Chapter 31

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Hinata looked outside the window and saw people walking around. They were going in and out of shops. He turned to see his father seeing him tap his finger on the wheel. His music taste really sucks.

"Change the radio,"Hinata whined annoyed kicking his legs.

"Fine,"Seno mumbles and changes the station to something he has heard before but doesn't remember.

"Oh, this used to be your favorite song."Hinata raised an eyebrow and looked at his father's face through the mirror.

He turned his head to the streets to see the fun side of his life. The song played and he hummed. It was a blur to him. Even if he tried to remember. It was a blur.

"Cause I need you, And I miss you, And now I wonder."

He turned his head and stared at a shadow. That shadow of himself. He started to shake and notice him bopping his head with the song, singing it loudly. He chuckled as he saw him scream. Then the male stopped to look at him. That's when Hinata freaked out. It seemed like a heart attack for him.

Hinata flinched after hearing a voice in front of him. "We are here!"

"Oh! Okay!"He said and turned to see no one beside him.

Seno went to take him off his car seat and pick him up into his arms. Hinata put his head on Seno's shoulder with no emotion. He wanted to know where the male went? Who was he? Why did it almost look like him and why wasn't he that scared? It only felt familiar, it felt as if he's been in that situation more than once.

Hinata looked at the car and see himself through the window. He was staring not only at himself but a shadow. It wasn't him but it was dark. He shivers making Seno run his back softly swaying around to the back of the car. He felt like he was carrying a baby. A tinny baby in his arms that is so cute, bubbly, and sarcastic. He will never let him go.

"Are you cold?"Seno asked him.

"No, goosebumps. Daddy, it was goosebumps."He said making Seno chuckle.

"Well, if your cold. Ask me for the blanket. I don't want you to get sick."He said told Hinata hummed hugging his father tightly.

He held his shirt with his fists. Seno kissed his forehead then went to open the back trunk. Seno grabbed a bag and locked his car. He walked to the tournament and inside. Hinata looked at the security guard by the door. Hinata thought the male was too serious.

"Daddy, I wanna walk. My butt feels like a rock."He said and Seno chuckles.

He puts his child down and took his hand to hold it. Seno walked the hall and noticed something. He looked down to see Hinata jumping to each block. He smiled and let the child play by himself for a while. Hinata looked up to see a male with blonde hair, wearing a jumpsuit. His eyes widen and he pointed at him. Seno looked and he smiled.

"GRANDPA!"He yelled and quickly ran to Ukai then hugged his legs.

Ukai looked around then down to see Hinata. His eyes widen and picked him up into his arms. Hinata giggles feeling like he flew up in the air. It was just a happy moment of Ukai for the child to call him and hug him. To feel special because he knows he's special to Hinata.

"YAH SHOUYOU YOU GREW SO MUCH!"He said and Hinata giggled hugging Ukai.

"I miss grandpa!"He said as his lips smile feeling content and warm with him.

He felt someone touch his nose and he opened his eyes to see Naoi. "Grandpa!"

"You've gotten cuter!"He said and pinched his cheeks making Hinata chuckle.

"Am I pretty too? I dressed myself up today!"He said making them nod.

"Yes of course. I love your outfit. Good job"Naoi said giving him a thumbs up making him laugh.

Ukai put Hinata down and he quickly jumped around excitedly meeting the coaches. They talked to Seno and checking up on Hinata who held Anabara's hand jumping around. He giggled and moved his feet around as his white sneakers.

"Seno, I'll kidnap him from you."He mumbles and Hinata looked at the male then smiled.

"I would like to see you try."He told the male who looked down at him then smiled.

"You're so cute!"

Anabara looked at the coaches who were getting ready. Hinata stared at them and saw them busy. He looked at the window to see a butterfly. It was blue and his eyes roam to see it fly around them up. He turned to see Seno staring at him with a smile.

"I'm going to find mama!"He said and Seno shook his head.

"You can't. They are getting ready"He told Hinata who nodded with a pout.

"We can see them later okay. Now let's go to the stadium."He nodded and walked with Seno.

He saw a door and frowned. He let his hand go and walked to see no one. He looked around and it was dark. He felt alone and lost. He turned to see his father missing. He heard the same song from the car and tried to find where it was coming from.

"If I could fall into the sky. Do you think time would pass me by? Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles. If I could just see you tonight."

"It's always times like these. When I think of you. And wonder if you ever think of me. Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong. Living in your precious memory."

He started to feel like he was somewhere else. He was just walking around, opening doors. He had no idea what was going on or what he was doing but he wanted to find something. His mother.

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