Chapter 47

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I Don't Wanna Die | Vincit

Hinata coughed and looked at him. It was blurry. He just stared at the person he felt comfortable with. He couldn't hear anything at all.

"Why did you do this? Don't hurt yourself again. I'll switch schools for you. Don't do it again."Seno told Hinata who nodded.

"Shouyou?"Seno cried hugging him.

"Let's get you changed and warmed up?"He said but Hinata started crying.

"It hurts. Dad it hurts!"He cried hugging him tightly.

He clenched his fists to his father's shirt and cried loudly. His father just held him with a gulp. All the two boys could do was stare. Tsukishima clenched his fist and looked away. Kageyama decided to go back to Hinata's room to get him some clothes and a towel.

"I would rather kill you instead. Would you like that Hinata?"He heard and turned to see the boys behind him.

"Why are you doing this? You guys are supposed to be nice, why?"He asked and one chuckled.

"Oh boohoo. The reason is because we all have status. I'm better than you and see when I'm better at something, I beat it until I let the other lose. You're going to lose Hinata Shouyou and you know that."

Hinata looked to see them pull a kid. "Wasn't this your friend you tried to save?"

"What are you doing?"Hinata shook in fear and notice a lighter.

"No...STOP! Do you know what could happen to you? He's a human being and not a toy. Why would you burn someone's life when you don't have one? Are you trying to take his because you can't TAKE YOURS?"He said in anger making the boys stop.

"Oh so you have a tongue to talk, why don't you lick my shoes for that!"Hinata glared and saw the male slowly get away from the grasp then ran.

The boys looked at Hinata and saw the lighter turned on. The brown-haired boy threw it to the old burned building behind Hinata. His eyes widen and saw the boys start running. Hinata just stood and watched as the flames grew and grew with the screams he wished he couldn't hear.

"Shouyou, Shouyou! Look at me!"Seno said trying to get his attention to him.

He was hyperventilating, shaking in fear, and unfocused. Seno tried to get his attention but he didn't know how to deal with it. Tsukishima came closer and quickly took Seno's spot.

"Would you look at that, Oni-San? Guess who's here!"Hinata turned to see who he noticed.

Their faces, their clothes, and body. It became too familiar. The places, everything was back into his mind. He hated how he had mistaken the route back home, but they must've cornered him.

"Just die Shouyou. You ugly piece of shit!"

Hinata walked away and felt something hit his head. He turned and looked at the male. The older male pulled his arm and smirked. He noticed how he was excited.

"Boy! Guess who we have today!"He looked to see some older males smoking in the alley.

They started at him one by one and smirked. "Let's have fun!"

"SHOUYOU!"Tsukishima yelled shaking him awake.

Hinata gasped and stared at him. He took him out of the tub and hugged him tightly in his arms. Kageyama came in and gave Seno the stuff he brought from Hinata's room.

"I'm here. Your safe."He said hugging him closely as he looked at the two.

He looked scary. He was protective over him all of a sudden. It's started to freak them both out. Kageyama gulped as he looked at Hinata shaking. He couldn't touch him, Tsukishima was becoming a monster.

"Change him and get him warm,"Seno said putting Hinata's towel and clothes on the sink table.

They both walked away slowly as they noticed Tsukishima watching them. Seno closed the door and sighed. Kageyama looked at the male and bit his lip.

"Is he going to be okay?"He asked Seno seeing the male cry.

He hugged the male and hummed. He rubbed the child's back and let the child cry. He knew he left with a heavy heart. He was thankful he brought the towel and clothes, worrying about him at the moment more than he was.

Tsukishima hugged him tightly in his lap and looked down. He kissed Hinata's head and sniffed. He slowly grabbed the towel and took it from the sink table. He looked at Hinata who seemed dull.

"Shouyou. Let's get you changed so you don't get a cold. Okay?"He asked as he took off the child's shirt that was soaked.

"I don't want to die. Save me."

"T...tsukki."He whispered.

Tsukishima stared at him and ready to listen as he changed him out of his clothes. "Yes? What is it?"

"I don't want to die."Tsukishima hummed and dried his skin then hair.

He put on his new clothes and got up with him in his arms. Tsukishima put Hinata's head on his shoulder. He opened the door and saw no one. They walked out then went to Hinata's room. Kageyama was already on the left side of the bed again. He put him on his bed and put blankets on him.

"I'm sorry,"Hinata told him and Tsukishima shook his head.

"Just sleep. If you're scared, me and Kageyama are here okay."He said and Hinata nodded getting closer to Tsukishima's chest.

Tsukishima put an arm around Hinata and sighed. He couldn't let Hinata go. No, he would never let him go. It was hard for him already. He had gotten so close, he doesn't want to be separated from him. Kageyama was just in tears. He wiped them and hugged the stuffed bear Hinata would hug to sleep with. He hated it. He wanted to protect him and help him. He knew he couldn't. He's scared if Hinata would let go.

"Kageyama are you scared?"He turned to see Tsukishima awake and Hinata sleeping.

"Yeah. You?"Tsukishima hummed.

"Let's promise to protect him...we can't let him out of sight."Kageyama looked at Hinata and agreed.


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