Chapter 80

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Losing | Wonho

Hinata looked at the videos once he got home. He was shocked to see more other videos. He was mad, he was angry.

"You know your just a scum loser,"Shig said to Yuki who gulped.

"Only if that idiot didn't leave, you would've never dealt with this."He told Yuki who shivered.

He noticed the male continued to walk away from those bullies. One of them being Satow and his brother. They somehow knew each other. Those who bullied him first.

Yuki, who was the boy he helped only to get something he never would've thought he feared. He noticed what they did and closed his eyes. He really couldn't believe what had happened to him. He didn't want to talk about it either. All he saw was torture.

"Funai! Ha, You know me!"Kawai said as he laughed.

Funai gulped walking back as they came closer. Satow grabbed him and beat him up. He noticed Kawai come closer and pulled his hair.

"This is why you don't hang out with older kids, they will hurt you."He said as the others laughed.

"I'd blame this for that stupid friend of yours, Hinata. He never should've messed with me. Now he's expelled and I'll still have to follow him to middle school. At least he will be alive."

Funai's eyes widen. "Fire up we didn't finish last time."

Hinata heard the scream making him take off the earphones while closing the computer quickly. He started shaking as the fear crawled. He heard something fall which made him flinch to turn to see no one. He shook his head and heard his name being called. He calmed himself down squeezing his hand on the soft blanket Bokuto got him. He got out of his room and walked to see Kase. He smiled and held out some papers.

"Thank you,"Hinata said and the male hummed.

Hinata started looking at the papers and looked at the pages. He saw her and smiled. He looked up then hugged him. He chuckled and pat his back then looked at Seno who smiled.

"Why don't you go meet her? Her address is here."He hummed and looked at the male.

He went with the male and waved goodbye to Seno who sat on the couch drinking tea. It was going to be a relaxing day for him for sure. He heard a scream from Natsu which made him sigh.

Hinata went with Kase into his car. Once he was bucked up, he fixed his shoes from the back as Lase started the car. His car was amazing. A black sleek Lamborghini. It was fancy and awesome to sit in one. He was lucky for sure.

Kase drove to where Chaisa lived. He parked to where she was and Hinata looked at the house. He gulped as the male ruffled his hair. He turned to see Kase smiling.

"You'll be okay buddy. Just go in and talk to her."He hummed and walked out of the car.

Hinata looked at the gate. He went by it and rang it. He nervously gulped and looked to see someone walk by the gate to open.

"H...Hinata? What are you doing here?"Chaisa asked and Hinata sighed.

"I want to talk. If that's okay with you?"He asked and she sighed pushing the gate back.

"What is it?"She asked and he bit his lip.

"Look I'm sorry for whatever happened."

"'s not your fault. You were gaslighted by him to even notice your own mistakes."She told him and he looked down.

"I want to bring up the case. Only if your willing to do it. I don't have a lawyer yet but I will find one. Even though it's late I still have the proof."He said and she stared at him for a moment.

He could tell she was fighting with herself. " one knows. I don't want to be bashed and called shameful things by people."

"It's not your fault he was a bad person. You weren't. People really need to grow up to know that it's not your fault you were trying to live."She thought about it then nodded.

"Yeah, go ahead...just be careful. You know that video isn't just about me either."Hinata hummed and bowed.

"Thank you."He said and she shook her head then went back inside.

Hinata went back into the car and Kase looked at him. He started the car then took him somewhere. He looked to see Funai's home. Hinata frowned and looked at them.

"He was your friend. Why don't you talk to his parents."Hinata nodded and got out of the car.

"Can...can you come with me this time?"He asked and Kase just smiled.

The male got out and locked his car. He rang the doorbell for them to open up. Funai older brother immediately opened and Hinata looked at him. The boy's eyes widen as he stared at the kid.

"Shouyou? Is that you?"He asked and Hinata nodded.

Funai's brother, Ryo hugged him. He was happy the boy was alive. He let go and looked at the child. He looked just like he was before.

"Come inside. It's so nice to finally see you again."Hinata nodded and walked inside with Kase behind him.

They walked in and he noticed the pictures. He was just a child when he passed away making Hinata feel bad for what had happened. He could only blame himself for it. If only he didn't meet the kid. He looked at the photo on the wall.

"I suck at drawing!"Hinata whined while Funai giggled.

"You can do it. Just try your best even if it's bad."

Hinata scoffed and looked at him. "Says the one who has the talent for it."

"Eh come on...fine just draw a star. Then we will have some batabata that you keep saying about."Funai said making Hinata smile.

"Strawberries are Batabata for sure."He said trying to draw a star but failed.

"THAT'S IT! You draw it for me!"He shouted annoyed while the child brought him some strawberries.

Funai sighed and started to draw as Hinata watched. They both ate strawberries as they were busy coloring. Even Hinata sucked at coloring as well. He grumbled as the child chuckled. They both heard a click to see his mother taking a picture with a smile with his brother laughing in the back seeing Funai's father on the floor.

He was engulfed with a hug. "I missed you so much."

Hinata looked at them and pat the mom's back. He felt really bad. Kase looked at the picture then at him. It seemed very dark at home.

"I'm sorry,"Hinata said and she removed her arms.

"'s not your fault. You've always protected him and kept him safe. We can't blame our kid."She said wiping her tears.

"You must be hungry. I made some dinner. Who is he?"She asked as she took Hinata's hand gently with a smile.

" uncle. He's might look mean but he's a really cool guy."Hinata said she nodded taking him to the kitchen to feed her second lost child.

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