Chapter 67

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Leftover | Oneus

Natsu was put down and ran to her room to that person. It was Seno. She cried and grabbed his pants. Seno looked and saw her then picked her up. She continued to cry as he pats her back.

"It's okay. I'm here."He said rubbing her back softly and walking out of the room.

Hinata turned and raised his eyebrow. He was ready to create trouble. Finally, the chaos had stopped. They went to the big living room and sat there while Ukai tormented them. Making them hold their arms up. They knew they were when Washijo came in making them do push-ups.

"Kids. Meet Natsu. Natsu these are...friends?"Seno said confusingly how to explain it to her daughter.

"Yeah so, what do you want us to talk about?"Kuroo asked wearing a tiara on his head.

"The hell is that on your head?"Daisho asked Kuroo while the male smirked crossing his arms.

"Tiara, just for this beauty until you snake face!"

"Oh shut the hell up you chicken,"Daisho said snickering at him.

"Hey Hey Hey chill out man,"Bokuto said smiling as he patted Kuroo's back.

The coaches and girls rolled their eyes. Hinata walked the people out and closed the door. He went to the big living room and stared at Seno carrying a sleeping trying to fall asleep. He chuckled which brought Seno the attention to see him.

"Daddy you should take her to bed. She's about to fall asleep."Hinata told Seno and the male nodded.

Seno left and Hinata turned to them. "Now I see why I can't you have you all at my house at once. Your hyenas not monkeys. HYENAS!"

"Anyways. Why are you all here? Are we having a funeral or something?"Hinata asked in his sass tone.

"No, we are here to talk about yesterday,"Daichi said and Hinata nodded.

"Okay...let's not sugar coat this and get this over with. I'm already done with it."Hinata said and sat down on the floor then looked at them.

"You're being serious,"Akaashi said and Hinata stared at him.

"It's me. Hinata Shouyou."He said and they stopped to stare at him shocked.

"Oh...oh. Well uh...hi."Atsumu said awkwardly making Osamu smack the back of his head.

"But your still cute,"Suga said walking to him then sitting next to him to pick him into his lap then hug him.

"So...what are we going to talk about?"Bokuto asked as Hinata looked confused.

He turned to Suga having no idea what he was talking about. They didn't notice that the sixteen-year-old just disappeared. Hinata blinked and stared at Atsumu with a glare.

"Stupid man is here. Ew, it's pee."Hinata said and hugged Suga sticking his tongue out to Atsumu.

"I guess he's gone. Shouyou we are here to talk to you about last night. Don't you remember?"Yamaguchi asked and he hummed.

"Oh right. Is that why everyone's here? Okay, so this is about my life. I am born as a goose and that goose has lived a good life."Hinata joked and Ukai frowned.

"Wait your dying?"Kita asked and Hinata snickered.

"I'm not dying. Does it look like this young, beautiful but yet handsome and sexy man is going to die? No no no, I will live until a thousand. But I think you'll be dead by then."Hinata said as the three musketeers held their breath.

He called them the three musketeers. Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yamamoto. The three who teach him the most important things in life. Comedy, comedy is life. They held their laugh because they know what Hinata is doing. They made Kinoshita record this moment.

"This is why I live in a world where everyone is stupid and everyone is just...stupid! I would like to thank you all for coming but you all are lost a lot of brain cells from all that balls you have hit."He said and the three started balling out laughing.

"This kid,"Irihata mumbles in tears of laughter even though he's coughing through it.

"Anyways let's finish this drama and let me speak! No talking, especially you. Yes, you talkative mother squirrel!"He said pointing at Terushima.

"I'm so broken."

"Shut up! See what I mean!"He pouted and glared at him.

"Okay. So..."He mumbles and stared at them seeing they wanted answers.

"When I started school right after Daddy took me in. It was great until I helped someone being bullied only for them to bully me instead. They would bring friends and kids from other schools to beat me up. Mostly older kids. Then I asked my Daddy to switch schools, I didn't think the bullying would follow me there. They would bring their siblings and older siblings and their friends to beat me up. They assaulted me once and forced me to wear a dress."Hinata said and bit his lip.

"I switched the third time and this time they just spread rumors and made fun of me. They would bring their older siblings to make fun of me. It got worse when the teachers started doing it too. I didn't tell this to anyone nor Yamaguchi yesterday."He told him and his eyes widen.

"I found out while sleeping, a teacher would beat me up because I was doing well compared to their own children in class. Eventually led me to try to kill myself with the self-hatred everyone gave around me."He said and looked at the boys.

"My daddy was poor back then. He just finished college and was an intern at his retail company. So he couldn't do anything about it...."

"I should just expel your son instead!"Hinata gulped gripping his father's hand.

"My son would never touch anyone let alone kill anyone! He should've never spoken at all."He turned to the male with the man in the suit.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! DO YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE?"He flinched as the lady yelled beside him with his son smirking at him.

"I'm sorry!"Hinata turned to Seno who bowed holding his son's hand tightly.

"Hinata Shouyou, grab your things. Your expelled."He said and Hinata's eyes widen.

"I'm sorry about his behavior. Thank you for telling me."He heard the principal say to the man who just smirked at Hinata and his father.

Seno walked out and Hinata looked at them. "Your money will be sent through a paycheck."

He turned to Seno who just wiped his tears and turned to look at him. He smiled and picked him up into his arms to go grab Hinata's stuff.

"Shouyou!"Hinata turned to Suga who stared in worry.

"Someone bribed the principal to get me expelled because the guy who killed the kid I helped, in the beginning, was killed by him."He told Suga whose eyes widen.

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