Chapter 77

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Sage | Onlyoneof

Hinata came home unsatisfied. He was in the same mood just like when he came from the park. Jun pats his shoulder which made him turn to look at him.

"Tell me, what were you doing back there?"Jun asked noticing the lost look from the child who sat on the couch looking at the wall.


"Come has to be something? Maybe I could help."He said and Hinata shook his head.

"Only the police"He mumbles then looked at Jum who he knew was a cop.

"I had something...proof of a sexual assault and I think more than that too."Jun raised an eyebrow and gave in more attention.

"I found out I left it in there but now the box is missing. I thought it was there but it's not."Hinata told him.

"Well we can look through security cameras and we can do that only if you can make a report for a missing item. Also, make a report of the sexual assault...wait were you hurt?"He asked quickly and worriedly.

"No...I was bullied but it was done to someone else. I guess I have to find her and only if she agrees to it so we can allow the report to continue through court."Hinata mumbles biting his lip.

"Well, we will get there. You will find it and I'll help. Just tell us what to do."Jun said and Hinata looked up at him.

"Thank you."

"It's nothing at all. Just come in tomorrow and report it. Then we will look into it."He said patting the child's head.

"HAHAHA!"Natsu ran holding bubbles who looked like she wanted to die.

She ran as Pom-Pom and the kittens chased her. Seno walked to the living room to give the boys some lemonade juice. Hinata smiled taking one then giving a small sip to feel fresh out of the beach. Jun winked and took the large glass. Seno blushed so hard his face turned tomato red.

"Dad are you sick?"Hinata asked and Seno shook his head.

"Are you embarrassed? Eh, you don't have to be."He said taking a sip of the lemonade with a straw.

"Let me warm up your food. Please eat it."Seno said and pushed Hinata's hair off his forehead softly.


Seno smiled then walked to the kitchen to warm up the food Hinata didn't eat. Of course, Seno bought food even when the child didn't want to eat it. He knew he would feel better when he's home since it gives him comfort compared to the outside world. As always Hinata loved eating at home more than eating in public. He once said he hated eating in front of people and felt embarrassed about it.

Seno felt arms around his waist making him flinch. He turned his head to see Jun who smiled. The male put his head on Seno's shoulder.

"You okay?"He asked and Seno hummed.

"Yeah...I mean she was my ex-girlfriend and almost ex-fiancé. After everything Shouyou has been through, going back there makes happy and sad at the same time."He said as Jun frowned.

"What do you mean?"Jun asked and Seno took out a plate while the male still followed with arms around him.

"What I mean is that...she hurt and loved that child. She tortured him in the end instead of loving him like she used to. I wish she could've had a chance to talk to him. But I am also happy, even though it's stupid to say that because she's gone. He's with me and has made the best impact in my life."Seno said smiling at the microwave.

Jun looked at him and gulped. He kissed his cheek with a smirk. A scream can be heard and the two turned to see Natsu. Her eyes widen in shock with yogurt all over her face.

"What's wrong?"Hinata asked as he walked by.

Hinata looked at Natsu who was completely surprised by something. Natsu pointed and he turned to where she was pointing at to see it. Jun hugging Seno like he was going to lose him.

"Oh see this! Hades is seriously in love with Lucas."He heard and turned to Namba.

"No! Hades loves Jillian! YOUR STUPID!"Hinata looked at the Shounen Ai.

"He likes Darius."

The girls turned to Hinata with a surprised look. He turned the book with Hades and Darius kissing. They groan and Natsu snickered. He liked the ship though. Hinata liked the couple. They just didn't.

"Well...I guess we gotta support that."Hinata nodded as he continues to read with giggles of happiness.

"You..."Natsu mumbles in a gulp.

Hinata took a step closer to them with a hand on his hips. " who's the daddy?"

Their eyes widen and stared at Hinata. Did he just say that? Natsu started laughing and Hinata smirked. What were the two kids doing?

"Sadly you both can't get married but let's pretend you are today,"Hinata said as Natsu pushed her hands to her messy yogurt face.

"But Sho!"

"It's your life dad. You don't need me to choose your love life. Yes, we require help but don't you also need stuff sometimes. You can always worry about us whenever you want but you can also take care of yourself and worry about yourself too. I'm not your mom."He said and froze.

"Did you tell cranky stanky yet?"Hinata asked Seno who got lost with the nickname.

"You know, your mom? Grandma? Ring a bell?"He asked and his eyes widen.

"I didn't even tell her we have Natsu...she's going to cut me up and sell me off,"Seno said in fear as he pushed Jun a little.

"Eh, she won't. She'll probably look at it and be like...I need a nap and then just take her nap. I mean didn't she so that with me?"He asked and Seno grumbled.

Jun chuckled and pat his back. The microwave stopped spinning. It's been three minutes and all they have done was just stand there talking about a relationship. Now they are worried about Grandma. As they say, when one speaks the others have spoken.

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