Chapter 65

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Evanesce | Super Junior

Hinata couldn't hear anyone. His eyes were blurry. It started to come back to normal but slowly. He saw Yamaguchi starting at him worriedly. He couldn't hear him though. He groaned and touched his head.

"Tell him. Tell them."

"Yamaguchi? Can I talk to you?"Hinata asked and Yamaguchi nodded.

"I want to tell you what's going on with me."He said and looked at him again.

"Tell him to tell them. Help me!"

"He also wants you to tell them. He wants help."He said and Yamaguchi nodded quickly.

"When I started school, it was nice...until I confronted someone for bullying. After that, they bullied me instead. Then I asked to switch schools and I was bullied again. I sometimes was dragged around the class on the floor, sometimes they would hit me terribly, some even tried to spread rumors about me. They hurt me a lot, they would kick me and beat me up."Hinata said in tears.

"And then I tried to die...I didn't want to live because of them. Every time I switched schools, no one liked me and everyone hated me. Sometimes would make me wear a dress to joke around and even bring their older siblings or friends to bully me. Then when I was walking home from school and these boys were talking to me. I saw the boy I helped on the street floor with blood. I tried to get someone to help him and save him but he was dead when I finally got someone to help."He said and hugged him crying.

"It bothers me that they hurt me."

"Shouyou. You're a talented, funny, and cute little child. It's their fault. They should feel gross because they touched you when they shouldn't. They had the ugly hands to touch you. You are beautiful okay."Yamaguchi told him and he hummed.

"I met my bullies brother who bullied me. I met him at the park. I don't know how he has a son and he apologized. He just made fun of me really. He never touched or hurt me nor did his friends. It was his younger brother who did. I forgave him but I won't forget it."He sniffed and Yamaguchi just pats his back.

"It's okay to forgive and not forget. It was your life and your memory of him, you can change it but you can't erase it."Yamaguchi said walking slowly.

"Thank you."

"Anytime Shouyou."He said and held him close and turned to see the others watching him.

Hinata soon fell asleep and Yamaguchi sighed. "We heard everything."

"He said we have to tell the others,"Nishinoya said and Tanaka nodded.

"He needs help. He said he needed it."Natsu said making their heads turn.

"Why don't you go ahead and sleep with your brother? You look exhausted."He said and she hummed.

Yamaguchi took Hinata to his room and Natsu followed. He put him on his bed then picked her up to put her on his bed. It was a big bed for at least a few people to sleep in and was very fancy too. Natsu hugged Hinata and yawned.

"You're close to him,"Yamaguchi said and she hummed.

"He's my brother, I should get close to him. He's the only family I got."She told him and he smiled.

He pulled the blankets to their shoulders. "Rest well."

He left the room and closed the door. He looked at the others sitting there. He held himself strong but he was shaking inside. He was just shocked and wanted to do something about it. People are disgusting.

"I hope he's okay in there,"Seno said which took them out of their thoughts.


"Shouyou himself."He said and they looked at each other.

"All of this pain, really. I'm just surprised how he held it without saying anything. Now he's a child well he was always a child. Just people never considered him to be human."He said and looked at the boys.

"We contact as many people and tell them tomorrow,"Seno said and Kageyama frowned.

"Natsu is here now and if they come over. She's going to be terrified."He said and they nodded.

"Just tell them to meet us here, right?"Daichi asked Seno nods.

"Why don't you all go home and get some rest? You all have school tomorrow."Seno said and Ennoshita stood up.

"Your right. Might as well get home and get some rest. We shouldn't be thinking too much about this and don't stress ourselves out because of it. We are all here for him."He told the others.

"Shut Ennoshita who have you become?"Nishinoya asked and he kicked his back.

"Let's go!"

"Wow, your mean,"Nishinoya said groaning as he got up holding his back.

"Bye Dad!"Tanaka yelled as he left with Nishinoya and was smacked on the head.

Seno looked at Tanaka and smiled. The poor man's head, he might actually go bald if they keep hitting his head. They looked at Seno who just kept his smile.

"It's fine, you are all like my kids anyway."He said stating the fact.

They all barge in, have the key, sometimes stay over, eat the food in the house almost all of it, take care of Shouyou, take care of the pets, and most of all they act like children. Crazy children. The unsatisfying part of the day. They nodded and the two duos hugged Seno.

"Thank you!"Daichi pulled Nishinoya as Ennoshita pulled Tanaka.

Kinoshita and Narita pulled the two and left the apartment. Daichi bowed and the others said their byes told him to tell Hinata their byes. Eventually, the room became quiet. He sighed and got up and went to Hinata's room to see the two sleeping.

He went close to the two and went into the covers. He pulled himself closer to Hinata and moved his hair off his forehead. He started to feel his tears dripping from his cheeks which he wiped them with his sleeve as much as he could. He took his son's hand and looked beside Hinata to see Natsu sleeping. He pulled the cover a little up for her to rest warm.

"You don't need to cry. It's okay. I'm here now."Natsu said staring at the male who was in tears.

She gulped and slowly touched his cheek. "He will be okay."

All he could do was just nod.

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