Chapter 84

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Incomplete | Oneus

Hinata walked alone outside. He wanted to be alone. He was mentally tired with whatever was going on that he just wanted a break. A break from the world for once. He sighed and kicked a rock on the pavement floor.

He watched as the rock hit the wall and he looked up. His eyes register to where he was. It was his middle school. The one where he met his middle school friends Koji and Izumi. He walked in as he felt him call him. He just walked reaching the gym room.

"Come on! We can do this!"Hinata said excitedly to the team who chuckled.

"Yeah, but we can't do it that well. You just have to teach us."Hinata hummed and walked to them.

He taught Izumi to become his setter. He was steady but his sets were slippery. Koji was a wing spiker but he wasn't that well when it came to the ball. Mori, Suzuki, and Kawashima were okay but not perfect. However, Hinata was okay with that. He just wanted to play.

Hinata heard a chuckle and turned to see the hall empty. He frowned and slowly started walking away pretending to leave without noticing anything. He was going to run later. He wasn't going to deal with another creepy thing. He already had a voice in his head. Hinata heard something then stopped.

"Guys let's get some food!"Mori said excitedly and ran while Hinata smiled.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"Suzuki asked and Hinata hummed.

"Why do you like volleyball so much?"He asked Hinata who kept his smile that blurred his eyes.

"I feel like I can fly."

He only said those words that made him confused. He shook it off. Suzuki knew Hinata was crazy for volleyball. Hinata looked at him noticing he doesn't understand.

"It's freedom. You're able to breathe again on your own without hesitation of being alone."He told the male who turned to him.

Hinata felt his heartbeat rising. He held his hand to his chest. It wasn't a panic attack or an anxiety attack at all. It was love. It was passion.

Hinata drank some water then felt a tap on his shoulder. "Look your dad is here!"

"Dude your dad is here every game. Doesn't he have a job?"Kawashima asked and Hinata stared to see him smiling.

There was nothing besides joy from him. He didn't seem angry or annoyed. He looked anticipating. He seemed proud of Hinata. The male waved noticing his son looking at him. Hinata just gave a small wave then turned away. All Seno could just do was keep his smile and watch his son feeling invisible.

The boy bit his lip as he walked out. He felt bad. He should've never done that. He could feel his father's being miserable and sorrowful. Why would he do something to him when he was so proud of him just being there to play? Why did he do that?

He hated it one bit. He wished he loved his father the right way. He wished he cared for his father the right way. He hated it so much he wanted to rip his heart apart.

Hinata walked and turned back to the school building. This was the school that felt like home for him. Even though in the beginning he was in pain. He just felt happier and happier as his world changed.

"Graduation party!"Koji said excitedly.

He looked at them and winked. "See you all...never...after the party I mean."

"Oh stop being such a douche and get your butt off my life. I need my new life new me."Izumi said smiling at him.

He looked at the first years who waved at him. He waved and felt pulled by his two friends talking about food. He wanted to cook, it had been a while that he left his mind to it. He will definitely win against Kageyama in volleyball. No matter what.

Hinata turned and started running. He felt his crumbling world was lifted off his shoulder. He heard someone running beside him and turned to see himself running. The male turned with just a smile on his face.

He smiled back feeling happy. He finally made it home. Once he turned his head, the person beside him was gone. He chuckled and went to open the door. He walked inside and looked to see Seno frantically walking around worriedly.

"Dad? What are you doing?"He asked with a chuckle.

Seno looked up and his eyes widen. He immediately ran to his son and hugged him. He sighed in relief. They've been looking at him for a few hours. Jun looked then smiled. He called to cancel the search. Seno kissed his head and moved back to check if there were any injuries on Hinata.

"I'm fine dad."

"What were you thinking going outside alone by yourself?"He asked him seriously.

"I wanted to be alone for a while. I...I'm sorry dad."Hinata said and Seno sighed.

"Don't do that again,"Seno said and Hinata scrunched his face.

This is not what he was apologizing for. "I'm not sorry for being outside for a few hours dad. I am sorry for what I did to you."

"What did you do to me? You haven't done anything."He said and Hinata shook his head.

"I neglected you and made you feel Invisible. I made you feel sad. I'm sorry I did that."Hinata told him making Seno shake his head.

"No. It's just a phase kids go through. It's okay. Don't be sorry."Seno said hugging him again.

This time he didn't let go. Even Jun got worried. Hinata just stared at him and shook his head to tell him he was fine. Hinata put his hands around Seno hugging him. He felt warm and safe. The only comfort no one else can replace. He was right about one thing. Volleyball brought him happiness.

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