Chapter 78

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Sun and Moon | NCT 127

Hinata was surprised. He woke up in the morning with his mother laying there beside him. He smiled and watch her smile. She was beautiful and glowed out of the darkness. She caressed his hair softly moving it off his forehead.

"I love you."

"I know mom. I love you too."He said giving the biggest smile.

"You're beautiful as I imagined."

She pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. He looked up at her. She looked happy. His mother was with him. He felt warm. He felt great. He didn't want to leave.

"I know you're going through a lot. Just remember to love yourself and breathe. Everything will come on its own then you'll be able to be free just the way you want to."

He put his arms around her. "How can I mom? How can I wait? I can't be patient."

"Well, think about it. Think positively. Look at it this way. Tell yourself you have everything, tell yourself you've found the piece, and tell yourself that you are already free because in reality. You are okay. You are free. Take that chance to make up what you lost. This is your chance."

Hinata looked at her and nodded. She was right. He does have a chance to do whatever he wants. He can do what he wishes. He can find his answers by pretending to know those answers.

"Just take care of yourself and your sister. Take care of Seno for me too. I love you all."

"I have to go."

"I love you. You've made me proud. Thank you for forgiving and loving me until the end."

"Thank you for being the mom I couldn't ask for more. I love you and still will. I will miss you."Hinata said as she took his hand then put it by his heart.

"I'll be here...I'm your memory and dreams. I'll always be with you."

She smiled in tears and kissed his forehead one last time. She slowly disappeared making the room shallow in darkness. Hinata gulped and looked at the bed where she laid. He took the pillow that was on her head and hugged it.

"I'll never forget you."He mumbles as he started to cry for his mom.

Seno was in the kitchen feeling distressed. He walked to Hinata's room quickly and opened the door slowly to see him cry. He walked towards the bed and sat. Hinata felt a dent behind him then looked. He was surprised.

"Why are you crying? Did you have a bad nightmare?"Seno asked him worriedly.

Hinata left the pillow and went to hug Seno's waist. Seno looked down sadly. Hinata cried and sniffed as the male caressed his hair. Seno didn't know what to do but let the boy cry. He felt terrible and wanted to help. It must've been a nightmare after all.

"I missed mom and saw her. She was smiling. She looked happy."He told Seno who bit his lip.

"So it was a good dream,"Seno mumbles smiling.

"It means she's with you. It means she wanted to tell you what you needed to know. I miss her too but I'm glad she's happy."He said and Hinata looked up to him.

"She said thank you for loving me until the end. She's still with me. Here, in my heart."Hinata said smiling.

Hinata sat up and went into Seno's lap. He put his head on his shoulder sighing. He wanted a hug. Seno gives good hugs. Seno put his arms around his son hugging him. He kissed his child's head. He knew the male needed more.

Natsu started screaming and ran to Hinata's room. She went by them then snickered. She slapped Seno's arm who raised an eyebrow. He looked at Natsu who then pointed at the door to see Kenta's mother with the men. Kenta's mother has been friends with them since they have the same personality. They like chaos.

She frowned and looked to notice Hinata was sniffing. He was crying. She looked at Seno questioning him but he shook it off.

"Shouyou, someone is here for you."He frowned then turned his head to see Nakai, Kenta's mother, Kase, and his men.

"We heard you need help."

"Who made you cry?"Kase asked as Hinata started wiping his tears away with his sleeves.

"I saw my mom in my sleep. It's happy tears because I miss her."He said and Shoichi walked to him.

"Ehooooo!"Shoichi babbled which made Hinata get off his bed to take the boy into his arms.

"Now! Business!"Natsu said smiling excitedly.

"Let me wash up and come to you guys in a bit,"Hinata told them and they nodded.

Seno took Shoichi who giggled. He smiled and walked out with them. He showed them the living room where Pom-Pom and Bubbles were sleeping. Natsu chuckled and sat beside them. The pets were done with Natsu. They were surprised at how energetic the girl was.

"Boss! Zero brought groceries. I'll go open the door."Derek, one of the workers with black hair and blue eyes said while Kase nodded.

Seno out Shoichi down to go with them and help. Even though they weren't supposed to bring stuff to his house since they were guests. Kase just does this to eat food without being cooked by anyone but Nakai or Hinata. They said Hinata was a good cook and he wants to know.

Hinata came by and smiled. "Your dad went to go help get the groceries. Why don't you sit and tell us?"

"I want to know if there is any way you guys can track someone?"He asked and Kase snickered.


"Fine yes we do."He said and Hinata smiled at him making him suddenly go blind.

"I want you to figure out some school rules and what needs to be enforced. We don't want anyone getting bullied or hurt because of who they are."Nakai hummed and started writing it down.

"I need to find these old teachers and school nurses. I'm trying to remember their names but if I get records and maybe Haga to help it would be great."Hinata said smiling finally thinking about what he should be doing.

"And finally find the two males who killed my two friends."

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