Chapter 82

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It had been a week but they finally pulled through. Hinata looked as the kids walked into where they belong. Hinata was just happy. Chiasa was thankful and cried that she got her justice. Including Yuki's parents who didn't know what really happened found the truth. Hinata sat outside on the bench.

Those schools were sued and so were some teachers. At least three teachers went to jail and for sure they will not be out for a long time. At least two schools are not allowed to be opened again and were being questioned for other mishaps to report.


Hinata flinched and looked to see Funai. He was smiling at him. Hinata smiled at him seeing that Funai was happy. Funai sat beside him seeing him smile.

"You finally saved me."

"It was you?"Hinata asked and he hummed.

"Not just him."

Hinata turned to see Yuki walking with a smile. He sat on the right side of Hinata. He was surprised he could see them. He looked sighed then looked at the sky.

"It's not your fault. You didn't remember. You saved us now. We are happy and okay."

"Yuki...sorry for not doing enough,"Hinata told him sadly.

"You did enough and that's it."

"Thanks for stepping in for me when I needed it. Thanks for being someone I could call a friend. You don't need to feel guilty. Just be happy. I would never feel mad or angry. I'll always be proud of you."

"Tell my parents and my sister I love them very much. Take care Sho."

Yuki hugged him and slowly disappeared. Hinata turned feeling a pat on the shoulder to see Funai. He bit his lip then looked at him.

"Sho, you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I love you. Take care and tell my parents I love them. Tell Ryo he was the stupidest brother I've ever met and he better not still my action figures."

"You know my favorite memory about you?"

Hinata tilted his head and looked at him. "That time where you cooked at my house and we got in trouble because Ryo burned the kitchen telling you not to cook. You were the best cook in the house though."

"Goodbye Sho. I'll miss you."

He hugged Hinata crying while Hinata himself was crying. He felt his disappearance then gulped. He wiped his tears while sniffing. He felt hands on his shoulders to see Akaashi.

"Akaashi mama,"Hinata said as the male was surprised to be called mama again.

Akaashi smiled and hugged him. He went through so much and finally it's over, it's free. Akaashi rubbed his back softly. He turned to the others who stared at him. Akaashi just smiled in tears knowing that the boy remembered him. Shiratorizawa did tell them but they didn't believe it. Bokuto did though. He ran to give him a blue blanket as a gift.

"It's okay Shouyou!"Akaashi smiled and the male looked up to him.

"Mr.Pretty mama!"

"Yes, that's me."He said and looked back at the others.

"Oh let's not cry now. You finally got what you wanted to fix."Terushima said holding his hands to his hips smiling even though he was dying inside because Hinata was crying.

Hinata just nodded and wiped his tears with a chuckle. Terushima looked like a sassy man with what suit he was wearing. A yellow suit with a duck tie. Suga walked to him and Hinata got off and ran to him.

"I'm glad you're okay,"Suga said kissing his head.

Hinata looked at Kiyoko behind him. He held out a hand and she took it in tears. He turned to see Kenma who smiled at him but he was crying. They never thought he would be back. Not after all that. They thought he would just remember what he used to remember. Hinata went to wipe his tears and smiled.

"I'm here now. I want to go eat pizza now."He smiled at them and Kai ruffled his hair.

"Still like cheese, don't you?"

"Who wouldn't?"He said and they chuckle.

Hinata walked to Seno who smiled. He turned to see Ukai. He went beside him and told him to come closer to him. Hinata kissed his cheek making the male surprised.

"Hello, Grandpa."Ukai turned his head to look at Hinata quickly:

He smiled widely and hugged him. He couldn't believe it. His baby was back. The first word that anyone has heard from his mouth. Grandpa. Yes, he was the youngest grandpa indeed. Yet again who cares. The baby in his arms was his cute dashing child.

He let go and moved his hair off the child's forehead softly. He looked at his face as he saw the sparkle in his eyes like he used to see. That was his child.

"We want to go get pizza! Can we?"Hinata asked and Seno nodded.

Seno walked to the boys with Ukai who was busy talking about the next game. Hinata looked to see Funai's mother with a smile. He waved and she waved back leaving in her car. He saw them leave and it was just him.

"SHOUYOU THE PIZZA ISN'T GOING TO COOK FOR ITSELF!"Tsukishima yelled and Hinata snickered.

"MR. TAMPON STOP BEING MEAN!"Hinata yelled back.

Some started laughing while the moms gasp. Hinata giggled and ran to them. He held Tanaka's left hand and Koganegawa's right hand. The two felt blessed. Tanaka prayed to the gods and Koganegawa was just feeling so much that he felt like he couldn't take it anymore.

"What kind of pizza do you guys want?"Seno asked and Hinata smiled.

"Cheese pizza."He said and Kageyama pats his head softly.

From a far, Hinata and the others looked like a mob mess. From the inside. They were the happiest bubble. Some moved just so the big group could walk. It was like a full soccer field. Hinata heard something and just kept smiling.

"I love you all."

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