Chapter 85

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Siren | P1Harmony

Hinata looked at the boy's play. He wanted to play as well but couldn't because they were older. Of course, he was well known for being an idiot but also someone who was obsessed over something that he could care less about himself.

It was sad to notice, even though he had a horrible life from this point, they made him feel a little better. He was happy but not happy at the same time. He felt less worried about his past but worried about how less heavy he feels, hoping it never comes back.

He saw Suga punch Asahi on his stomach for talking bad about himself again. Yamaguchi busy talking to Yaku about some type of tv show they both watch. They were all having their own time. He just watched at the sideline like he was before.

"You know you can talk to them."

Hinata turned his head and saw himself but a little older. He sat next to Hinata himself and noticed his smile like never before.

"It's nice that everything is out isn't it? How does it feel to you?"

"Fine,"Hinata mumbles looking at the screams from Lev running away from Kenma who looked like he was going to murder him.

"Well...let's let you know that even if we are not well. At least we are getting better."

"I feel like a garbage truck ready to pick up the last trash on the side."He told the male scoffing.

"Not necessarily because if you were, then you would've probably outside, neglected, and never accepted because of what happened to you. But that never did, did it?"

"Like I said before. It's okay not to be okay. It's okay for you to feel that way. It's how we are born to feel. It's not okay that it happened but don't blame for something you couldn't control."

Hinata stared at him as he saw him smile brightly. He felt him pat his head and turned to look at someone. Hinata turned and looked at Seno.

"He sacrificed so much for you...they all took care of you. They were selfless people, you were once too. Just because someone decides to ruin the way you preserve the whole world doesn't mean there are more people who will. You just have to be yourself and let those shoulders relax."

Hinata nodded then looked at Bokuto stuck on the slide with Ushijima and Kuroo trying to pull him out. "I guess so."

"Your not listening aren't you? You hear my words but never take them to heart."

"We can be happy only if you can accept yourself. I want to be happy as much as you want to. I know that I don't want to cry anymore or feel pain anymore."

Hinata thought for a moment then agreed. He had a choice for himself. Either to feel trapped with everything that had happened to him or to let go to feel comfortable in his own skin.

"You can't forget but forgive. Sometimes we have to fight our ways to those problems and you did. You just need the strength to at least step a foot forward to tomorrow. You can do it."

"You did well getting yourself together with everything. Even if you feel depressed it's okay. Sometimes you just need those beside you since the beginning."

Hinata turned to him and saw him slowly disappear. He frowned and stared as the male just chuckled. He saw himself chuckling.

"Let's now be happy, let's be genuinely happy."

Hinata just nodded with a little smile. He could agree with his choices but didn't know why the male was talking in this sort of way.

"It's time to sleep. You've done well. Thank you Hinata Shouyou."

Hinata felt himself close his eyes and fall. All he felt was nothing but less pain. No screams or shouts. Just peace. He took a breath and sighed. It was beautiful. It was okay, he was okay.

A light shines through as Hinata laid on the floor. He opened his eyes and saw his clothes a little ripped. He was confused as to why that happened. He looked around and saw people staring at him which made him even more confused.

They were surprised. Hinata was back to normal just not so normal. Since his clothes are a little tight on him and a little ripped. They noticed the confusion on his face. All they could say is that he's back to normal and seems to be fine.

He saw someone walk forward and turned to see Aone. He stood up and held onto his clothes trying to hide his body. He watched as the male held his hand up. Not only made him confused but wondered what was going on.

"What are you trying to do?"He asked Aone as he moved back a little with a flinch.

They looked at him and Hinata stayed terrified. It might be fake right? He didn't forget this time and he's lying like last time? This has got to be a joke? Some noticed and stopped to even see Hinata and hearing him. They didn't believe it at first but then noticed his face was just off. He wasn't lying. When Akaashi wanted to step closer Hinata moved back.

"Don't step closer."

"I'm kidding! Aone Papa I need clothes."He said which made them sigh in relief loudly.

Aone nodded and took off his shirt. He helps put his shirt on Hinata then smiled. Akashi came closer and kissed his head smiling. Suga ran and hugged Hinata. Hinata whined and looked at Daichi for help but then the male came close. Then just hugged him. He looked at the others.

He wanted to die. He hugged Daichi and hid his face on the side of his neck. Daichi chuckled as he hugged the child. He picked him up into his arms and chuckled.

"We really need clothes on you! Let's get you home."He hummed and as the other people there were clueless but then their eyes widen.

Hinata waved and they just waved back surprised. He went back to his age, the age he should be and the age he should be loved. No matter what age, he should be loved either way. He closed his eyes only to feel comfort and darkness taken over him.

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