Chapter 70

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"Wake up!"Hinata flinched and looked to see a child sitting on a chair.

"What's going on?"He asked and felt his hair pulled up to see that male.

"Isn't he the little friend of yours? Your precious little buddy."He chuckled and pushed Hinata's head down to the floor.

Hinata glared at Satow. The child that pissed him off the most. The male who ruined his life from the beginning. He pulled Funai's hair as he cried.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!"He yelled and Satow laughed.

He punched the kid as he cried through his covered mouth. Hinata tried to leave his grip but he couldn't. He turned to see Satow's friends smirking at him.

"Hey, Satow we should just beat this pimple too. Wouldn't be fun without them both screaming."He glared at Tao.

"Of course."

Tao pulled Hinata's head off the floor with his hair and held him to watch Funai getting beaten up. There was a rope around his arms and legs. He couldn't get out of it even if he wanted to. He looked at Tao who had something in his hand.

"This is for the best of us."He said and felt smacked on the back very hard.

Hinata screamed trying to get help which made Satow glare. "Cover his mouth would you?"

Hinata screamed even louder as his mouth then was covered. They continued to torture them until Hinata was pulled to look up. Hinata couldn't bear to watch an innocent child beaten up by some mean idiot bafools.

"Oh look. He fainted."He stared at Satow with a glare.

He was punched in the head and passed out. The males eventually left and leaving those two behind. Funai woke up eventually and started crying. He noticed Hinata not awake. He thought the male was dead. He screamed which made Hinata wake up.

He looked around and saw him. He quickly tried his hardest to pull himself to the child. Funai looked around and saw a sharp object by the side of the door.

"Mmm!mmm!"He kicked his leg up to point by the door and moved his head for Hinata to look.

Hinata turned and looked around then by the door. He went over there, laying and pulling himself as he felt his pain throbbing. Once he made it. He took it from the back of his hands to start cutting it. He tried to do it quickly as possible.

"I think we should leave them for the night."Hinata continued as they talked, never stopping.

Once he got his hands, he looked started removing the ropes on his legs with the same object. The small knife did help a little but it wouldn't finish the job fast. Hinata snickered and finally took it out. He slowly got up and looked to see a big cutter. Right, this is a farmers safe.

He limped to it slowly as Funai watched. He grabbed it and went to cut the ropes quickly. He took off the tape of Funai's mouth then his.

"Burn this place."Hinata stopped and turned to hear them.

"Burn this place down idiot!"

"Let's get out of here,"Hinata whispers seeing the door in the corner.

He pulled the kid's hand slowly to the door and opened it slowly to see a way out. He heard something and immediately pulled him to a tree. He hugged the kid and looked to see Satow's older brother, Ogini. The gasoline everywhere on the floor and the room. He watched as they turned on a lighter.

His eyes widen as the whole place burned. Some ran and one stayed laughing. He stayed in his place waiting for them to leave. He looked down at Funai worriedly.

He saw the flames getting worse so he grabbed Funai's left hand. He pulled him and started running. They looked at the flames and noticed how big it was getting. Almost like the person was chasing him with flames.

Hinata woke up and sighed. Another day, another moment of hatred. He wanted to be in peace and quiet. He got out of his bed and checked the time. He threw his alarm that was ringing rubbing his eyes. He sighed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

He looked at his arms and saw the scars visible. He hates that nightmare the most. He turned off the warm water and got out with a towel around him. He went back to his room to put his uniform on and put his backpack on. He turned to look at the mirror. Again, why is he awake this early for school? He slumped and walked out of the closet then out of his room.

"AAHHH!"He heard a scream and looked down to see a girl with orange hair.

"Uh...who are you?"Hinata asked confused as he stared at her noticing the similarities between them.

"Oh! WHAT THE FU-!"Seno slipped and fell staring at his son noticing his appearance.

He frowned and looked at his uniform. "Shouyou! Hey, Uh you okay?"

Hinata stared at him and then pointed at Natsu. He turned and looked at Natsu with a smile. Natsu turned to glance at Seno in fear. What happened to the tiny man she saw before? How did he grow so fast?

"Natsu go eat your breakfast or else it's going to get cold or I'll be eating it,"Seno said as her eyes widen then ran to her food.

Seno got up and wiped his bum then stared at Hinata who stared at him. His uniform, his face, his body, and his height. It all made sense. He doesn't remember at all, does he?

"Do you remember anything? Are you okay?"He asked and Hinata scoffed walking away bumping his shoulder.

"Hinata Shouyou."

He froze and turned to him. He then shook his head. Hinata turned back and walked away leaving Seno alone. Seno had to make him stay home and tell the others. Seno knew what's going on. He's not only going back through that phase, but he's a middle schooler who lost his mind.

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