Chapter 24

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Drum | CheckMate

Hinata frowned as he looked at his father. He was sitting on the cart, with a belt around him. He wasn't even allowed to walk. He looked at his father choosing ramen rather than spaghetti.

"NO! Spaghetti."He mumbles as he was taken away.

He pouted and looked at a girl staring at him. He stared at her for a moment. She was wearing a pink dress, her face makeup in pink. With clouds around her eyes and stars on her cheeks. He liked it then pointed at her. He moved his finger to signal her to come closer. She turned around then at him. She walked closer and smiled.

"I like your makeup and dress. Is the pink hair yours?"He asked her and she chuckled.

"Why thank you, no but is your orange hair yours?"She asked curiously.

"Yep, you look so pretty!"He said making her smile with a blush all over her face.

"You're very cute and pretty yourself too."She said and he gasps then looked at his father.

He turned to Hinata who looked so happy. "She called me pretty!"

He smiled and turned to the girl. His eyes looked at her eyes and dress then at Hinata. He was so excited and so happy. He has never been this happy before to the point where he and the cart both can flip over.

"That's great Shou. Thank you for telling him that. He's been upset all day."He told her and she looked at him.

"No problem. I'm just surprised he talked about my clothing in person. Usually, no one does."She said and Hinata giggles.

"Then they are poop. I want to have clouds on my eyes!"He said excitedly and raised an eyebrow.

"Alright, we can play dress-up when you get home."Hinata smiled and pulled his father's arm.

"Then hurry up old man!"He said and his father just chuckled.

"Well, it is nice to meet you two, thank you for the compliments. I have to get back to work."She bowed and Hinata frowned.

"But...but the clouds."He mumbles as he saw her leave.

"I can give you clouds,"Seno said and Hinata turns to him rolling his eyes.

"You suck at makeup. The only thing your good at is money."He said and Seno's eyes widen staring at the child.

Hinata put his hands on his chest with a weird look. A sassy look. He was called pretty, he felt pretty. Seno thought for a moment and chuckled. He thinks he's the boss. He started moving the cart and looked over to the vegetables.

"MY BABY!"Hinata heard and turned to see Bokuto.

His eyes widen and was picked up quickly into the male's arms. Akaashi by his side taking his breath. Hinata looked at Bokuto who gleamed excitedly. Hinata put a hand by his forehead and flicked it making the male flinch.

"Bokuto Papa you're really loud. I could probably hear you from the North Pole."He said making Bokuto pout.

Hinata put his hands on his cheeks and giggled. "Chubby cheeks."

"Bokuto-San please refrain yourself from running and yelling please,"Akaashi said and smiled looking at Hinata.

"Akkakakaashi mama!"He sang happily then went to be put into the arms of pretty heaven.

Seno walked closer to the cart and see the two. He left to get some squash and came back just to see two people already with him. He knew who it was. Just surprised that they were here. He walked to them and smiled.

"Hello, seems like you both are here."He says and Akaashi sighed while Bokuto talked with Hinata about his crazy dreams.

"Sorry, Bokuto-San wanted to get Hinata chocolate before coming over. Sorry for the late notice, he just couldn't wait."He said and Seno nodded.

"No worries. Bokuto always comes over without informing. It's normal."Seno says as Hinata laughed.

"And then, there was this dream where a guy was chasing me right, but it wasn't a guy, it a cake. So I was running away from a cake because it was going to eat me and it was so close."Bokuto said and Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"What happened? Did you get eaten and become poop cake?"He asked and Bokuto laughed.

"No...I woke up."

"Well at least you didn't become poop cake, that would've been disgusting."He said and Bokuto nodded with a smile.

"Oh, there was this girl. She wore this pretty dress and had her eyes in this pink sky with clouds. She had stars on her cheeks. It was so pretty. She even called me pretty."He said excitedly and Akaashi hummed.

"Akaashi knows how to draw, he can make clouds on your face!"Hinata looked at Akaashi excitedly.

"Can you?"He asked and Akaashi nodded which made Hinata squeal.

"I'm going to be awesome!"He giggled which made Bokuto's heart warm.

He ruffled his hair and Seno grabbed a few things then went to the cash register to pay for it. He finally walked to his car with the Hinata and the two other parents behind him. Bokuto helped out the groceries in the car while Akaashi buckled Hinata in his car seat.

"My cat pooped on the tv today. It smelled gross. We told her not to but she did."He said and Seno snickered.

"Your favorite word of the day is poop, isn't it."He asked Hinata who turned to the male.

"I told you to potty train them, you told me they were fine. Look where we are?"He asked in a sassy tone making Akaashi chuckle.

"Be nice Shouyou, we can teach your cats."He said and Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"I only have one cat, she has four kittens. Can you do that?"He asked and Akaashi gulped.

"Y...yes we can. Now sit tight."He said and Bokuto came to sit on the left side by Hinata.

Seno started driving after coming into the car. They went home and decided to pack in. Seno opened the door and the first thing they see is the cats with her kittens. Then they see the poop. The freaking poop.

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