Chapter 50

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Named | Jonghyun & Taemin

Hinata walked to see Daichi and smiled. "PAPA!"

Daichi and the other papas turned to see Hinata. Hinata ran and hugged Daichi's leg with a smile. He jumped excitedly while Daichi chuckled. He picked the child up into his arms and smiled.

"I see your here today. You look happy. Did something good happen?"He asked and Hinata hummed.

"A lot of good things. I want to talk to you about something."Hinata said and Daichi nodded as he walked away from the crowds.

"Daddy is making me go back to school. I'm scared."He said and Daichi hummed.

"Well, it's okay to be scared."

Hinata looked at him and Daichi sighed. "You don't know how it will go because you're not psychic, you're scared because you're afraid of people hating you or making the wrong choices, but you know Shouyou. I know much that you can do it and you'll be okay. Why? Because you're a good person."

"You think so?"Hinata asked and Bokuto smirked.

"Yeah because your strong and handsome, pretty and beautiful and se-."Sakusa hit the back of Bokuto's head with toilet paper.

"Ow! SAKUSA!"Bokuto yelled rubbing his head as he sighed.

Hinata giggled and looked at them. Kuroo slid and ran to them. He smiled and Hinata laughed. He held his arms and Kuroo took him into his arms. He twirled and kissed his cheek. He put him up in the air and some pretended to bow.

"Stop making a scene Kuroo."Iwaizumi said taking the child away from him.

"Wow what a wonderful day it is,"Osamu said then saw Hinata them coed.

"See, so you don't have to worry about school. We like you and I bet others will too."Daichi said with his arm crossed to his chest.

"Oooh, you're going to school!"Daisho asked and Hinata nodded.

"It's going to be so much fun! You'll be playing and learning and playing."Bokuto said and Kuroo nodded.

"If you're going to school I need to teach you chemical equations, the cells in your body, and how it works..."He continued to talk as Hinata just nodded.

"School will be fine. Just stand out and if people are jealous and are mad, they are upset they can't take care of themselves like you do."Ushijima spoke which made Hinata raise an eyebrow confused.

"Ushijima got some wise words eh!"Kuroo said making Hinata giggle.

Hinata looked to see someone and pouted. Hinata put his head on the male's shoulder and looked at the hall. It was weird to him. It felt odd. The boys talked and walked to meet their group. Hinata thought maybe it was just in his head.

"Hinata...I'm sorry."He heard and looked behind him to see the male run away.

He heard more footsteps and it stopped. He turned to see those boys. The new bullies he had to encounter. He watched as they glared at him. One grabbed his hair and threw his head to the wall. He groans and falls to the floor. He holds his head and felt as if his head was going to pop off.

"Stupid idiot."

He hugged Iwaizumi tightly holding his shirt and gulped. The more he thought and the more his memories came back. The more he hated it. There wasn't a day to see the light in school. Even if his papas didn't know what was going on. He was afraid to even look at it. Aone moved his hair off his forehead which made Hinata clam down a little. He smiled at him and the man smiled back.

"Come to me!"Oikawa said taking him away from Iwaizumi's arms.

Hinata looked at him and hugged him. He smiled in glee and walked with Hinata as the rest glared. He really had to steal it from the fathers. Iwaizumi was mad. Oikawa took him to see the mom group who smiled.

"I heard you were going to school. Are you excited?"Akaashi asked taking him from Oikawa.

"It's scary but we are here for you when you need it."Yaku said patting his head.

"You're a strong princess, you'll make it to the top and steal everything in your way!"Oikawa said standing up on the chair with a smile.

Hinata stared at Oikawa. The chair moved from the front making him fall straight to the floor. He flinched and scrunched his face. That was going to hurt and must've hurt a lot. Suga helped him up and Oikawa groaned.

"You even have a game stupid idiot."Yaku said and Oikawa laughed it out.

Hinata smiled as he watched Kita throw him an ice pack. Oikawa put the ice pack on his face. Akaashi looked at Hinata and put his hand on his head then kissed his cheek. He looked as Hinata watch them play weirdly.

"Do want some snacks?"He asked fixing the child's hair.

Hinata nodded and smiled. "Akaashi mama, I want juice!"

"Okay."He said smiling and carried him to find a vending machine.

He found one and bought a juice smiling. Hinata was given orange juice and Hinata started drinking it with a straw. He looked to see Asahi and his eyes widen. He waved to get his attention which never worked.

"ASAHI UNCLE!"He yelled making heads turn.

Asahi looked and his eyes widen. He ran to Hinata and smiled. Hinata went into his arms and hugged him. He wished Asahi could come to school with him. No one would scare him or would be mean to him. Even though Asahi is soft like his bear.

"I missed you!"He giggled making Asahi smile brightly.

"Can you be Jesus now? I want to pray."He asked and Nishinoya came by with Tanaka laughing.

"Shouyou! You're an angel!"

Hinata looked at him confused. "I thought you said I was an angle."

"No. Angel!"He said and Hinata hummed then looked at Akaashi.

"WHERE IS MY BABY!"He heard a yell to see Suga who was angry.

Suga ran and took him from Asahi like always. Hinata pouted and looked at Suga who just smiled at him then glared at the others. Akaashi sighed and looked at them. He felt bad but he couldn't do anything with Suga.

"Aren't you guys playing next? You should go."He said and they nod.

Suga kissed Hinata's cheeks and forehead as he whined. They chuckle and see the sad look on Suga's face.

"I'm not dying, go play and win!"He said and Suga nodded handing him to Akaashi.

Suga looked at him once more then walked away waving to him. Hinata waved back smiling as he sees everyone getting ready. He watched as everyone was walking around. Akaashi started walking to go to the stadium. Hinata looked behind Akaashi and put his head on his shoulder. He sees someone familiar down the hall and his eyes widen.

"Save me."

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