Chapter 19

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"BUBBLES! POTTY? POTATO? CHIPOTLE?TACO?"Hinata yelled looking under the bed.

"Shouyou! Stop running! You need a shower!"Seno said picking Hinata up into his arms.

"But where did they go?"He pouted and Seno just chuckled kissing his cheek.

He was just too cute. "They are sleeping in the living room, let them be."

"Okay but I don't want to shower."He said annoyed with his arms crossed.

"Then what do you want your highness?"He joked making Hinata whine and pull himself down.

"Bath...I want a bath. I hate sprinkling water on my face with I shampoo."He said making the male sigh.

He went to the bathroom, already ready. He had his clothes on the hangers with the towel, a mat on the floor so the floor didn't get flooded. He turned on the water in the tub to start filling up.

"Any bubbles?"Hinata shook his head smiling.

"Swim...I'm gonna swim!"He giggled excitedly and was eventually put down.

He walked to the tub and put his hands on it. He watched as the tub filled with water with amazement. He turned to see his father taking out some ducks. He squeals as he saw him put them in the tub. Seno stopped the water and helped Hinata out his clothes. He put him in to play for a while as he watched.

"The duck says, chicken butt."

"You like to say that word don't you?"He asked and Hinata nodded with giggles.

"If someone talks to me and I don't know the answer, chicken butt is the answer. It solves all the problems, like cheese."He said and Seno just smiled.

He scrubbed the child with the soap in his other hand. He kept screaming in duck wars. Seno has just no idea what to do but join with his little war.

"Mr.Ketchup is coming after you Mr.Ranch. Uh oh!"Hinata called out as he started fighting with his father and Mr.Ranch.

After that, Seno covered the child's eyes with his hand and the other hand on Hinata's hair. The shampoo said tear-free but it never meant that. When he was older, he found out the tear-free meant for the hair staying healthy and unbreakable, not for his eyes. That's when he got so mad and threw a tantrum about it, still wishes the company never said that because it always gives a different idea.

"Keep your eyes closed Shouyou!"Seno told him to which the child closed his eyes.

After washing his hair. The male grabbed a towel and picked him up to put him around it slowly. Hinata was sitting on the sink table with his legs dangling. He continues to play with his ducks as his father started dressing him.

"Daddy, I was wondering about something?"He mumbles as his father hummed.

"Why didn't you have time with me back then."

He stopped and looked up at his son. The child stared into his eyes, blinking a couple of times. Seno knew what he did. He won't say it was Hinata's fault. He knows that most of the time, he tried his best to stay with him when he was younger but he never got the chance.

"I was busy Shouyou. I wanted to make you happy."He said and Shouyou frowned.

"But I was happy being with you."He told Seno who gulped.

Seno knew when Hinata was a child when he first was brought to him. It got harder for him to take care of the child and able to put a roof over his head. Wondering if he was going to feed himself or him. He wasn't poor but he wasn't that poor until Hinata came around. He wondered how to take care of Hinata while being at work.

Hinata was always a quiet child to him. He wouldn't talk to him most of the time. Now that he's spending quality time with him at the same age he was taken to school, where he still doesn't know what happened there. All he knows how dangerous and tiring it was for the child.

"I know and I am sorry. I am sorry I wasn't there for you."He said with tears slipping down his cheeks.

"Daddy! Why are you crying? I was talking about when I was with mama's, papa's, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and my friends. I didn't see you!"He told him making the male sit back for a moment.

He wiped his tears and chuckled as he got up to brush his hair. "Because they took me from you."

"So like kidnapping?"He asked and the male laughed.

"Something like that."He smiled and cupped his son's cheeks with his hands.

"I love you and you know that right? I will be here for you if you need me."Hinata giggles and nods.

"Of course, your like my crackers to my cheese."He said excitedly while his father kissed his forehead.

He just couldn't stop saying cheese again. He's seriously going to get sick from that and it would not be good for him to eat too much. He needs to hide the cheese in the fridge to the top shelf in there somewhere.

The door suddenly opens to see Bubbles meowing at them. Hinata was put down since he had his clothes on. He walked with Bubbles to the living room then saw the cat jump to the couch. He looked down to see the kittens. He picked them up one by one onto the couch from the floor. He jumped and tried to get on the couch making him huff. He got up eventually pulling himself to sit. He took Chipotle into his arms and smiled.

"You know why you're called chipotle?"He asked as the kitten yawned.

"Because if you weren't called chipotle I would have named you burrito. It rhymes with Bokuto ooooh!"He gasped and giggled.

Bubbles nuzzled beside Hinata and the three other kittens crawled to their mother to drink milk. He put chipotle to his mother's side softly. He saw the kitten quickly take a drink of his mother's milk.

"Kageyama uncle loves milk too. Should I buy him milk when I see him?"He mumbles making Seno walk by chuckling after putting the child's clothes in the laundry.

"He would love that."

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