Chapter 55

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Take Me Home | Ateez

Hinata waved at his friends while they waved smiling. They were walking home and Hinata waited to be picked up. He heard a scream and turned to the left. He saw some boys wave and he waved back.

"SEE YOU TOMORROW HINATA!"He nodded as he waved back at them.

He turned to the street and waited until a red sports car stood in front of him. The person came out of it and his eyes widen. She smirked at him then winked.

"What's up little bud?"Saeko asked who leaned on her car.

"AUNT SAEKO!"He yelled excitedly and ran beside her to hug her leg.

She gushed and covered her eyes with her hand. "So beautiful. I'VE BEEN BLESSED!"

She peaked and see him giggling. She smiled and picked him up into her arms. She went to the backseat to open the door. She hopped his nose and he smiled.

"Give your good aunt a kiss? I need my favorite kisses."She said staring at him.

"Ryu will be so jealous of me."She whispers to herself with a smirk.

He kissed her cheek and she gasped. An angel has kissed her. Her beautiful and her face has finally glowed into a sunflower with a kiss from the heavens. She felt as she was flying. She yet wasn't breathing. She coughed and Hinata looked worried.

"I'm okay. Let's get you into this car seat."She said smiling and put him in his seat.

She buckled him up and closed the door. She went to her front seat and started her car as she buckled up. She looked at the child and smiled. She needs to steal him. Anyone would want to steal him. She glared at her chair thinking about it.

"How was your first day at school?"She asked as she turned back to the wheel.

"Good! I made a lot of friends and we read mangas. My teacher is so cool! She knows a lot and she's also funny. She told us stories about her cats and how they want to kill her in her sleep."He told her giggling.

"It's just like potty. He comes to my room and he lays on me like a giant potato. Like a really big one because potty has been growing like if he was in cooking in a microwave in a popcorn fast."He explained as she drove off.

"So you had fun?"He hummed and took his backpack into his lap.

"I even got mangas to read at home. I need money so I have to work in order to get money."She blinked shockingly then gasped dramatically.

She shook her head as Hinata looked at her. "No no no! You are not doing work at a young age. Ask the boys, they will give it to you for free if you do something for them."

"Like what?"

"If they ask you for pictures? Kisses? To hug them? Be nice to them? Things like that."He hummed and looked at her.

"Since I gave you a kiss, will you give me money?"He asked and she moved her car to the right to stop.

She turned to him and stared at him. He was smart. Definitely smart. She squinted her eyes thinking for a moment. She moved her hand closer then under his chin. She squished his cheeks and laughed.

"Sure, but next time. Don't make me pay. I will get it for free since I told you what you can do. Alright?"She asked and he hummed.

She turned and started driving again. She turned the radio on which was Hardcore rock. Hinata and her started screaming and yelling. The people who were beside them waiting for a green light looked at them. Let's just say they were confused.

Once those hardcore rock songs were a bother to the ears, they finally made it home. Hinata was walking on his own up the stairs holding Saeko's hand. He skipped the hall and waited for Sakeo to ring the bell. Then she came and rang the doorbell.

To their surprise it was Ukai. "GRANDPA!"

"You Little nutcracker! Took you long enough."He said smiling at him.

"I'm not a little nutcracker. Your the one who is."He said and Ukai stared at him.

"Cause you smoke buttcracks that's why."He said and ran in quickly as he slipped out his shoes.

Saeko laughed and walked as he pats the male's shoulder who was surprised. He sighed and closed the door them walked to the living room. Hinata saw his grandmother then waved.

"I'm going to change."

She nodded and he walked to his room to change his school uniform. He walked out with his manga and was given crackers. He grinned and ran to sit on the couch reading. His eyes just linger as the adults sat there talking.

The door opened and someone walked in after taking off their shoes. "I'm home."

"Good for you!"Hinata said sarcastically as he was reading and scoping a bunch of crackers to his mouth.

Seno smiled and looked at Hinata then at his manga. "Shouyou! What are you reading?"

"Ah! My friends from school gave me some Shounen Ai mangas to read."He answered as Seno's eyes widen.

"Are...are you gay?"He asked sitting next to him calmly.

"No...are you?"He asked and Seno shook his head.

Hinata continued and then looked at Seno. The male leaned forward and looked at it. Hinata turned and continued. Seno frowned and turned to the next page. He looked at it as Hinata read it.

"That's stupid. Why would he disagree with what his crush felt for him."Seno mumbles and Hinata gasps.

"That's what I said!"

"He even says it as if he's being sassy. "Sorry I can't date you, you're a boy, and I'm not a girl," Bruh then what are you? A chihuahua?"Hinata asked as he turned to the next page.

Seno sighed and ruffled his son's hair then got up to go to his room to change. Ukai snickered playing cards with the two women. Saeko smirked and put her cards down. Hinatas grandmother smirked and put hers down.

"I win. See."She said collecting the cards to her pile.

Hinata shook his head and continued to read. Seno went by Hinata and sat next to him. Bubbles walked by as her kids were sleeping on the other couch. She meowed and Seno picked her up. She laid on his lap as he started to caress her softly. This was the dream.

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