Chapter 41

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Psycho | Red Velvet

Hinata skipped the hall as he held his father's hand. He smiled and waved to see Suga. He gushed and awed. He completely pushed Daichi to the ground and ran to Hinata. He picked him up and spinner him around making Hinata giggle.

"Are you okay Captain?"Kageyama asked as Ennoshita helped him up.

"Better as I can ever be."He grumbles and glared at Suga whose just gushing over the childlike rainbows.

"Oh, you so cute. You look so pretty. Yes, you beautiful glowing fantastic child. My amazing child. Your gorgeous!"He said making Hinata laugh.

"I know right. Daddy did a good job of picking my dress."He said proudly then looked down.

"Can I be put down?"

"Of course."He said and put him down then let him walk on his own to the boys in front of him.

He was wearing a purple sky dress with stars. He had a small ponytail for his hair that seemed to grow and remember they forget to get it cut. He had small glass slippers that looked shiny in the light. He just looked like a queen who didn't need a crown. Yamaguchi just kept thinking that.

Hinata held out his hands to Kageyama who smiled. He picked him up into his arms and grinned while looking at him. He was a cute little sunshine and they were going to win for him for sure.

"Shouyou, your so pretty!"Kinoshita said taking a picture of him to send to the group chat.

"I know...geez."He mumbles with a pout.

Tsukishima stared at the child and felt dead inside. He watched the child wishing he could just look at him and hold him. He wasn't going to say it but he's about to burst. He kept thinking about how the child could look at him for five seconds or even say hello. He wants attention from him. He started to get annoyed noticing how close he is to Kageyama. He hated it.

Hinata turned to look at Tsukishima with a foul look. His arms were held out in front of the male and whined. He tried to pull to the make but he wasn't even paying attention.

He started to get uncomfortable and whined "TSUKKI UNCLE!"

He looked at the child and looked at the arms. He sighed and took him out of Kageyamas arms. Hinata put his arms around the male as best as he could and smiled. Seno saw Tsukishima's brother, Akiteru smiling.

"My Best friend is here,"Hinata mumbles putting his head beside Tsukishima's shoulder.

Tsukishima snickered looking at his older brother. He walked away with the child and the others followed. Hinata waved and suddenly heard steps. He looked to see someone turn quickly and run straight to them.

"SHOUYOU!"Kenma yelled and held the child's hand.

Hinata giggled and looked at the others running to him. "You are so cute today."

Looking at it, it was a crowd of boys talking to a seven-year-old as if he was a one-year-old. He was busy looking at something in front of him. Hinata looked at Tsukishima and patted his shoulder.

"I need to go potty."He told Tsukishima who nodded.

"Move out the way. The queen is asking to use the restroom."Yamaguchi said making Hinata smile.

"I'm a queen! But I want to be a princess."

"You can be both,"Tsukishima added making Hinata's eyes glow with stars blinding some players.

Tsukishima took him to the bathroom and Hinata was put down to go do his business. The male frowned hearing a crowd. He looked around the bathroom just to see it was only Hinata. He sighed and walked out. He stood in front of the door to see the boys talking and wait. Just what was this all about?

He's not some famous child. He's cute and amazing alright but this attention is too much for him and Tsukishima knows that this will never go well. Especially when it comes to people too obsessed with someone who they can't get over with.

Hinata hummed and finished his business. He went by the sink to see Tsukishima gone. Hinata frowned and looked at the sink he probably couldn't reach. Then he looked up at the mirror.


"Mommy?"He mumbles seeing her reflection through the mirror.

She looked at Hinata and smiled. She started crying all of a sudden. He noticed blood dripping from her head. She started to have dark circles, red eyes and bruised lips. It continued to develop where he could see more blood and bruises. She just kept crying.

"MOMMY!"He yelled crying.

Tsukishima opens the door and his eyes widen. He went in and picked him up. He hugged him as the child shivered. What the heck just happens? He really can't leave the child on his own for a second.

"Let's wash ups it's okay. I'm here."He whispers softly to his ear.

He made Hinata wash his hands. He held him in his left arm then grabbed some water to wet his hand to wash Hinata's face. He then got out with Hinata covering his face. He felt safe in Tsukishima's arms more than anyone else except his Father, Kageyama, Papa's, and Mama's.

"Is he okay? What happened?"Semi asked worriedly as he walked by.

"He's fine. He got a little scared that's all."He said making Hinata hum.

"Oh well, here give this to him. I have to go. Don't be scared Shouyou, we all are here so you are protected even if you're lost or scared. We I'll find you and we will keep you safe."Semi told him patting his head.

Tsukishima looked at the chocolate milk and bowed his head. Semi walked ahead to meet his team to go pull them to practice before the game. Tsukishima walked to see a bench and went to sit on it. He let the child sit on his lap and opened the milk with a straw for him. He handed it to him with a small smile making Hinata take the milk to drink.

"Tsukki. Can I ask you a question even though I am asking this question?"He asked and Tsukishima chuckled nodding.

He held his arms around the child as he drank his milk. "I think I can see ghosts."

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