Chapter 58

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Deja Vu | Dreamcatcher

It was the weekend and Hinata was at the park with Seno. He had a day off and Hinata forced him out of the house. Hinata was busy playing with the kids and saw Shoichi. He walked to the baby who was slowly walking.

"Your walking!"He said excitedly and heard giggles from him.

Nakai Yoshiro watched as the two went to play and Hinata taking care of him. He sighed and turned to see his boss. The others looked at Hinata and looked at his smile. Seno watched as Hinata played with a baby.

"Why are you playing with a baby? You're older than him."Hinata turned to see a boy who glared at him.

"DADDY! HE IS BOTHERING ME AGAIN!"Hinata screamed as Shoichi hugged Hinata's leg.

Who was this person bugging him all the time at the park? Even at school. He has so many people who can beat him up but it can wait. He could break his neck but it can wait. Seno walked and the males watch.

"He's bothering me and asking why I'm playing with Shoichi!"He said and Seno sighed.

"Well, it's true! You keep acting like your a girl, that everyone loves you! YOU'RE A FAGOT!"He screamed at Hinata making Hinata push him to the floor.

"Don't call my son a fagot or tell him what he is. Mind your business."Seno glared at the boy scoffed.

"You have no right either, let me remind you. You have your own problems too. You can't even go on the swings because you're scared! You SCARY CAT!"Hinata said annoyed.

"What are you doing to my son?"

The three turned to see his mother. She wore a green dress that was tight and small, white heels, and had blonde hair. She was already disgusted by the two. She looked at Seno and Seno just looked at her with a glare.

He was already mad. "Watch your son!"

"Excuse me? Are you telling me how to parent?"She asked annoyed.

Hinata held Shoichi's hand to help him stand. He put his feet on his own. He looked at Seno yelling at the lady as she yelled back. The child in front of him smirked. Nakai found them and looked at what was going on. He walked behind Hinata and raised an eyebrow. He took Shoichi in his arms and softly moved Hinata behind his leg.

"What's going on here?"He asked and Hinata snickered.

"He was talking about how I shouldn't play with Shoichi and then called me a fagot. I called my daddy to help but she started making an issue."He said and Nakai hummed.

"Excuse me but if I were you two, I would run."Hinata frowned and turned to see a tall male, handsome but with tattoos on his skin.

"Leave. Now!"He glared which the two left.

Hinata ran to his father and hugged his leg. He huffed and glared at them. He was in rage and Seno could tell. He pats his head and Hinata turned to stare at him. They heard a clear of a throat which they turned to see the men.

"Thank you!"Seno bowed and looked at them.

The tall man with tattoos on his right shoulder blushed. He gulped and Hinata felt a jabbing pain in his head. He whined and held his father's pants tightly.

"Why are you running away?"

"Daddy?"Seno frowned and turned to see his child's nose was bleeding.

"My head hurts!"He whined as the male was shocked.

The tattooed male handed Seno a handkerchief. Some whistled and some wood. He glared at them and turned back to Hinata. Seno knelled and cleaned his nose. Hinata started to get dizzy and held to his father's shoulders.

Nakai frowned and looked at some looking at them. He glared and Shoichi started to whine wanting to go to Hinata. Which he put him down to go to him. Shoichi took the hem of Hinata's shirt and noticed he wasn't focusing.

"You're forgetting? No that's not it, you don't want to face things anymore."

Hinata started crying and covered his ears. Seno hugged him and rubbed his back. He picked him up and bowed his head then walked away. Hinata looked and saw a lady. That lady was his mother.

The men watch as they leave as Shoichi started crying. They were surprised at this and the tattooed male started following the two. Some smirked and others snickered. A man in love as they suppose.

"Mom?"He mumbles looking by the tree.

She waved and just smiled at him. "Just stay happy for me! Don't forget what happened but live with it. It's okay! I'm happy as well! I'm sorry that I left you and I love you. I don't have much time but I will always be with you."

His eyes widen and saw her disappear but a dark shadow was set in place. He stared at it as it started to get bigger. It was large and scary. He screamed which stopped Seno from walking.

"Daddy! NO! MAKE HIM STOP IT!"Hinata cried and hugged Seno was confused.

"You sold that playground you bought me didn't you?"Hinata asked stopping Seno from walking again.

"You took that money and gave it to your sister who left you."He said and the male's eyes widen.

"It's me. Hinata."

That's when Hinata fainted. Seno's eyes widen and tried to wake him up. He wasn't waking up. Seno started to panic and ran to his car. He put the child in his seat belt and shook him.

"Wake up! WAKE UP!"Seno shouted and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"He must be tired. Just take him home."He turned and stared at the tattooed male.

"He fainted!"He told the male who sighed.

"Let me check up on him, if that's okay with you."He hummed and the male went close to Hinata.

He checked his eyes and his touched his head. One of the men brought his stuff and the male checked his temperature. Seno started to shiver in worry. He should've stayed home instead.

"It's due to stress. His pressure is high and he seems tight. Just give him some rest."He said and the male sighed in relief.

"I'll take over what you haven't finished."

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