Chapter 21

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Like A Movie | B1A4

"Shouyou want to go to the park with them?"Seno asked knowing he will be safe with them.

They looked like tall monsters, or from a gang. He seriously wonders what their parents feed them. He knows one of them is a psychopath and if anything happens to Hinata, he knows the male would kill them.

"Park! I want to go to the PARK!"He said excitedly making Seno smile.

"Go change out of your pajamas and get your sunscreen. If you don't then you can't have chicken nuggets for dinner."Hinata pouted and nods quickly.

"Fine, but you better give me extra."He said then ran to his room.

He looked through his closet grabbing his favorite red shirt that said "look at my chicken strips" with chicken strips printed on them. He stared at his blue pants and frowned. He didn't want to ruin his favorite and only blue jeans making him take the black jeans. He changes and grabs his tractor socks from the drawer.

"Where is the evil cream?"He mumbles looking around his room to fight it in a drawer nightstand.

He took the sunscreen then ran out of his room to his father. He held it to him making the male smile. He picked the child up and the others watch as he put sun scream on his face, arms, and neck. Once it was over, Goshiki picked Hinata up into his arms as Tendo chuckled.

"That's an awesome shirt you got there, who got it for you?"He asked and Hinata smiled.

"Aunt Kiyoko!"He giggled raising his fist in the air.

"That's nice. It's the pretty manager from Karasuno?"He mumbles making Hinata confused but his face was so pure, he had to pass away.

Semi caught him then threw him on the floor. Goshiki bowed and walked to the door to put his shoes on. The child sat down as the male tied his shoelaces.

Semi was given a basket with snacks and drinks. The Yamagata grabbed a mat and blanket. They got to the door and put their shoes on. Hinata jumped excitedly and took Ohira's hand making him cry inside. He's deeply affected by the sun's touch.

"Be careful with him. You know how it is outside with those people."He said emphasizing "those" and they nodded.

"You know! Like Chipotle likes to eat my celery. I don't like celery so he is my favorite."He said and babbled nonsense that made Ohira just nod.

They bowed and left out of the apartment to go to the park. Hinata was so excited to play with them. Once they made it out of the apartment complex, they walked to the park nearby. Hinata let go of Ohira then ran to see the swings he saw.

"COME ON SLOW POKES!"He yelled at them making three boys after him.

Goshiki, Shibaru, and Tendo ran after Hinata with a grin. Ushijima just walked with the others as Semi yelled at them to stop running. Hinata made it to the swings and smiled. He couldn't sit on them since it was hard to get up on the swing. He felt arms around him to see Ohira. He smiled and put him on the swings. Tendo quickly went behind Hinata then pushed him softly.

"Woah! This is so much fun! Tendo swing with me!"He said excitedly pulling his leg back as he moved back.

"Okay then. Let's race!"Tendo smiled and sat on the other swing next to Hinata.

They swing and laughing with jokes for hours. "Oh wow, he's talking to a scary man. What if he kidnaps him?"

Hinata looked at Tendo who gulped. He blinked for a moment then pouted. Hinata looked at Tendo as if he was his second-best friend after Kageyama, his uncle, and it wasn't about his looks but personality. He loved Tendo and he didn't like what they said. He's not scary, he's normal, he's human and he's being himself compared to being a paperless sheet.

"I know, could he be a psychopath? A wanted murder? Oh no."Tendo heard as the ladies glared at him.

It was always like that, he hated it. It was just his face that was a problem. He was just a person but people thought of him as blood. He hated being called out and being told what he's not. He's tired of his looks causing a problem. Even when he was a kid, they always hurt him because of the way he looked.

"TENDO UNCLE! I AM HUNGRY!"Hinata yelled to get his attention and including the ladies talking bad about him.

"Ah okay. Let me take you to the others."He said as he got out of the swings to pick Hinata up in his arms.

Hinata looked at the ladies who stare at them. He looked unamused and held out his pinky. He stuck out his tongue then turned to Tendo. He noticed how sad he had become when they were just happy before those words came out.

"Tendo uncle?"He asked and the male turned his head to him.

"Don't listen to them. You're fine the way you are. They just had nothing to talk about so they used you to keep up a conversation. It's not worth your time to remember what they said because you won't see them anymore. Just focus on your picture. Not theirs."He said cupping Tendo's cheeks.

"Besides Tendo uncle is amazing, awesome, and handsome. They probably had bad boyfriends."He mumbles the last part.

Tendo just stood there, looking at Hinata without doing it saying anything. "Tendo uncle?"

It took Tendo for a moment, not just a moment. It felt like days, months, and years to hear something he should've heard a long time ago. It was something that should've been said and he should've thought. Something that he wished he would see before going through so much pain. Tears dropped from his eyes sliding down his cheeks.

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