Chapter 9

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Flower | VAV

After both his grandparents left, it was dark and he was already asleep. His father came home when they packed up to leave. He had his dinner from his mother and got changed. He looked at Hinata who was sleeping on his bed.

"I like cheese."He shook his head and pulled his shirt down off his head.

Seno went to go brush his teeth and then was his face. He smiled noticing a few changes on his face and went straight to bed after the lights were turned off. He knows demons exist right after he turns off the light. He's kidding, he's just cold.

He pulled the blanket out to himself and looked at his son sleeping. He kissed his forehead and fell asleep off the bat. A few hours or so he was snoring loudly.

Hinata sat up and woke up. He touched his father's arm but ignored it thinking it was a pillow. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the side that was empty.

He crawled to it and then got down the bed slowly. He walked barefoot in the cold which woke him up. He opened the room door and got out. He walked to the kitchen less scared and touched to find a big cold machine. He touched it and pulled one side to see full of food.

He smiled and grabbed the chocolate cake he saw. He took it down and opened the lid. He started eating it with his fingers hungry and satisfied with the taste.

"Is Daddy home yet?"He mumbles and shook his head to continue eating the cake.

He licked his fingers with frosting and continued to eat as he swayed smiling. He was all jumpy and happy to eat something he liked.

Seno felt something off and touched the bed. His eyes open wide and he looked to see Hinata was gone. His heart started to beat quickly and freak out. He felt as if he could breathe.

He looked under the blanket and went to turn on the light to look under the bed. He started to freak out and look into the closet just in case. It started to freak him out even more and almost faint. He wasn't there more in the bathroom. He got out of his room and looked around then see the light from the fridge.

"Shouyou?"He called putting and Hinata turned his head to his father.

He noticed the light from the fridge showing his face. His eyes widen noticing his hands, shirt and face were a mess. He kept eating with puffy cheeks. He walked to the kitchen and turned on the lights. He didn't think it was worse when it was worse. His hair had frosting on it.

"Shouyou? What are you doing?"He asked sighing in relief which Hinata chuckled.

"I was hungry and I didn't want to wake you I came to find and eat something I'm craving."He told his father who sighed.

He stared at him eating another bite and went closer to him. "Shouyou, wake me up next time."


Hinata ate as he stared at his father. He took the cake away from him and put the lid back on. He put it back in the fridge and closed the door. He picked the boy up and made him sit on the countertop. He went to grab a towel and wet it. He started to wake Hinata's face and hands full of chocolate.

He started fixing his hair and sighed. He held his hands on his cheeks and seeing his child then smiled.

"Let's change your shirt and come back."He frowned but nodded.

Hinata was put down and held Seno's fingers. Who intentionally cried in his head for a moment. He walked with a small hand holding his fingers. He went to the closet and grabbed his farm shirt. He helps him take off his green shirt.

He helped him put on a shirt then smiled. "Better?"

"Everything was better until you took that cake."He frowned and hugged his father.

He picked the boy up into his arms and went to throw the shirt into the basket in the laundry room like a basketball. He put his fist up a little in victory for a score and went to the living room. He put him down to the couch then pulled a big blanket on him and smiled.

Hinata held the blanket and Seno gave him a bear that was lying around the couch. He left to go to the kitchen to open the freezer. He grabbed two boxes and two spoons.

"Now close the doors."He said using his foot annoyed and lazy to push them with his hands full.

He walked to the living room and sat. Hinata looked and his eyes widen seeing the ice cream cup. He took it and grabbed the spoon to quickly lick the spoon. Seno took the remote and played the tv to a cartoon. He pulled the blanket to himself a little and ate his ice cream watching it together.

"Thank you, daddy."He said and Seno looked down at him.

"Your welcome."He said and Hinata went to kiss his cheek then smiled.

"I love you daddy. Like more than cheese."He said and Seno chucked then kissed his head smiling.

"I love you too Shouyou."He told him and Hinata smiled.

Seno watched as Hinata looked back at the screen. He couldn't believe him at all. He noticed these good things happening so far. He only wishes the boy could forget his past and make new ones. Hinata wasn't like this and maybe because they changed his past for the better.

He felt his heartbeat every time Hinata had told him he loved him. He never said it before but always just moved around with it. He's surprised but he's just glad that Hinata is showing his emotions rather than hiding them.

All Seno wants in his life is to make Hinata happy.

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