Chapter 69

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I'm Ready | Map6

Hinata woke up with the house a mess. The boys stayed the night and left early morning. Hinata was already ready for school and so was Natsu. It was her first day today. She was excited and so was Hinata.

"You will meet awesome people. There are amazing people and there is this student council that makes me laugh a lot. He pretends to be serious when he's just a sleepy head."He said and she hummed.

"Will you think we will be okay?"Natsu asked Seno who nodded.

"I've heard daddy has been talking to someone,"Hinata said wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk.

"Oooh...who is it?"Natsu asked curiously making Seno blush.

"How would you know? And don't lie."Seno told Hinata who raised his eyebrow.

"Cause I saw your phone and I never lie...well I have when I told Ushijima papa that I won't call him papa if he didn't give me ice cream when I know I'll still call him that until he dies and I don't have to call him that anymore."He said and Seno just stared at him then saw Hinata smile.

"Right...yeah. He's that officer."

"OH, THAT GUY! He got muscles."Natsu said and Hinata nodded.

"Ah, did they find anything? I mean I told him some stuff."Hinata asked Seno who nodded.

" was bad but the kids were moved somewhere else and it's been closed down for some reasons."He mumbles as Natsu plays with her food.

"Anyway when's the date? You should go on a date with him."Hinata told him and Seno coughed while Natsu laughed.

"You're shy right? Jun is a good guy...I think, but I guess people could have a crush on him. He's handsome."Natsu said making Seno blink.

"You know you're not getting anyone until your at least ninety. Same with you Shouyou. Both of you."He sternly told them.

"Yeah yeah and you'll want a wedding from us when we turn twenty because we will look old,"Hinata said making them chuckle.

Once they finished their breakfast. Seno quickly cleaned the dishes and went to put his shoes on by the door then opened the door. The two kids walked out with sunglasses making Seno sighed. Hinata was sure trying to make something out of today.

He locked the door and left to meet the two at the elevator. They went down then to the parking lot to go get the car. Hinata and Natsu ran excitedly skipping. He clicked a key to unlock the car to open.

"Come on old man!"Hinata screeched making Seno sigh.

He went by Hinata and opened the door. He put him inside his car seat then closed the door. He did the same thing with Natsu who giggled. Seno eventually went to his seat and put his bag beside him on the passenger chair.

Seno started to turn on the car and put the radio on. Hinata frowned and heard something on. It was the theme song to Attack On Titan. He screamed and sang. Natsu giggled clapping as Seno sighed starting to drive.

The drive was small and it was easy. He parked and took both of them out of their car seat. He looked at them staring at the school.

"If you can be a man of culture to sing AOT I think you're strong enough to fight the Titans inside there,"Seno said making Hinata turn his head.

Hinata smiled and Seno winked. "See daddy is the best."

"I love you, daddy!"Hinay said hugging his leg making Natsu copy him.

"Me too. I love you too."He chuckles and pats their head.

"Let's watch a movie after school. How about it?"Seno asked and they nod as their eyes sparkle.

"Bye, DADDY!"Hinata said and bowed while Natsu copied.

They both walked to school and waved. He waved and smiled seeing them leave. He went back to his car to go to work but first go get some cake to feel better about himself. He's free from kids again. He chuckled knowing he's free at last to eat cake by himself. Hinata took Natsu to the office to find they both had the same class. Hinata walked her there and Namba screamed.

"TWINS HOLLY MOLLY!"She yelled and Hinata chuckled.

"Hinata Natsu, this is Namba Hana. She's my friend. Namba this is my sister Hinata Natsu."Hinata said smiling and she nodded.

"Those two are Masuda and Tsutsui. Tsutsui is nice so."He whispered that last party to her as she nodded.

"Hinata?"Hinata turned to see the student council staring at him.

"Oh, Hinata Natsu this is Horie, the student council president."He said and Natsu bowed smiling at him.

He stared at the two and gulped. Two sunshine's brighter than his future were looking straight at him. It was so bright he covered his eyes. He just bowed and walked away. Natsu frowned and Hinata swayed his hands like it was whatever.

"He's probably going to sleep like it's the only dream he can only have."He told her and she chuckled.


The two turned and the girls stare at them. "This is Hinata Natsu."

"Oh okay so Sho, have you read the book I gave you?"Masuda asked and he hummed.

"My daddy allowed me to buy more books so if you want to read one just tell me which one so I can buy it."He said and her eyes sparkled.

"It's nice to meet you. You must be Shouyou's little sister."Tsutsui said bowing and Natsu bowed back.

"I'm Tsutsui and this is Masuda. Ignore her if she yells."She whispers to Natsu who nodded.

"I think we should read some reincarnation stories. Those have gotten popular lately."Namba said and Masuda scoffed.

"Seriously....same oh to be in a game with a guy who just loves you but doesn't stalk or kidnap you but instead gives you space."She mumbles and Tsutsui sighed.


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