Chapter 74

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Going | Gemini

"Thank you..."He mumbles realizing his thoughts and actions.

"She's my new mom...believe me."

He heard the voice and looked around but frowned. Was it from his head? He shook his head and stared at her taking him to the basketball court. He looked and saw him.

" me."

He was shocked and surprised. His head. The voice was in his head. He started to freak out but calmed down when his mind went off to Fumio's mother's smile.

"I was blamed for something I didn't do."

"Um..."He mumbles and saw she stopped walking.

"Yes? What is it?"She asked and Hinata gulped.

"You don't have to tell me. You can Seno or your family if you don't trust me. Just be comfortable Sho...that's what I'm here to do."She said and he nodded.

"Someone I know is here...He blamed me for something he did. He told me I did it and was bullied for it."He said and she nodded.

"And how does it make you feel?"She asked me walking towards a wooden bench with a wooden ceiling.

"I feel...betrayed. He was nice and then he became one of them. He threw me away but he left the marks behind with me."Hinata told her.

"Would you like to tell me what he did or would you want me to know where he is. Or you don't have to tell me and tell me what you would like?"She asked him and Hinata's hands shivered.

She noticed and held both of his hands then clenched it softly to reassure him he's here and not anywhere else. "He's...he's touched a girl in a bad way."

"He..he's over there. With the white shirt and blue shorts"She frowned and turned to where he was looking at which was at the basketball court.

"I'll ask you what I heard so I know that I heard this right and I don't mix up your words."She said and he nodded.

"He was nice to you then he hurt a girl in a bad way but blamed it on you. You then got bullied because of it."He nodded and looked down.

"I was bullied before but he helped me. Then he became them and started to allow them to hurt me more than they did before."He said and she nodded.

"But it wasn't just a touch he did to her. I saw him do it with her when she didn't want to."

"Have you seen her? Do you remember her?"He quickly shook his head.

She looked at his hands then let go. She got up and walked beside him then sat down. She opened her arms and he stared. He went closer and hugged her. She hugged back rubbing his back softly. She let him cry in her arms.

"Would you like your dad to be here?"She asked and he looked up.


He looked at her and hid his face. His ears started to ring and his head started to hurt. He just hummed and allowed her. She quickly took out her phone to text Seno to meet his son beside the basketball court.

"Let's get some ice cream later. For now, be careful when your outside. You know how dangerous it is."He looked at her as she smiled.

"THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES! FUCK YOU AND ILL TAKE YOUR ICECREAM!"Kenta's mother yelled at the ice-cream seller who wasn't really selling ice cream.

"Don't learn words from her kids, I heard Norio and his friends are playing tennis, why don't you guys go and play before he sends all the balls over the fence?"Iwao's mother told them excitedly while they giggled running to the tennis court.

"GO SUCK A DICK! YOU PERVERTED WHORES!"Kenta's mother continued to yell chasing the males.

Iwao and Fumio's mothers sighed. Iwao walked to go take care of Kenta's mother while Fumio while taking Iresi with her. She smiled and saw them playing around on the tennis court. It was just a good Sunday.

Fumio's mother looked down to see Hinata staring at her. "Momma Ichikawa"

"Yes...that's me."She smiled and he hugged her tightly smiling.

"That's the smile. Your so cute."She said kissing his forehead.

She was happy he was open to her but is happier that he knows her. She just felt so bad for him. He really did reminds him of her. She never through a lot but she was abused when she was a child by her parents and then neglected in the future. She was bullied when she was younger as well only to let her feel despair. She might understand some point of his pain but not fully and she knows that.

She looked to see Seno with her husband. He ran to her and smiled. Hinata turned and looked at the male. He stuck out his tongue and hid his face.

"Eh! Why me? Come here, you little baby."He said smiling ruffling his hair.

"Shouyou, are you feeling better now?"Seno asked and he turned to nod.

" can I go play tennis with Norio uncle?"Hinata asked making Seno smile.

"Yes. Go ahead but be careful!"He said and Hinata got up his seat then bowed.

He left running to go meet Norio excitedly. He wanted to play tennis and how he felt playing with his friends. He felt this feeling he never had before and liked it. No, he loved it.

Seno looked at Fumio's mother who stared at the basketball court. She clenched her fist and stared at the kid. It made her mad and angry. He not only hurt Hinata, but he hurt a girl who had a life and he's there having his own laugh.

"The kids are playing tennis! Why don't you join Okawa?"Fumio's father turned to see Kenta's father.

"Murata. You go and I'll be there."He said and the make frowned.

"You guys are all pilled up here. What's going on?"Kase, the man with the tattoo asked noticing the mothers and fathers here.

"That kid...the one who's smiling is all giggly while Shouyou is being tortured for what he did. He needs to get the taste of his medicine."

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