Chapter 35

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Like A Movie | BTOB

"KWAAAAA!"Hinata yelled looking at one of his fathers spiking a ball.

"USHIJIMA PAPA!"He clapped making Oikawa glare at the tall male.

Ushijima waved and Hinata ran to him then the male grabbed him under his shoulders taking him to the air. Hinata giggled and went closer to the male hugging him.

"You went PWOOSH AND BAHM! IT WAS AWESOME!"He yelled excitedly making the others chuckle.

"He hit the ball like a tornado!"He explained and turned to Oikawa who crossed his arms.

"And what have you been doing Mr.Grinch."He asked Oikawa making his team laugh.

Oikawa sighed knowing Hinata was just being himself and ignored being tormented. He walked to Iwaizumi who continued to laugh. Oikawa complained to him and started whining. Hinata looked at the person by the door and see some people with cameras.

He looked around and saw Iwaizumi holding a stick. He thought of something then smiled. He pats Ushijima to be put down to which he did. Hinata walked to Iwaizumi.

"Can I see that!"He exclaimed and the male shook his head.

"No, It's too dangerous."Hinata frowned and stomped his feet.

"Iwa Papa! Please!"He says making Iwaizumi gulp but shook his head.

Hinata pouts and looked down. "Iwa-Chan what are you doing! Give it to him!"

"STUPIDKAWA I CANT! WHAT IF HE GETS HURT!"Iwaizumi yelled and Oikawa sighed.

"We can watch him. Give it to him before he gets mad at you."Oikawa said making Iwaizumi stared at the child then handed it to him.

"Be careful."

"Oikawa mama! You're the best."Hinata said winking with a thumbs up then ran.

Oikawa held his hand to his heart and gulped. He felt warm and happy inside. He is the best. He smirked, he is the best. He kept thinking about it. He was just so happy that Iwaizumi was glaring at him. He smacked Oikawa's head to wake up but he didn't.

Hinata walked by the door and looked at them. He started hitting them with a stick making them groan. The males turn to look by the door to see Hinata hitting people.

"STALKER! YOU AREN'T SANTA CLAUS!"He yelled and the other males looking at Iwaizumi.

"He gets that from you,"Oikawa mumbles and looked at Iwaizumi whose eyes widened.

Suga ran into the gym and looked around to see Hinata on the other side of the door. He ran straight through the boys and went to pick him up.

"MAMA LET ME HIT THEM! THEY ARE SANTA CLAUS!"He whined trying to hit them.

They ran away making the others walk to Hinata with Suga. Hinata kept screaming to be let go and Oikawa took the stick away from him. Aone took Hinata away from Suga's arms and held him. He was angry and laughing it off.

"My poor baby. Come to mama!"Yaku said holding out his arms.

Hinata went into his arms and smiled. Yaku looked at them for a moment and then looked at Hinata. He smiled and swayed around.

"Let's go get some snacks!"He said and Hinata smiled looking at Yaku.

"I saw them taking pictures and when I went close to them, I smacked the stick to their face."He told Yaku who hummed.

"Like POW, WOOOOPAH, WOOOOSH AND A BOOM!"He exaggerated making Yaku chuckle.

Suga looked at them and sighed. "You allowed him to hit someone? You know he's going to get in trouble."

"How is he going to get in trouble when he can blackmail with his cuteness?"Bokuto asked Suga making them hum.

"Besides, he had fun. Look how that magnet is smiling."Kuroo mumbles under his breath.

"Do you think if we dress him up like a chicken, he would get away with it?"Tendo asked making Tsukishima snicker.

"He would probably want to turn into a strawberry."

"That is a great idea!"Narita mumbles writing on a notebook.

"I took pictures of him fighting. You want it?"Kenma whispers to Narita who nods.

"I got pictures of him in a dress. Don't tell anyone."He whispers back to him and Kenma nods.

Daichi looked as if he watched a bunch of gang members talking about random stuff. He felt like blackmail was serious business and it seemed like they were drug dealing but it was photos. He shivers and shook his head. He looked at them talk and laughing. Even after the game, they just seem less tired and more energetic. He thinks they have gotten crazy.

"I need to leave before they make me crazy."He mumbles to himself and left.

He walked to see Hinata talking to Kita who was busy giving a high five. Even though he is just surprised Hinata isn't his crazy self trying to kill people with a stick not too long ago. Hinata jumped excitedly as he saw Aran walk beside him. He saw oranges in a bag in Arian's hand.

"Bun-bun!"He said running to Aran who smiled.

He kneeled and handed him an orange to which Hinata took it with both hands. He giggled and went to Kita to peel it for him. Suna smirked and taking pictures of Hinata. He gushed and coed watching him. Kenma and Narita walked to Suna. They put a hand on his shoulder making the male flinch and turn. He saw the most scariest aura he has ever seen.

"Would you like to join the club?"Narita asked and Kinoshita stood behind them.

"We take pictures of him religiously and send it only to our group chat. We ask payments for others if they want photos of him."He said and Kenma nodded.

"That seems like a deal."He said and they smirked.

"Welcome to the club then, let's add your number to the chat."

Daichi rubbed his hands on his forehead. He watched as more and more came through making it crowded. Hinata sat on Kita's lap and eating oranges. He looked to see his father busy looking at files. Seno looked then see him wave with a smile, he waved back then looked at Kita.

"'Mama Kita,"Hinata said making Kita smile.

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