Chapter 2

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Touch It | Cross Gene

Hinata smiled eating his strawberry cake while Seno stared at him. What is he going to do with the child and how is he going to solve all this without anyone coming to kidnap him?

He heard his phone buzz to a message and see it was Ukai. He frowned and looked at the message.

Ukai: Is Shouyou alright? Is he acting weird?

Seno: He's just eating his favorite flavored cake right now.

Takeda: How do we deal with the paparazzi, they are trying to kill the teams for answers? Thank god Shouyou is safe.

Seno: Yeah, make up a random thing for now. I'm trying to see if I can get anything out of him.

Ukai: Okay. I got a plan.

Seno watched his child and Shouyou frowned. "What are you staring at dad? Are we having a contest because I didn't ask for one."

"Shouyou, is there something wrong?"He asked and Hinata frowned confused.

"Something wrong? No. Why?"He asked and the male just sighed leaning on his chair.

The only way it happened last time is when Hinata figured out of his own. So in the meantime, he had to do that again. Including the fact he had to be in pain with whatever he went through.

"Shouyou, are you sure?"He asked and Hinata nodded smiling.

"Yep, Dad can I know when I can meet mama and papa? I miss them."Hinata told him and Seno sighed then nodded.

"Oh and Kageyama uncle, Tsukishima uncle. All the uncles including Mr.Pudding. I wanna cook with them."He said and Seno raised an eyebrow.

"They are stuck right now. They might come later. Okay. I'll text them."He nodded and continued to eat his cake.

Seno looked at his phone seeing that the boys were safe. He texted back to whatever Hinata asked for and put it back on the table. He noticed how small, cute, and delicate the boy is. All this time he was worried about him growing so much, he's already a child at heart. Hinata stared at him for a few moments then giggled.

"I win. You lose."He said and stuck out his tongue.

"Win what?"

"Staring contest you just did, duh!"He said and Seno laughed.

"Okay okay. Since your done, let's get you cleaned up for bedtime."Hinata giggled and got off the chair then ran to his room.

Hinata was never like this before. When Hinata was this age, he was quiet, kept himself hidden, and was very careful. This time he's a little happier and has a snakes tongue. He's different and he loved them both either way. He just thinks he changed because of his life that was switched with the boys.

"Dad! I need help in the shower!"He called out as he peaking out of the bathroom and the male got up smiling.

"Coming, your taking a bath today."Hinata peaked and his eyes widen.

He looked so surprised and so Seno was too in for a different reason. "With the ducks and bubbles, right?"

"Yes. The ducks and bubbles."He chuckles and went go make the bathtub as Hinata claps excitedly.

Once everything was perfect with the bubbles, ducks, and temperature. He took off the jacket and shirt out putting them on his arm. He helped Hinata to the tub and smiled.

"I'm going to go take these to laundry okay."He hummed and smiled.

Seno went to put the jacket and shirt in the laundry. He went to his phone and went to text the man.

Seno: I kinda need help.

Takeda: yes?

Seno: Shouyou doesn't have small clothes and I don't think I would have extra pairs his size laying around. Could someone come and bring some clothes?

Seno: I'll payback.

Takeda: Don't worry, the girls will be there soon.

Seno: the girls?

Takeda: They kinda are obsessed with dressing Shouyou up. Just be ready when you see a bunch of outfits. They did that last time.

Seno frowned then heard his doorbell ring. He went to the front door and opened to see nine girls on his front doorstep with clothes. He sighed and let them in then went to check on Hinata who was playing with ducks. He went back to the girls who put them in the living room.

"Thank you so much. How much was it?"He asked and Miskai held her hand to him shaking her head.

"For Shouyou, it's free."She said and he frowned then just smiled.

"Alright, make yourselves at home and I'll get Shouyou ready."He said and they nodded.

Kiyoko handed him an outfit and he took it then went to go to the bathroom. He saw how Hinata was busy with the ducks to make them talk about a story about a chef and a goose chase.

He put the clothes on top of the counter. He went to go wash Hinata up with a scrub and shampoo on the hair. After that, he washed him off and took him out. He put a towel around him and helped him dry them out on his clothes. It was pajamas with a blue shirt with whales all over it and white pants.

He smiled and picked him up. He put him on the counter and blew his hair then brushed it at the same time because it's really a mess. He made him brush his teeth and then put him down.

He ran out to see Kiyoko and the others except for the new ones. "Hello! I'm Hinata Shouyou and I'm seven years old!"

"Hello Shouyou, this is Miyanoshita Eri, Misaki Hana, Kuribayashi Runa and I'm Ōtaki Mako. Nice to meet you."She said sweetly and Hinata smiled.

"Okay, Aunt Mako."She gushed and smiled then felt blushes all over her cheeks.

Hinata yawned tiredly and turned to his father. His eyes dropped and he rubbed his hands on his eyes clearly tired. He walked to his father and pulled his pant a little to get his attention to which he did. He held out his hands up and his father picked him up then took him to his room.

He tucked him and saw his son fall asleep. The girls come in slowly and out the clothes on the dresser smiling. Then they got out slowly as the father also left out of the room then closed the door behind him quietly.

"Thank you, guys. Would you like to have dinner with me? Since Shouyou is asleep."He nods and the girls smiled.

They stayed until they've finished eating then left feeling full and happy. They saw how nice the man was and the five girls were grateful since Hinata had been through a lot. They just hope that this time it couldn't get worse.

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