYAMA UNCLE!"He yelled and the boy sighed then walked to where the voice came from which was the kitchen.

The other two first years followed and Asahi smiled. "Thank you for calling us. We should've missed him if he wasn't around with us from time to time."

"No problem at all. Just hope the house doesn't burn down and you're all safe. I'll get going so make yourself at home."He said and went to pick up his bag.

"Make sure when he's taking a nap you watch him. He has a habit of sleepwalking since he was six."Narita nodded and went by the door.

The kids bowed as he got to the door. He saw Hinata waving and he waved back. He put on his shoes and got out the door. Hinata smiled and turned to Kageyama.

"NO, YOU HAVE TO CLEAN THE CHICKEN FIRST!"He yelled and Suga rolled his eyes seeing how the kid was starting over again like he did last time.

"Didn't know the king can't clean,"Tsukishima said and Kageyama glared.

"Be quiet Mr.Banana,"Hinata told him and Yamaguchi chuckled while Tsukishima glared.


"Yamaguchi uncle, help me with this!"He said asking for help pointing at the cup meter.

Yamaguchi went to him and he went to take it from the cupboard not noticing that Hinata glared at Tsukishima then smile back at Yamaguchi.

Tanaka and Nishinoya came to which he asked them to help him find the pasta. Suga went to go get plates mand forks while Daichi helped Kageyama wash the chicken then let it sit out for giant to do next. Hinata came by and asked them to cut into pieces.

"It could be the size of your thumb."He told Daichi and he smiled.

Narita and Kinoshita were taking videos and pictures of Hinata which he didn't mind. He heard something on tv and ran towards it to see power rangers. Asahi frowned and went to go look to see Hinata watching tv.

"Shouyou."He said softly and Hinata turned then his eyes widen.

"Sorry. I heard it and thought I could go to it."He said and Asahi smiled picking him up into his arms

Hinata looked at Ennoshita and pointed at the oil to which he nodded. He wanted to be careful since it was near the stove. Asahi got a pan and started it up on the stove. He eventually got most of the things in that Ennoshita mixed into the bowl then into the big pan.

Hinata smiled and the other boys sat down beside the coffee table. After finishing up. Hinata got down and ran out to the snack closet. He went into the fridge full of drinks and looked out to Kinoshita.

"Kinoshita uncle. Can you bring these?"He asked the male who got up and nodded.

He looked and his eyes widen seeing the closet. It even had its own fridge for drinks which was shocking. He started grabbing a few and taking it and Hinata did too. He closed the door and walked to hand them sodas.

Hinata ran to the kitchen and tipped toed to grab straws then ran to them. Suga and Tsukishima some Rice, Kinpira Gobo, Horensou No Goma-ae, and Okra Aemono into small bowls for everyone. He handed them straws then sit down to start to eat. Hinata was given the plate of the food and was happy. He ate and drank a sip of his drink.

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