Chapter 18

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Breathe | AB6IX

Hinata was already in the car with Seno, ready to go home. He hadn't said a word since he left the camp. Kageyama told Seno Hinata did have a nightmare last night which could cause the reason why. Hinata just looked at the window and to see his father has stopped the car.

"I am going to go get some snacks before we leave. If that's okay with you."Seno said and Hinata just nodded.

"It's not like I am stopping you. Hold on let me come before you choose something gross."He said and Seno raised an eyebrow.

"You old people don't have great taste buds."

"I am not old Shouyou!"He told him with a hurtful look on his face.

"Your roots are grey Daddy."He sighed and just nodded to get that over with what Hinata was telling him.

"Fine, let's just go."He said and got out of his car then walked to the right side to open the door.

He took his child out of the car seat then held him in his arms. He closed the door then locked them. He started walking to the store then got a cart. He walked inside as Hinata put his head on Seno's shoulder. The child pouted then turned to his father.

"When we go home, can we play dress-up?"He asked and the male hummed.

Hinata smiled excitedly. He's going to put dresses he likes and pose. Sometimes he does tea parties after it. He just loves hanging out with his father. He kissed Seno's left cheek who stopped to stare at his child. He smiled at the child then kissed his son's left cheek.

Soon they went to the snack area and Hinata pointed at all the snacks, most were strawberry flavor. Seno put him down and watched the child every second. He was very careful knowing this child was easily able to run away in his grasps.

"Shouyou! Anything else?"He asked and the child stood with his hands to his hips looking at the snacks.

"The drinks."He said and the male nodded smiling.

He picked up the child to put him in the cart. Hinata smiled and Seno pushed quickly making Hinata scream in laughter. Once they made it to the drinks. They took orange juice instead. Seno then went to the register and put them on the register. Hinata was given praise and talks from adults around him.

"My daddy says not to talk to strangers. So I can't talk to you. I know I am talking now because I want you not talking to me okay."He said then turned to his father who was proud inside.

Hinata just didn't want people looking at him or talking to him. If it wasn't someone he didn't know, he didn't want to see their face. He noticed the couple being odd and he didn't like it. That's why he did it. He knows he's smart. After Seno paid, they both were out of the store.

All of a sudden Hinata heard whimpers and stands up on the cart. He puts a hand on his father's shoulder and looks around.

"Daddy? Can I go down? I hear something."He says and the male nodded.

The male put him down and looked at the child. He followed the child and the child stopped. He heard loud noises which got him annoyed since he couldn't hear anything else.

"Get closer to the corner."

He frowned and turned to his father. He moved his hand to signal him to come closer. Hinata walked to the corner of the store and noticed a bag. He frowned and kneeled. He peeked and saw a cat with four kittens.

"Daddy look."He said and the male came closer to see what it was.

His eyes widen and saw the malnourishment. They were freezing. He looked around and saw a box. He got up and went to it then quickly ran back. He took off his jacket as Hinata watched. He saw as his father slowly put them in the box them put that large jacket around them due to being too big.

The male put the box in the cart then picked Hinata to put him also in the cart. Hinata looked and stared at the cat. He felt bad for it and wanted to hug the cat. The car did look familiar to him but he couldn't put a finger on it.

He watched as his father picked him up and put him in the car seat then put the box on his left side. Hinata looked at the kittens drinking milk. He looked at his father coming inside noticing the snacks beside the front seat.

"We will take them to the vet to check on them."He said and Hinata nodded.

Seno was just surprised by how Hinata found the cat and kittens. Then he remembers about Shouyou's Pomeranian dog, Pom-Pom. They don't know what happened to him. Once Hinata went back to normal, the others said the dog was gone.

Hinata stared at the cat as his father drove to the vet hospital. Hinata couldn't stop at all. Not only the fur white as snow but the golden eyes that were similar to his. It was a British shorthair. He noticed it was beautiful than he had seen from the bag.

Once the father made it to the vet. He took his son out of the car and picked up the box. He took it to the emergency to check the kittens and the cat. They were perfectly fine.


"Bubbles."He said trying to look at the cat who turned to stare at him.

The cat stood up and walked to Hinata. Seno watched as Hinata blinked. The cat went by Hinata slowly and Seno picked the boy up. He put him on the table and the cat started to go on his lap. Her head rubbing his stomach as she pulled his arm smiling.

"Let's keep them."He heard Hinata blurt out which made Seno surprised.

He looked at the four kittens getting cleaned as the mom on Hinata's lap. What the heck was he going to do? Faint? Not really? He was going to go insane. The mother whimpers making Hinata touch her soft fur smiling.

"Fine, we will."He said and Hinata smiled then looked at the kittens.

He pointed at a grey one then grinned. "We can name the kittens? I will call that one grey and white one Seno! Just like Daddy!"

"No...Snuggles. Snuggles sound better. Does he seem like a snuggler? Wait...Daddy can a cat smuggle?"He asked and Seno shook his head.

"Okay and that one is Miss Potato head. No...POTTY!"He said excitedly as he started to guess more.

They took care of all of them and eventually went home with a new family. What can Seno say? Going on a trip for Hinata's, there was always something coming back. As he thought about it, he noticed how Hinata came back from Tokyo with family members filled with volleyball plays and now cats. He's not going to Tokyo if there is a family of tigers waiting for him. No way.

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