Chapter 20

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Hinata heard the doorbell ring. He walked to it and opened the door. He looked from the shoes then up to see a dark shadow. His eyes widen and screamed. The male stared at him then screamed.


"Wait, you know my name?"He asked and the male kneeled down for Hinata to see him.

"From the concrete."He said softly smiling making Hinata's eyes widen.

"USHI PAPA!"He yelled and hugged him excitedly.

"Yahoo!"Tendo said coming from the side with a smile and hands like guns.

"Shouyou! I told you not to open the door! Oh, it's you guys."Seno said smiling and Ushijima got up with Hinata in his arms.

"I'm here to take care of idiot one and idiot two,"Semi said Hinata raised an eyebrow.

"You mean dumb and dumber two?"He asked and Semi just took him out of Ushijima's arms then hugged him.

He squeezed his cheek to the child's cheek happily. "My beautiful child."

"Hey, he is my kid too though,"Ushijima said with a pout while Hinata giggles at Shirabu yelling at Yamagata for absolutely no reason.

The Shiratorizawa volleyball team bowed and through the doors. Seno closed the door and smiled seeing Hinata excited. He went to go grab them some snacks while they go to the living room. Semi sat on the couch putting Hinata on his lap smiling.

"Shouyou seems like you were coloring. Wanna color together?"Goshiki asked and Hinata quickly nodded.

He got down and off Semi's lap and straight to the coffee table. He sat down and started to color on his paper. Both Goshiki and Tendo help him color while the others watch. Shibaru had a competition with Yamagata to see who does the better artist. Kawanishi just watched what was going on.

The kittens started meowing which was heard from her back of the couch. Semi turned his head and looked to see four kittens. He felt something rub him on his arm to see a cat. He raised an eyebrow then smiled.

"Bubbles! Where are the babies?"Hinata turned asking the cat who somehow knew what he had said.

Quickly the cat went to the back to grab her kitten chipotle then walked to Hinata. The others watched in amazement as they saw three other kittens to come. Semi's eyes sparkled and smiled. Hinata held a small orange one then shined brighter than the sun.

"HIS NAME IS TACO!"He yelled making Tendo laugh.

"Why would you name your cats Taco?"

"Why wouldn't you?"He asked and Tendo just thought for a moment then agreed.

"Meet, Bubbles. She's the mom. That's Potty, the white fluffy one. She's so pretty with the blue eyes!"He said holding her up which some chuckled.

He put her down then picked an orange with white fur. "This is Taco! He is lazy and only eats."

He told them making Tendo take him to hold the small kitten. Semi held Potty with a smile. Bubbles just laid her head on Hinata's lap. She knew her kids were safe if Hinata was. Somehow.

"This one is Chipotle!"He said holding out a white and grey fur.

"He likes to jump into wonderland and meows a lot...I mean a lot."He said and handed him to Goshiki who smiled.

"And last but not least, Potato. He's orange but he reminds me of potatoes. He likes to crawl around and hide a lot."He said handing him to Ushijima who held him carefully.

"They are so cute! When did you get them?"Semi asked as Seno walked in.

"Hinata found them by the grocery store a few days ago, he knew who the cat was and we took them in."He said leaving the snacks on the table.

"Wait, did he find it just like his dog Pom-Pom? Like that rumor where he found him out of nowhere?"Semi asked and the male nodded.

"Yes, it freaked me out but he's happy so."He told the male who gulped.

"I am glad you guys are here and came today. I was worried you all would never come."Seno said and Ushijima just turned to stare at him.

"I'm his father, of course, he named me it so I might come for him and be there for him whenever he wants."He said in a serious tone making Seno smile.

He's just glad someone is there for his son just as much as he is. He's just glad Hinata has friends, he has someone to talk to and someone to be with. He never invited his friend and found out in reality, Hinata never had friends when he was a kid but this was nice. He liked seeing his son smile. Hinata got up to show Ushijima a picture of his pizza.

"Do you like it? It's pizzas!"He said excitedly which made the male nod.

He was just shining and couldn't hold it in. He put a hand on his child's shoulder then looked at him dead in the eye. Hinata was just confused and so were the rest of them.

"When you grow up, come to Shiratorizawa Academy with your papa okay?"He asked and Hinata frowned.

"What's that?"He asked with a confused look making Ushijima blush hiding his face down.

He held his hand to his cheek. The child was too pure for him. The others just laughed while Seno watched Hinata turn to him. The child walked to him then put his arms around the male. Hinata put his head in Seno's stomach.

"Is Ushi Papa okay? He looks sick?"He said and the male nodded them chuckled.

"Go play with the boys! TENDO JESUS CHRIST!"Semi yelled at the end seeing Tendo making a mess.

Hinata laughed making them turn their heads either blushing, holding their hearts because it felt like it was going to explode, holding their hearts because it started to get tingly and come alive again or all of the above. Hinata went back to drawing while watching Gravity Falls as others start to freak out.

Seno sighed letting the child watch this even though it could give him a nightmare but the child loved the show. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't either because he did love the show too.


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