Chapter 13

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Over the Sky | Dreamcatcher

Hinata skipped to the street. Was he really running around without supervision? Yes. Did he tell Seno he was leaving? Nope. What exactly was he doing? Walking away from his father's boring meeting he had. A voice kept telling him where to go which somehow he felt safe even though it's a scary and risky thing to do.

He walked around and smiled when he saw a gym. He heard some screeching then open the door to see Washijo yelling at them to get in line. Hinata slowly walked in and stood beside Tsukishima. He stood the way he did and no one noticed.

"Make sure you practicing your receives and blocks correctly, I don't want to clean up your mess. Understand?"Washijo asked in a serious tone.


"Good, now let's see who is here and who isn't."He said looking at them and Hinata was just standing there trying not to laugh.

Washijo checked and looked at the kids. "Everyone is here. Good."

"I'm here too!"Hinata said making Washijo frown while Tsukishima looked beside him then down.

"What are you doing here?"Tsukishima asked and Hinata giggled making the serious mood soften.

"Daddy had a meeting and it was boring so I walked and saw you guys."He said excitedly and went to Washijo.

"Grandpa Washijo! Why did you take Uncle Tsukishima away from me."He pouted and the male chuckled.

"So that he can get better when he's playing."He pouted and looked at Tsukishima who pretended he didn't exist.

"But I want to see him."He whined with a pout making the male feel regret.

"I am sorry. You can play with him now."He gasps and jumped.

"Really?"He asked and Washijo hummed making Hinata smile then run to Tsukishima.

He held out his hands smiling widely shining through their eyes making them tear up. Tsukishima sighed picking him up into his arms. Hinata giggles and hugged Tsukishima then turned his head to wave at everyone else. He noticed Goshiki and stared at him for a moment.

"Goshiki uncle? Where is Ushijima papa?"He asked and the male smiled.

Konanegawa came behind Tsukishima and smiled. "Hello, my little sunshine."

Hinata smiled and touched his hand. He held his finger and then giggled. While the others were starting to warm up to Hinata and Washijo forgetting what he was supposed to do. Tsukishima frowned and wondered about something.

"Shouyou, how did you get here from Miyagi?"He asked catching everyone's guard for a moment.

Hinata looked at Tsukishima and thought for a moment. How exactly did he get here? Washijo looked at the child wondering how it is ever possible for him to get all the way here with no clue whatsoever. How did he know they occupied here?

"Oh! My Daddy is working here but his meeting was boring so I ran away and found you guys."He said and Tsukishima sighed.

"I see you're a man with Adventure,"Kunimi said smirking making Hinata move around in Tsukishima excitedly.

Tsukishima sighed holding the child tighter just in case. He didn't want Hinata roaming around or going anywhere. He's already had enough last time during training camp and he wouldn't want that happening again. Yutaro rolled his eyes and glared at Kunimi who stuck out his tongue.

Washijo went to call his father who freaked out an hour ago about Hinata missing during his meeting. Thankfully he was already done and just went looking for his son. He was surprised Hinata went all the way there on his own but something didn't fit right to him. Once he calmed himself, he went to his car then drove to the address Washijo sent.

"Your Father is coming to pick you up,"Washijo said and Hinata moved his body down while Tsukishima held him tightly.

"NO! IT'S BORING WITH DADDY!"He whined and looked at Washijo upside down.

"But you have to go Shouyou,"Washijo said making him pouted and look away from him.

"Come on Shouyou, we have no choice or else he will look for you and get mad at you for leaving him,"Yudai said and Hinata looked at the male.

"No."He huffed and hugged Tsukishima tightly.

"I don't want to leave Uncle."He said making Tsukishima look at the others.

He feels glad that Hinata doesn't want to leave. He is glad that he doesn't want to leave for him or the fact that he felt like the chosen one but he had to go. He didn't want to let go of the child but he really had no choice.

"Why don't you all run a few laps. Tsukishima you can watch him."Washijo said and he hummed with a sigh.

"I want to be with you Tsukishima Uncle. Daddy's work is so boring."He said as the tall male rubbed his back softly.

The male pants until he reaches the door. He opens it to see Hinata in Tsukishima arms. Hinatas eyes widen and held Tsukishima tighter. Seno took a breath and coughed. He hasn't ran this long in his life time.

"I'm sorry to interrupt."He bowed and Washijo smiled shaking his head.

"It's fine."

Hinata frowned and stared at his father confused. He was staring at him confusingly as his head started to spin. He put his head in Tsukishima shoulder and huffed.

"Shouyou! Be careful!"He called out and Hinata frowned.

"No! I want to play."He said and Seno sighed the looked at the park.

"Why don't you go and make some friends and play with the others?"He asked and Hinata looked at them.

All he knew was that their faces were completely black. He couldn't see them at all. All he could see is them running around and playing. Hinata knew who they were and shook his head.

He really didn't want to play with them. "No daddy. I don't want to play with them! I want to go play with you."

"I am sorry Sho but I have work to do today. I can't play with you. Maybe next time."He said and Hinata held his shirt.

"Fine, I'll stay with you. We don't have to play."

Hinata groans making Tsukishima cut out his thoughts to look at the child. He looked at Hinata who closed his eyes in pain.

"Shouyou? What's wrong?"Tsukishima asked and the child shook his head.

"My head hurts. I don't like it."He said making the tall male rub his head.

"It's okay Shouyou. Everything will be okay. We are here so don't worry."Tsukishima mumbled as Hinata groans again from the pain.

Seno walked by and looked at Hinata. "Are you alright Sho? Does your head hurt?"

"My eyes and head hurt."He said and the male hummed then looked at Tsukishima.

"Why don't you stay here since your not busy?"He nodded and Hinata started to fall asleep.

Tsukishima handed the sleeping child to Seno who smiled holding him. He sat down and watch the others practice. He looked at Hinata who slept peacefully. He kissed his forehead and held his beautiful child that he called his.

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