Chapter 49

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Hwaa | (G)I-DLE

The boys were at school. Akiteru helped Seno put Hinata into school. Hinata was busy with Tsukishima's mom and his cats. Hinata giggles as the kittens race each other. Tsukishima's mom busy watching and recording him. She was going to send them into the mom group.

Once Seno was done. He was surprised he didn't have work today. He knows there will be more to do tomorrow. He sighed and heard some giggles. He walked out and went to the cat room.

"DADDY! When am I going to see them play?"Hinata asked and Seno smiled.

"Today...can I talk to you?"He asked and Hinata hummed.

Tsukishima's mom left the room and looked at Akiteru who sighed. She went to warm up the food and Akiteru went to help. He was worried about Hinata and Seno.

"Shouyou...I know this isn't a good idea but I thought maybe I should send you to school."He said and Hinata gulped.

"I'm scared...what if I get hurt again?"He asked his father who paused.

"I was hurt a lot. Daddy. I was in pain and no one wanted to help."He told his dad as he saw something behind his father.

"Tell him."

"Every time I switched schools because everyone was mean, they talked bad about me and wouldn't leave me alone. I don't want to go through it again."Hinata spoke in fear as Seno bit his lip.

"I know you're scared...I am too but I am here to help you. I just want you to stay happy and help you come over your fear of school. I know this is wrong of me but...your health is important. I don't care if you don't study. I just want you to get comfortable and stay happy."He told Hinata who hugged his father.

"I'm here for you and you remember that."He said hugging Hinata who sniffed.

The kittens ran around like crazy and Hinata looked at them then chuckled. One jumped and trying to reach the window since there was a squirrel on a tree. Hinata laughed as it tried to get to it but fell. Seno smiled and picked him up into his arms.

"Let's go eat so we can meet the boys,"Seno said and he hummed.

Seno went out of the room with Hinata and walked to the dinner table. He made it and sat Hinata then himself down. Akiteru sat next to Hinata showing him the games on his phone. Tsukishima's mom came in with the food and put them on the table. She sat down and smiled. Hinata looked and frowned.

"Shouyou! Come on I made some food."He looked to see his babysitter.


"This looks amazing! What is it called?"She smiled and picked him up so he could take a seat.

"This is called a French Lentils with Dijon Vinaigrette and this one is called Cassoulet. It comes from France."She told him and he smiled.

He pats the table for her to sit down quickly which she did. They started eating and Hinata smiled. He loved the flavors and was obsessed with them. She chuckles and pats his head.

Matsumura Aimi, the babysitter who took care of Hinata. She was beautiful and Hinata would tell her every day. She took care of him while Seno was busy. He looked at her and see her eating then hummed.

"It's good...I tried doing it better since I hated how I did it yesterday but I did well today."She said and Hinata hummed.

"Shouyou? You okay?"Seno asked and Hinata looked then nodded.

Even though it was Japanese food, it reminded him so much of her. Her smile, her laugh, and her surprises. She was his second mom. He loved her. She was the only person who made him smile and kept him alive. He knew that. Just didn't know what happened to her.

He started eating and the others just smile at him. Once they finished, Seno got Hinata ready. He wasn't going to walk out with pajamas that had car stickers around him like he was a meme or something. He put on a green shirt that had a picture of bamboos and black jeans. He helped him put his socks on then his khaki jacket. Hinata ran and Akiteru picked him up into his arms.

"Wrestling time!"He said and Hinata giggled as they tried to tickle each other.

Akiteru took him to the front to help Hinata put his black sneakers on. Once he did. He put him down and opened the door. Akiteru ran and Hinata followed.

"THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOUR BIG AND FAT!"Hinata yelled at him as Tsukishima's mom stared at them.

"Both of them are crazy."She mumbles and watches Akiteru run slowly.

"He called him big and fat...that's a nice compliment,"Seno mumbles and closed the house door.

He turned to her and smiled. "Thank you for coming over and helping out. I appreciate it."

"No problem. He's like my son too."She said and he bowed his head nodding.

"I'll be leaving. See you soon."She bowed and walked to the elevator.

Seno smiled and looked down to see Akiteru playing games with Hinata. Rock paper and scissors. Seno walked the stairs down to the parking lot to meet them. He unlocked the car and they both got in quickly. Seno went into his driver seat and started his car.

"Did you know, Banana uncle ate all my bananas? He ate his own kind."He said and Akiteru gasped dramatically.

"You're lying."He said and Hinata shook his hand with his index finger also shaking.

"Nope, he's a monster."He said and Seno chuckled.

They talked and talked until Seno actually made it to the tournament. He parked and waited a few minutes. The two were asleep now. It felt like he was taking care of more than a hundred kids and he's fine with that. He heard a big snore and flinched to see Hinata awake staring at him then giggled.

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